A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Font color/background - Badeyes

Posted: Mar 30, 2012

Morning....I have been having a lot of trouble finding a background/font color that does not strain my eyes.  Does anyone have one they love and would not mind sharing?  Thank you much!

i use light gray background and black letters - love it

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No glare at all.

what happens if you get a few crappy dictations - in a row and do not hit the

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250? Or maybe even just flat out have a bad day?

this post landed in the wrong section - - sorry about that.

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Believe it or not, a soft dusty pink for the page, and a - very, very soft yellow for the

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border areas. Chose it by accident a long time ago, not my colors or combo by any means, but very easy on the eyes and ended up liking it a lot.

How do you change it? - sm

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How do you pick a background color and font that only you can see?

If it's E5, go to setup after you first log in. - nm

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