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what would you do, pay decreased when company changed hands - not happy

Posted: Mar 30, 2012

I was working for a company that got bought out by another company and the client I was typing for was paying 12 cents a line, now the new company will only give me 7.5 cents a line for the same client.  This client is ESL and very hard to learn and his files are always 10+ minutes each.  They told me I would eventually get 10 cents for him, but that was almost 6 months ago and still only get 7.5.  I have asked for a raise to at least 8 cents and they denied me.  What would you do??

Did you get that in writing? - n/m

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i got.. - not happy

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i have an email stating that from the former company that i would get that when it changed hands.

the former owner cannot guarantee that the - new owner will

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do nor not do anything. It's like buying a car. You buy it and drive it out of the show room and wreck it, it's your car and the dealer has nothing to do with that. Were it me, I would call and talk to the owner and have a frank discussion, not confrontational, but more heart-to-heart. Really, though, once someone's pay goes down, it is a sign they are willing to accept it...so why should the company bump you back up.

I'm a little confused, though, because first you say it is the same client but learning the ESL dictator was hard after your pay went down? Maybe I read that part wrong.

What would you do?? - sm

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I'd quit. We teach people how to treat us and if you accept, as you have, and continue to accept, as you do, being paid 7.5cpl then you've already told them, "HEY, I'LL WORK FOR 7.5 CPL" Why would they even consider paying you more?

Consider your options - Kathleen

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There are two things you can do, and it really all depends on how much of a hit your wallet can stand.

One option would be to start actively searching for another position and testing for it. Secure it, work it for a while, and then submit your resignation, citing your reasons. Mind you, you would likely be hired elsewhere for either the same money or even less money, and there will be a noticeable drop in income while you learn new dictators. Keep in mind that no matter how hard this ESL is, the likelihood of this company coming begging to have you back is nil. Plus, you'd be starting over from scratch with new dictators better than or worse than the present one.

The other option is to stay put. You've probably already conquered this ESL and have most of his stuff in your expander, making it fairly smooth sailing.

What you choose to do depends entirely on how much of a hit your wallet can take. If it really doesn't matter, quit immediately. If finances are choked up, then I'd give it serious thought before jumping ship. The market is bottoming out.

I wish you success no matter which way you choose to go.

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