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My theory on all of this - MOT and with no bonus offerings

Posted: Jun 13, 2015

Is that they are transitioning to something else.  Be it sending all or most of the work to India or transitoning to front end SR very soon.  When a company is constantly behind yet will not hire more help, something is up. 

Theory on MOT - MTME

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Perhaps, no one is applying or so many are quitting, they can't keep up with everything. This company gets exactly what it deserves.

I don't wish that anyone be put out of a job, but this company is scum and needs to be brought to its knees. Of course, you know the higher ups have their bases covered and could care less about the MTs.

I totally agree with your assessment. Too many quitting, not enough applicants. - dnr

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I plan to jump ship ASAP, and know a lot of people have.

Word gets around about this company (and the other horrid company), plus many are checking out the state of the industry before training and deciding to do something else.

too many quitting - naturegal

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I make sure if anyone has an interest in transcription I tell them not to even consider it because of the outsourcing. A lot of times when someone hears that you work from home they think it is so wonderful and want to check into it. I let them know immediately that the money is not what it used to be, cut by 50% or more and that the profession receives no respect like it once did. Agencies have ruined it along with the government's decisions on businesses overseas. I especially tell anyone to stay away from schools touting the high salaries for transcription. All they're going to do is take the student's money and then it's too late when they try to get a job that they think is going to pay what they were told they'd supposedly get. It's all about money and no one cares who gets hurt.

My theory is and I was told this by a doctor - and

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and an administrator of a hospital I used to transcribe for. Is that MT is almost a dead job. The hospital ERs I used to transcribe for have gone to scribes. My new GP doctor told me pretty much the same thing and that the work is being done in house at the time of your visit, which I can absolutely attest to, every single one of my doctors (and I have a lot) sits there and enters my information as I am talking to them, of course, after the nurse comes in first, opens my chart and updates everything at every visit. I tend to agree with the OP on this one, we are on the way out. Transcription used to be a luxury that the doctors can no longer afford, so, they are handling it themselves with office staff that is now multi-trained.
And your surgeon does his report while he is - cutting into you, no doubt.
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Of course the easy stuff is going away. The really difficult stuff will always be here.

They're hiring - sm

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as we have new employees in our group on the graveyard shift. Just sayin....

Hiring - Perhaps they are, but

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How long will they last? How many are experienced? I doubt that any MT that has experience and is good, wouldn't even consider working for M*M. Their reputation is very well known out there, especially with FB, etc.

Also, how many are quitting to the hiring ratio and I bet what they are getting is not as good as are leaving and with the horrible pay, QA, etc., time is going to prove all of this out. Even if these MTs are willing to work for minimum wage, the good ones are gone or going and that included myself. Experienced MT, who always did a good job, until M*Modal took over Medquist and Medquist wasn't all that great by then either. When I started yes, but after three years, it was horrible. To date, from what I read, it has only gotten worse and I didn't think that was possible.

Like the other post stated, this company is scum and they continue to prove it!

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