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Just screwed up a report - Big Time

Posted: Jun 10, 2013

It's gonna be a major or critical error for sure, so I am probably on my way out. It is an account that is 100% audited. In a way, it will be a relief if it happens. It will force me to look for something else.  Just makes me kinda sick to my stomach thinking about it, though.

If you know it happened - Dinosaur

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can you call your TSM and ask her to stop the report and reassign it to you, so you can fix the error?

No, wish I could! - It has already gone to QA

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and she fixed it, but showed me the error in QASAR or whatever it is called now. At least it didn't get to the client! Thanks for the thought, though!

I just QAd a report that had an oopsie in it - sm

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Maybe it was you. An accidental split? If an MME got it and fixed it, you have nothing to worry about. What an MME leaves doesn't count against you and is just feedback. As long as it wasn't audited by the QC like that or went to the client you are okay. We all make mistakes.

I have emailed mine - and had them fix things

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I've done that a few times in the past and my QC has fixed it and I never heard another word about it.

If it was any other account but this one, I - could probably do that.

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This one gets double audits, the final one by the QC and she scores every one of them and sends copies to TSM. Maybe I will get 2 weeks to improve. It's my own fault for not proofing better. I usually do.

oh well shake it off - maybe nothing will happen

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I've spent countless hours worrying about things that never happened.
Yeah, thanks - I am a chronic worrier
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but hopefully you're right :)

I know it is easier said than done - Dinosaur

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but try not to worry. The fact that you are on an account that double audits says a lot about your skill. Based just on your concern of the error, I would assume that you do not make many mistakes. With that in mind, I am sure they will choose to value your skills. Mistakes happen, if they really wanted to look for consistent critical errors, they need look no further than unedited ASR!

Sorry, not proof read.
Thanks, Dinosaur - :) (nm)
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