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Window color in ES9 - MT

Posted: Jun 14, 2015

Does anyone know how to change the window color from the blaring white in Word for ES9 so that it will work?  Each time I have changed it, ES9 messes up.  Hard to believe in the technology they have this can't be done. Was hoping when I upgraded from XP last year this would have been the fix, but apparently not. Thank you

Window color - in Enterprise

[ In Reply To ..]
For blue background with black text:
Start with color scheme: Blue
Text color for red green and blue - 0, 0, 0
Background color for red 224, green 255, blue 255

For green background with black text:
Start with color scheme: Blue
Text color for red green and blue 0, 0. 0
Background color for red 200, green 255, blue 200
Make sure you save it.
These are the two I use mostly but you can play around with the numbers for your own preference.

In the report I change the font to Ariel to make the text darker and the size to 4 to make it larger. This is much easier on my eyes. Changing this will not affect the report when you hit F9

Window Color - MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you for taking the time to reply, but that will not work for me as I am not on Enterprise, I am on ES9 (EditScript 9).

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