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Have any of you had to fill out an I-9 - employment verification form

Posted: Oct 30, 2014

in order to be hired.  I tried to do this, taking it to a notary, who refused to sign it, saying they "don't do that."  So now I may not be able to get the job because the company requires this.  What have any of you done?  I went to a notary at AAA...maybe I should try a different one?  Ugh.....

No problem - see message

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My local bank where I have an account did this for me, no charge. I think I needed a photo ID and social security card, too. Just look for a notary until you find one. I think the UPS place has notary. Also, local community action or schools usually have notaries.

UPS notary and AAA notary refused to do it.... - the problem wasnt finding

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a notary, it's finding one who will do it. It's very confusing for them apparently.....
But I like the idea of using my bank. I do have a credit union--I'll try them tomorrow. Thanks for the idea!

If your HR dept didn't provide a sample I9, I think there is one online SM - anonagain

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there is one online that shows where they need to fill in the information. My credit union had no problem after I showed them the sample form. I have done this several times over the past couple of years as I changed jobs. Some tellers are used to them and some not. Good luck!

Please read... This should help. - Cluny

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I live in California and had to go through with this 3 yrs ago. It was a bit of a nightmare because none of the notaries would explain why they wouldn't process it, just that they couldn't or weren't allowed to. I ended up at one of those We The People offices run by legal assistants and finally a solution.

The following pertains to California but I bet you can find something similar in your state. The notary had me fill out a California All-Purpose Certificate of Acknowledgement for each of the 2 forms of ID requested. I called Nuance HR before doing this and they confirmed that that would be acceptable in lieu of the I-9.

Here's my beef. HR knows that many of us are going to have this difficulty. Why not tell us of this alternative in advance??
To Cluny...... - Please read....
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I am in CA too. And this is for Nuance. It IS a nightmare. And one of the notaries did give me one of the All-Purpose forms, faxed it to HR, and the HR woman told me it wasn't good enough--that they needed page 8 section 2 filled out. The HR person acted like she was surprised I was having so much trouble finding a notary to do this and that it was MANDATORY to have on file.

I don't know why you were told it was acceptable and now they are saying it's not. I guess this is only a hint as to what's to come with this company.....I guess I should have known. But I'm desperate, need a job, and now they will NOT hire me unless I get that I-9 filled out.

I found a mobile company called n3notary that specializes in doing I-9s but they charge 85 bux. Just great. What do you think the chances are they Nuance will pay that for me....LOL! Slim to absolutely NOT.

Well, thanks for your reply....I guess all I can do is call HR again tomorrow.

That's confusing... - Mary

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I was a notary a long time ago, and the only thing we had to notarize (at least back then), was that a person's signature was truly theirs. In other words, we had them sign whatever document it was right in front of us, then notarized the signature. We didn' have anything to do with the document itself. I wonder if that has changed.
The reason the notary at my CU wouldn't - sign
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was because there was no place for her to sign as a notary. The signature line was labeled "employer or other responsible party" and she did not want to sign there as she was not the employer and did not feel like she wanted to be the responsible party. She signed next to my name and labeled herself as notary and Nuance would not accept it. They said the notary needed to sign on the line for employer or responsible party and three different notaries I went to would not do it. It was such a hassle to get anyone to sign the thing. I finally had to pay a private notary to do it.
What I ended up doing..... - I just had a friend
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act as my "representative" as suggested by HR at Nuance. This is after I schlepped around looking for a notary who would sign it and not succeeding. I have a feeling HR will still tell me it's not acceptable. If they wanted, Nuance could make it easier on new hires by using an I-9 service but they don't want to have to pay for this--they want to put it all on the new hires.
I thought the same thing, Mary - sm
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I thought a notary guaranteed that the signator was the person in front of them, who provided at least a picture ID. The content/accuracy/intent of the document wasn't his/her concern, only the validity of the signature. That's why you wait to sign the document until the notary could watch you. I've been required to provide an I-9 for jobs for years now and never had a problem. My bank did it for free (and even though they know me by face and name, they still required my driver's license).

try your bank or public library. I used my credit union and it was free. NM - anon

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I9 Form - anon

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I just went through this same thing last week, I live in CA and here it's considered an immigration form and no notary will do it. I was told to contact an immigration consultant. After contacting several immigration consultants who didn't know what I was talking about I contacted my employer and they said I could have someone who wasn't related to me sign it. 

I9 in CA - anon

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I went through this too, and my notary actually called the statewide person/office, who told her that if she notarized an I9 she would no longer be allowed to be a notary!! So of course they won't! Like the person above, we found a round about solution, acceptable to Nuance. She notarized that she had seen my forms of identification (DL and SS). Yes, HR at Nuance knows how horrible this can be. I spent close to a week and was about to give up and quit the job (wish I had now!!)

I had that problem - Two places here

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in Florida, one was UPS, which you said would not do for you, the other was a Pac-N-Send. Good Luck.

I-9's have been required since 1986 - Remote employees

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Most people are hired through a local office and the HR department completes this. The last in-office job I had, the HR person was a notary and so I never really was aware that this was being done.

When I started working as a remote employee is when I because aware because we had to be our own surrogate HR and find a notary. Notaries are not familiar either, but my bank was happy to perform the duty free of charge.

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