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Does Firefox mess up anything? Thanks! - tootsie

Posted: Jul 26, 2014

Was just wondering if it interfered with any programs.

I was told I need to use IE for Fluency - nm

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That is odd. My TL told me she uses Firefox - and has no probs with it. nm

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Fluency is not web based. It is a stand alone program. - Firefox ok

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Firefox usually works for the MM web sites. It won't mess anything up as far as working goes. Although, I don't think the web search feature (Ctl 1, 2, 3 or 4) will work with Firefox. You'll just have to give that a try.

Definitely not - sm

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In fact, Internet Explorer was causing problems with the Fluency Manager a while back causing a memory leak. At the time, they recommended either Firefox or Chrome. In the techie world, IE is considered bottom of the barrel and should be avoided.

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