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Can you take an unpaid hiatus of 1-3 months? - xx

Posted: Jul 09, 2014

Does anyone know if you can take a hiatus of 1-3 months, without pay of course, and still have your job? Not related to FMLA or anything like that, I just need a flippin break, but I don't want to actually quit.

I'm thinking..... - TrampledUnderfoot

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My thought is "no". I can't imagine they would let you just take an unpaid leave. Especially during the summer months. Although if you ask and they allow you to do it, let us know. I'd LOVE to take off a few months myself. After 33 years of this, I am seriously burnt out.

You could always lie and make up some excuse - sm

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When I had my back surgery, I wasnt working with this company, simply told them I would be out for a month..they never asked for documentation.

Why not just quit? If you leave with notice, on good terms, - you are eligible for rehire. nm

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Yes, but probably not at your current rate of pay. nm - Something to think about.

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HIATUS - Nature

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I asked for 3 hours for this last Saturday, NOT on the 4th, but the 5th. I was told no that I had to ask 60 days before. Something had come up that I didn't know was going to come up 60 days ago. I only have 1 FULL day a week off, and I needed to go somewhere right after work on Friday. I did not get to go.

Does your TSMs name - start with an M?

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If so, she used to do that to me ALL the time. So glad I got swapped

HIATUS - Nature

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No it does not start with a M. I like my TSM. I have only taken 3 hours off this year. I am part time, so I do not get paid. I cannot afford to take UPTO, so I do not take off. I am going to take off 12 hours at Christmas and the same New Years. That is a whole week for me. I am saving for it now. Not giving out as many gifts at that time either. I have got to have some time off, or I am going to go crazy. I also need something to look forward to.

Why 60 days? July 5th is not a holiday.....nm - sunflower

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Employee or IC? - As an IC I can.

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I have taken extended breaks before, usually about a month to a month and a half. I have never had a problem. However, I am an IC and have complete flexibility with my scheduling. I am also on an account with 10 other MTs and we cover for each other. As long as the account is covered, my account manager doesn't care who takes off when. If the account gets behind, she may hire more though, so there is always the chance we come back to less work if she had to hire more MTs to cover us being gone.

Are you familiar with MM? They only have employees. - What an IC would do is mute point. nm

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No hiatus for tortured souls - cr

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A couple of years ago I asked if I could take a month off to move, and was told I was only allowed 2 weeks at most. Things may be different now though. I had to quit, then get rehired later. Since the pay never changes, it was the same when I was rehired.

you would really only find out at the end of your hiatus - sm

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Unfortunately, no matter what they say they will allow you to do, at the end of the period, they don't have to allow you to return to work. If the don't allow you to return, you can file for unemployment. Just remember that the 3 months of no income will affect your unemployment benefit (if one is granted).

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