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Who can I contact above my supervisor? - RADMT2

Posted: Jan 18, 2013

Who can I contact above my supervisor? I cannot get any kind of response from her about anything. Overnight, my work load dropped by more than half. Literally, overnight.

Who can I contact above my supervisor? - kittykat

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A couple of years ago I called help desk and they were able to tell me. I know mine, I am in the North region RAD, if you will e-mail me I will tell you. You can also call the corporate office and ask for human resources (I think) and they should be able to tell you. they do not make this easy.


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Do you have international calling?
Dial 011 + 91 + 11 + 12345678!
It's sad, isn't it? They call it "follow the sun" ...the "system" never sleeps. :(

Good luck - no response either

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I just looked on an old backlog email I had and the QC had listed the name. However, the only response I got back to contact my CCM first. Hello. If I could get a hold of my CCM I would not be contacting her supervisor now would I? Does anyone in this company do their job or accept any sort of personal responsibility?

CCM response, try escalating per MM protocol - maybe..

[ In Reply To ..]
im a rad MT and every week is super different. if nobody is off or sick the work seems to flow pretty quickly but otherwise i'm fairly certain i could get at least 30 hours for sure. if u need the extra 10, that UE thing seems like a good idea.
Regarding the no response, ESCALATE those emails ASAP. Im fortunate and if i ask a serious question to my CCM she does respond in a timely fashion. I just realized on ULtiPro my pay rates are so different than what was told. Now let's see if they respond! haha

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