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Another confusing fill-in by MME..........hematocrit of 340??? - Kiki

Posted: Oct 21, 2009

Someone please set me straight if I'm wrong, but it is even possible for a child (or anyone) in any case to have a hematocrit of 340? 

A dictator said:  "hemoglobin 15, hematocrit 340"  It really sounded like he said 340 but that didn't sound right to me, so I left a marker.  But it was filled in with 340.  I could have done THAT.   I guess I could be wrong--but in my 10 years as an MT the hematocrit is always just about 3 times the hemoglobin (which is why it didn't sound right even though the dictator said it).......


Go big! - meetoo

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That is absolutely wrong.

Heres mine:
Pulse ox 500%.

I thought it stopped at 100% but what do I know. Maybe that 500% was how many ESLs I did yesterday?????

hematocrit - report it

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I would definitely report this to your supervisor and/or QA supervisor. This needs to be checked out. I had one where the blood pressure number on the bottom was bigger than the top number and QA filled it in too. Would you believe that my supervisor CALLED ME before I had the opportunity to report it, and he was wondering why I would actually have been so stupid? He also told me that the QA supervisor called him first. Turns out they thought I wa the QA person that entered it; as I was QA once at that company and they had not changed my information. It took me forever to explain to them I was not a QA.

So it needs to be reported, whether or not that is what the doctor said, it should NOT have gone to the client that way.

Did you leave a QA note stating there was - sm

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a discrepancy like we're required to do? If you did & they put that anyway, then I'd report it.

We were told anytime the doctor says something incorrectly or there's a discrepancy of any kind to where the QA could 'hear' what he's saying & fill the blank, we are to leave a note pointing it out to avoid that happening accidentally because they have to go through them so fast. (So much for 'quality'.....)

huh? - speed demon

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We also have to go through them fast and can pick out that a hemoglobin of 340 is NOT correct. Why would an EXPERIENCED MME need a note stating that? Isn't it obvious?

If they need a note to let them know, I should also get a note to let me know before I type it that there is a discrepancy.


Do whatever you want, but that's the rule. - nm

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where can I get a list of these rules? - golden rule
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I agree with other poster. I am also paid on production and have to work fast. It should me MMEs job to pick out gross errors.

I never received a list of MT rules, so if you could please post these or direct me to the MQ site to find them.
You weren't trained? I don't care - sm
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how you handle it. During training, we were told we HAVE to leave a QA note anytime there's a situation like this to avoid an accidental mistake, which would come back on both the QA and the MT as well, so I leave a note like I was instructed. If you don't want to take the 3 seconds to avoid a possible mistake, then more power to you... whatever. I do for patient safety as well as to cover my own butt.
We were told to QUIT leaving notes - Foz
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It used to be that we had to leave notes saying 'discrepancy' or whatever the issue was, but the other day we got an e-mail telling us not to leave any notes at all, other than just inserting a QA marker.
I can't keep up with the changes here. One day, do this; next day, do that. It's almost comical.
Wonder if that's a client preference? - nm
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QA Notes - Oldie
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Not sure what the client has to do with this--the MME deletes the note anyway. If there's a separate rule for the MME to let the client know, that's a different story.

I left MQ several months ago. At the time, I was a QAS. We bounce to the Markers so fast you can't believe it, and we were always told that the MT is to leave us a brief note about discrepancies. The only notes I didn't want were poor sound quality notes(QA already knows that when we listen and will notify the client if need be), a book explaining how long you researched before leaving the blank (we trust you), and the worst of the worst, sounds-like notes. In fact, most Client Profiles say to use note only for certain things, so that should be followed. Anything else is not helpful to QA, you know, now MME.

I'm sorry to see that rules have changed about the discrepancy issue. That's a sad state of affairs. The hemoglobin one is pretty obvious--I always tried to read a word or two before and after the Marker, but many are not obvious to the MME--it's not like they full QA the report. Most discrepancies can't be picked up by the MME--like if dictator says left at the top, right at the bottom and there's a QA Marker at the bottom--we're just going to fill in right and send it on if there's no note from the MT.

However, that is MQs problem. They make the silly rules.

Whether note is left that it is a discrepancy or not, - ht

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any EXPERIENCED person would know that is not correct, I don't care how fast they need to go through reports. There is no excuse for that unless it is an untrained person who knows absolutely nothing about lab values, etc.

Yea, what she said . . . - nm

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Definitely turn this one in. - NM

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fill-in by MME - perplexed

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I got a fill-in a couple of days ago on psyche report with poor sound and mumbling resident.

Risk of ____________. Filled in by MME as risk of elopment (spelled wrong).
I feel like "elopping".

did you leave a note telling MME to spell correctly? - nm

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Was that an attempt at being funny? - nm

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MME fill-in - perplexed

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I did NOT leave note to MME because I was not aware we could communicate directly with MME. I would appreciate knowing how to do that if it is possible. I thought I would have to leave it with CCM (or whatever she's called), and I didn't think it would serve any useful purpose.

As for "always complaining," the MME's job is to correct our work and try to fill in blanks, and it is true that she filled in something I could not understand; I applaud her for that, BUT I would assume that, if she is correcting my work, she should be able to spell at least better than I can.

You people kill me, complaining about everything. - sm

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This poster couldn't get anything at all out of it, and the QA figured out the word but accidentally left the 'e' off. That's a lot closer than the original MT got, LOL. All the time wasted complaining and tattling! Imagine if the QAs or MMEs sent an email to the CCM every time they found an error...

you lost me - CAMT

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Why would MME send an e-mail to CCM for errors? Don't they just correct the errors?

Also, I do not think the OPs were complaining about a vowel being left off, it sounds like gross errors that could affect patient care and should be reported.

I don't see anything wrong with that, just my opinion though.

MME mistake - MMEs are human

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I know it's frustrating to see an error filled in on one of your reports, but it seems like that is something to take up with your CCM and not to bash the MME for it publicly. MMEs make mistakes too. I can imagine if the MMEs came on this board and talked about all the mistakes that the MTs make (and believe me, there a lot that you would really scratch your head over), you would have a problem with it. Yes it is the job of the MME to correct what the MTs do. If you need to vent, scream a few times and move on, but at least be the professional that you were hired to be.

re MMEs are human - anon

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Are you an MME or management? I used to be a professional but MQ has taken that away from us.

Amen to that! - sm

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It's very unprofessional to find a single mistake & post it on a message board rather than taking the proper steps and reporting to your supervisor. These same MTs would have a fit if it happened the other way around.

I agree, everyone makes mistakes; however filling - sm

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in the hematocrit with that number is not a mistake, it is a blatant error and an inexperienced person makes that error--it does not even make sense.

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