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Okay, another question on the unpaid time off - Do you

Posted: Dec 03, 2013

have to exhaust your PTO before you can use it? I can see my TSM saying that is only after PTO runs out. TIA. This doesn't really answer my question:

Q.  How much time off without pay can I take per year?

A.  M*Modal is providing five additional days off to use as unpaid excused absences. All HDS/SHDA will have the ability to take up to 13 unpaid days off each year.  These absences can be used for sickness, family emergencies, vacations or other activities. However, all unpaid leaves require pre-approval from your manager. If you are unable to get pre-approval due to sickness, a doctor's note irequired foany absence three days omordue to sickness.

No, according to MModal Intranet - JustMe

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Go to Departments, Human Resources, Policies. In the bottom right-hand corner, click on Excused Absence.

In the 3rd paragraph of page 2, it states: It is not necessary to exhaust all PTO, before requesting use of an excused absence.

Sweet! - Thanks for taking time

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to look it up and answer!!!

You're welcome - JustMe

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You're welcome! It didn't take me long at all to find it as I was just looking at it myself the other day. I don't see anywhere that it says we have to take the 13 days in whole days. I wish they would address that on there.

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