A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

ok this is really a rant and it's long - tiredoftheBS

Posted: Mar 15, 2012


I started to call this "The Demise of the Medical Transcription Industry," but that would have been inaccurate.  The industry itself is thriving.  Actually, transcription companies in all probability show the highest profit margin of any healthcare-related industry in the United States.  In fact, I would swear to it. 

I have done some research and I came across several interesting articles.  This paragraph is an excerpt from an article about HCA Holdings.  Their profit margin for the last quarter of 2011 was $1.9 billion.  It is a staggering amount, but not really so much when you break it down. 

"HCA Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides health care services in the United States. The company owns, manages, or operates hospitals, freestanding surgery centers, diagnostic and imaging centers, radiation and oncology therapy centers, rehabilitation and physical therapy centers, and various other facilities. Its general acute care hospitals provide medical and surgical services, including inpatient care, intensive care, cardiac care, diagnostic services, and emergency services, as well as outpatient services comprising outpatient surgery, laboratory, radiology, respiratory therapy, cardiology, and physical therapy; and psychiatric hospitals offer therapeutic programs, such as child, adolescent, and adult psychiatric care, as well as adult and adolescent alcohol and drug abuse treatment and counseling. As of December 31, 2011, it operated 163 hospitals, including 157 general acute care hospitals with 40,988 licensed beds, 5 psychiatric hospitals with 506 licensed beds, and 1 rehabilitation hospital, as well as 108 freestanding surgery centers in 20 states and England. HCA Holdings, Inc. was founded in 1968 and is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee."

So the generation of $1.9 billion in profit is split between 227 different facilities.  Obviously, the large hospitals would be taking in a lot more than the small outpatient surgery centers, but still, for the sake of the numbers, it is split 227 ways.  That calculates to $8.37 million per facility.  Quite a paltry amount once you read the next excerpt.  Transcend Services is a transcription company, although this information was in an article about their 2009 profits, and it is a bit of a moot point now because they have recently sold out to Nuance.  I will get to Nuance later, but for now, let's just look at this one single transcription company's profits.

"Transcend Services Inc.’s net income was up 3 percent in the first quarter, following charges related to a bid to acquire a competitor.

The Atlanta-based provider of medical transcription services (NASDAQ: TRCR) had net income of $1.63 million and earnings of 15 a share, compared with net income of $1.58 million and earnings of 18 cents a share in the first quarter of 2009.

Revenue for the first quarter of 2010 increased 49 percent to $22.2 million."

Now you could argue with me on this one, because $8.37 million is quite a bit more than $1.58 million.  However, you must take several things into account before I will call it a good argument.  Let's just say the $8.37 million is for an average-sized, 300-bed hospital.  Obviously, a 650-bed hospital would make more, while a small outpatient surgery center would make much less, so I just picked a number in the middle.  At one time, I worked for a 650-bed hospital.  It was an 8-story building with a separate (attached by a crosswalk) emergency room.  There had to be a minimum of 5000 employees when you consider everyone from ancillary services including lab work, x-ray technicians, and all the way down to maintenance, housekeeping, cafeteria, and so on and so on.  It is a 7-day, 24-hour operation, and except for things like surgery, unless emergency surgery, most hospitals do not run on an 8-hour day.  Considering the cost of paying employees 24 hours a day plus the cost of electricity, etc., it is a very high number, so to make $8 million, probably at least four times that amount must be taken in.  This is a guess for me because I am not a math person, but let's just put that in as an estimate. 

So let's go back to the amount that Transcend Services brought in in one quarter.  That is the $1.63 million in the first quarter of 2010.  If the average hospital needed to make $8 million in one quarter to make a profit and pay all of its employees' salaries, benefits, and overhead for the hospital, there is no way their profit margin could have been equal to Transcend's $1.63 million profit.  So where did all of this money go?  Let's just say it was NOT put into Transcend's employees' salaries, benefits, or overhead.  It went into the hands of the company owners while they were continuing to hire more transcriptionists for less money than an average transcriptionist was paid over 10 years ago.  I have not personally worked for this company, but since they are all the same, I know where the money did not go. 

I think this advertisement will illustrate it much more clearly than anything I could say.  I just Googled "medical transcription companies for sale in Tennessee," and this is what came up.

Medical Transcription Company - $300,000 Profit
Location: United States -> Tennessee
Industry: Health and Medical > Other Health and Medical

Business Summary

Well established medical transcription company with long-term established client base. State-of-the-art software technology. Owners to stay involved in a commission-based sales capacity after the sale.


Asking Price Range:  $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues:   $1,200,000
Cash Flow:   $300,000
Cash Flow Type:  EBITDA
Seller Financing:  Yes

About The Business

Year Established:  1999
Number of Employees:  10 - 19
Relocatable:  Not Disclosed
Franchise:  Not Disclosed
Current Real Estate:  Leased

Here are the key points.  I do not really have to mention the asking price or gross revenues or cash flow, do I?  The point I want you to concentrate on is the "number of employees."  It says 10-19.  WHAT?  Very funny.  That is NOT the number of transcriptionists they have working for them.  That is the number of employees they have working in their ACTUAL OFFICE.  These include the CEO, CFO, COO, HR Coordinator, Payroll Director, computer techs, and the staff who answer the phones to help a client in need.  That is how much overhead they have to pay which is just enough to cover the skeleton staff they have in their actual office.  The transcriptionists pay for their own computers, internet service, library of reference books (I prefer Stedman's), desks, printers, and literally anything else necessary to have a "home office."  They are not free.

Now I can get to the point of all of this.  I have a link to an article that I got this information from.  I did not send the link because most people will not open a link from a blind e-mail, but would be happy to provide it to you.  While all of the transcription company owners are making a fortune, this is what has happened to the transcriptionists' salaries.  These were the only 4 jobs in the comparison.

Position                1998                           2009                                        % Change
HIM Director       39394                           67500                             71.35%
Coder                 27609                            42500                          53.94%                       Cancer Registrar   29357                         42500                              44.77%
MT                    26556                         27500                                3.55%


The transcriptionist became devalued as a result of many things, one in particular being those stupid study-at-home courses to "become a medical transcriptionist, work at home, make $40,000 a year."  I do not see a $40,000 salary listed above, but I can tell you there was a time that I made that and much more.  It was in between the 1998 and 2009 listed above.  We do a hard job.  We have to know all of the medical terminology for every specialty.  We have to listen to dictators who do not speak English and try to figure what medical English word could the dictator possibly be trying to say.  We do not get an hourly pay.  We work by how much we produce, and we must maintain a 98% quality score on any random audit done on our work at all times OR THEY WILL CUT OUR PAY.  Sometimes there is no work during our shift, through no fault of our own, and we have to make up the hours during our off time.  If we fall short, THEY WILL TAKE AWAY OUR INSURANCE.  I am required to punch into a time clock and then sign onto our transcription software.  The software is now so sophisticated that IT KNOWS if I am typing!  I must be typing at all times that I am punched in with a 10% allowable variance.  This means that in an 8Ă¢€‘hour day, there are 480 minutes, and I am allowed to be not typing for 48 minutes of the 480 minutes.  This means I must type 54 minutes of every hour.  I am no longer a transcriptionist.  I am Chinese Slave Labor.

So once again, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?


One day, someone came up with the bright idea that we should send OUR medical records to be transcribed by people in another country, such as India!  Then, as if the owners were not rich enough, they could pay EVEN LESS money out!  Oh what a happy day this must have been!  Maybe I can move to India and get my job back! 

When this began, they began to cut our pay.  The transcription companies all looked at what each other was paying, and suddenly this became the "standard rate."  There was no increase for experience.  Everyone is paid the same, and if you do not think that is fair, they will give you some trite statement like "you should make more than someone with less experience because you should be faster."  I have been doing this for over 20 years and I only have one speed, and it is fast, but I still only have the one set of hands and one keyboard.  Make me an octopus and I will give you more work.

Over the last 5 years, I lost my house to foreclosure, filed bankruptcy, moved to a 2-bedroom apartment (so I could have an office), moved to a cheaper 2-bedroom apartment, and now live in a 1-bedroom apartment.  Why do I still do this job?  Because I am almost 50 years old and have applied for every medical job ON EARTH, but apparently no one is in need of a washed-up transcriptionist.  In addition, I watch a website called MTstars.  On this website, you will find people complaining they cannot even make minimum wage.  The companies they work for have to pay them the difference between what they made and minimum wage, then they fire them because they could not make minimum wage, when 9 times out of 10, it is the company's fault for overhiring.  I have two problems with this.  One is that there is NO ONE who is transcribing medical records should be only making money for the owners of the company.  The second is that I DID NOT GET INTO THIS CAREER TO MAKE MINIMUM WAGE.  I did not give 20+ years of my life learning everything medically that I could so that I could make MINIMUM WAGE.  I can get a job in housekeeping at a hospital downtown and make more than that.  It is completely ridiculous.

Now here is my real problem.  I realize this is in part a result of NAFTA.  I know that everything I pick up in the store says Made In China.  I also know that if I call a credit card company, etc., chances are my call will not be answered in America.


In the United States, to be employed in any job associated with healthcare, we must all abide by the laws of HIPAA.  Citizens of other countries are not bound by American laws.  We made the laws for our PROTECTION, and if my personal information including all of the above is being sent to another country, I am not protected.

I consider this to be a gross breach of Homeland Security.  I will give you a scenario.  Imagine there is a person transcribing medical records in India.  Imagine it is a Discharge Summary and the patient happened to have died.  Imagine the person transcribing this report has contacts with terrorists.  Imagine he makes a phone call and gives a terrorist organization the deceased person's name, address, date of birth, and social security number.  Imagine they have a fake passport with all of the deceased person's information on it and they are on a plane to America before the deceased person's obituary is printed. 

Like I said, this is not about products being made in other countries.  I cannot stop that.  What I would like to do is get our medical information back in this country where it can be secure or at least there are laws to protect it. 

Oh yeah, and then maybe I could trade in my 14-year-old car for something like maybe 10 years old???

Nice attempt. - Analyst

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It's obvious that you put some time into compiling that, and for that I applaud you. However...

To address your last point first, I have never, ever seen a med rec that contained the patient's address and SSN.

But that is trivial compared with the major flaw in your presentation: You make way too many assumptions, just pulling formulas and parameters out of thin air. Why don't you do some more research and get REAL numbers, then come back with your comparison (hospital to MTS)? That would carry a lot more weight.

then apparently you never worked in a hospital - tired

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I had access to full information including addresses, next of kin, and yes SS numbers. and as far as your last point about not having any REAL numbers, I think the only number that you should have been looking at is that MTs are only making 3.55% in 11 years. if that's not a number, and I'll be happy to give you the link to the article that has that in it, I didn't write it but I did RESEARCH it, just let me know. The HCA information, the Transcend information, I didn't make that up. I copied it from articles I found on google and when I put it in Word, I put quotes around it, they just didn't pull in. So I didn't make that up. believe what you want and in 10 years you'll be me.

many MTs have 50% pay cuts - wheres_my_job

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they're making HALF AS MUCH with VR. Half.
I'm one of them - anon1
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Remember when they were telling us that even though it paid half of straight typing we would be able to make twice as much because the VR was so good. HAHAHA!

I have to clean up so much in the reports it is ridiculous. CRITICAL errors in the dozens for every report. I would get fired if my accuracy level was the equivalent of the machine.

Now I am just supposed to be happy I have a job making minimum wage and I don't even get the perk of 50% off a Big Mac on my lunch break.
LOL (you know what I mean) - wheres_my_job
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...I laugh WITH you, not AT you :)

Question: Isn't it false advertising to promise productivity gains that will never materialize? I think it is, and I think it's illegal.

Of course I have, which has ZERO to do with STATS. - Analyst

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How sad. Evidently your "tired" status has made you cranky and cmopletely devoid of objectivity.

Whether or not I have worked in a hospital is a moot point, since my feedback was regarding your lack of REAL numbers to make a tight case.

In fact, you KNOW you did this because you admitted it in your post (the "I'm not a math person" comment, even though collecting the missing info you confess to DOES NOT REQUIRE mathematical aptitude, merely thorough research). So now you are contradicting yourself, denying that you did it?

Since your memory apparently needs refreshing, here are some quotes from your post. To help you out, I have placed asterisks around the problematic wording/assumptions just in case you can't recognize them. (BTW, your failure to address the other glaring error in your post, the statement about SSNs and addresses being included in med reports, has not gone unnoticed by me.)

*Let's just say* the $8.37 million is for an average-sized, 300-bed hospital.

*I just picked a number* in the middle.

*There had to be* a minimum of 5000 employees

to make $8 million, *probably at least* four times that amount must be taken in.

*This is a guess for me* because I am not a math person, but *let's just put that in as an estimate.*

*Let's just say* it was NOT put into Transcend's employees' salaries, benefits, or overhead.

I have not personally worked for this company, *but since they are all the same, I know where the money did not go.* (now you are making a broad, SWEEPING ASSUMPTION)

In addition, you employed FLAWED LOGIC countless times, but I will focus on the last one since it is a WHOPPER:

"The point I want you to concentrate on is the "number of employees." It says 10-19. WHAT? Very funny. That is NOT the number of transcriptionists they have working for them. That is the number of employees they have working in their ACTUAL OFFICE. These include the CEO, CFO, COO, HR Coordinator, Payroll Director, computer techs, and the staff who answer the phones to help a client in need. That is how much overhead they have to pay which is just enough to cover the skeleton staff they have in their actual office. The transcriptionists pay for their own computers, internet service, library of reference books (I prefer Stedman's), desks, printers, and literally anything else necessary to have a "home office." They are not free."

Sounds like their MTs are ICs, which are *NOT* employees. ICs generally provide their own equipment; it is factored into doing business. For this -- or ANY -- company to include ICs in their employee totals would be fraudulent.

Before you jump my case again in your defensive posture, I should state for the record that I am in 100% agreement with you RE NAFTA, etc. I just wish you included more hard data in your presentation.

What is wrong with you? And where do you - work? sm
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I have all of that info in the reports I transcribe. Who doesn't? Maybe not always the address (however I often do, depending on the doctor, and often the phone number too), but ALWAYS the SSN.

Again, I cry, how do you not know this?

I've even had access to next-of-kins' SS numbers. - Scary world we live in.

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Profit margin - Anonymous

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The only expenses you took into account for hospitals were salaries and benefits for employees plus the electric bill, I can tells you there is a lot more than that. Equipment costs are one thing that come to mind immediately; consider the cost of a CT scanner or MRI. The numbers you quoted were profit before expenses, and those profits continue to go down because Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement is not good and getting worse all the time, many facilities perform charity care because so many people are uninsured. The hospitals you mentioned merged and fcrmed a corporation in order to stay in business. At least we still have jobs, many health care workers are not as lucky and have been laid off. SS numbers are in the EMR, but when my facility outsourced work, all they sent were the voice files and nothing except patient name, DOB and medical record number went outside of our system, I can't say how it is for everyone. If you think your social security number is compromised on the basis of your health record, you'd be shocked if you knew how easily accessible that was in general. As far as Transcend, it is what it is, but I gurantee those numbers are not pure profit for them either. We'd all like to be paid more, but good luck changing that.
Profit margin - an additional note - Anonymous
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I made the post regarding profit margin but I must admit I only scanned the original post. I gueess I was confused before but now I'm really confused.

My car is 18 years old and still runs great, I purchased it when it was brand new. I only drive around town to work and for errands and don't want a car payment. Times have changed; cars can last 200,000 miles and more if they are maintained, and I think that cars as a status symbol are a thing of the past. If you think having a newer car would make you happy, good for you.

The blurb about the terrorists is just paranoia, IMO, and singling out India sounds a bit prejudicial. They'd have to move awfully fast to travel that far before the obituary was printed. If the person in question is dead anyway, it really isn't going to make much difference as they won't be around to deal with the fallout.

You said that your concern was personal info being sent overseas, then quoted a bunch of numbers about salaries and profits, please make the connection between the two.

re: profit margin - tired
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1 - I am glad your car still runs great. With gas prices what they are and our incomes what they are, you'll need to keep it. I live in a large city and my errands are not all next door. The point was not that I WANT a newer car, it was that at some time in the future, unless what i am driving actually lasts FOREVER, I will need a newer car, and on this income it won't happen.

2 - your words "The blurb about the terrorists is just paranoia, IMO, and singling out India sounds a bit prejudicial. They'd have to move awfully fast to travel that far before the obituary was printed. If the person in question is dead anyway, it really isn't going to make much difference as they won't be around to deal with the fallout."

a - I live in America. I am not paranoid about terrorists but they do, in fact, exist.
b - I am not being prejudicial by "singling out" India. That is where our work is going, therefore the reference to India. If the work was going to Amsterdam, I would have said Amsterdam.
c - the last sentence, well I can't even wrap my brain around that one. the person would be dead anyway and wouldn't have to deal with it? WHAT? well you're right on that, but NOT the point. you're right, we should just let anybody have all the dead people's SS numbers and it's ok because they're dead and don't have to worry about it. HELLO, CAN YOU EVEN SEE THE BOAT?

3- the connection between the two. well our work is going to another country so they can pay us less, and at the same time gain access to personal information that I believe is a threat to our country's security. dots connected.

you know, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Maybe you haven't seen pt. personal info. in a med - rec, but I sure have. Tired is RIGHT.

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You have never, ever seen a record with an address and SSN? - Speechless

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Look on the left side of the record jacket. Or, maybe, just look on the edge where the number is.

Until recently, SSNs were one of the most common forms of numbering records. The largest healthcare provider in the country still uses them.

Addresses, names, phone numbers and all kinds of demographic and medical data are strewn throughout records.

VA records still use SS# - TGIF

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Years ago I (temporarily) lost my position with MedQuist due to training ladies from the prison system to replace the MTs on my VA account. It lasted about two weeks and then they had to give it up. The problem was VA patients are mostly elderly men, many death summaries, SS# is still the account number for VA patients. The prison ladies were calling their boyfriends and giving them the date of death, name and SS#. Somebody got wind of it and voila we had work again after a few weeks.

Fine analysis - anOldOldMT

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WOW! I applaud you for the research, time and effort you put into this. You've taken things a step further. You came to the same conclusion as I did, we are slave labor.

re: nice attempt - tiredMT

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I did my research, and all of my numbers were "real" numbers because I took them from actual articles I found on the internet. and no, not from Star Magazine. do your really think I made up a whole paragraph about HCA Holdings and just put in numbers for the fun of it? these ARE real numbers. yes, I had to make up scenarios about how this could be dangerous to us, but I based these on facts. I worked once in a hospital in a pretty small town and often had to type my friends' medical records. I was privy to all of their personal information as well as their medical information, and other friends were wanting to know "what I knew" (medically of course). I couldn't tell them. It was a hard place to be in. I wanted to say "all the tests are great and he will be fine," but I had to bite my tongue and tell them they would have to discuss it with them, I could lose my job.

You say you have been doing this 25+ years, then surely you have seen your salary rise and hit rock bottom. I am making an attempt to shed light on our industry so maybe things will change for us. why it makes you so angry is beyond me. I believe we are vital in patient care. I worked for a transcription company once that I actually transcribed for the hospital where all my docs worked. I had to be admitted and when I went back to work and saw a copy of my H&P, I was like "what the February??? who typed this and I want to hear the audio." There were things in that report about my PMH that I NEVER said to my doctor, so I don't know what they thought they heard, but they were wrong. From that point on, when I went to the ER or one time when I had to have surgery, I would have the doctor dictate the report while I was still there, give me the job number, call my boss and tell her to hold it for me, and go in and type it MYSELF so I knew it would be accurate. point being, I couldn't even trust the person next to me at work to get it right, so how can I trust workers in other countries? so it's bedtime for me, way past, but I will be happy to give you the links for the articles I "made up numbers" from. just let me know.

Getting it right - Anonymous

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In regard to your PMH, don't blame the MT, I am sure he/she transcribed what they heard in your PMH. If you are going to blame anyone, blame the doctor. I have known providers to dictate exams that they didn't do. I don't know if you realize it, but transcribing your own reports is a HIPAA violation. The doctor letting you have the job number for your report was a major mistake. Your boss should have known that and you should not have been permitted to do the transcription on yourself. We are permitted access to our records under HIPAA, but under the same rules as everyone else, by signing a release. Then, if you found errors, you would have a right to have them corrected by someone other than yourself.
re: getting it right - tired
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there was no violation as this was in the dinosaur days and WAY BEFORE HIPAA. and I did hear the report and the doctor did NOT say what was on my PMH. I typed my own OP reports too and like I said, this was way back when. I've never violated HIPAA rules, they just didn't happen to exist back then.
Way back when - Anonymous
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HIPAA or not, rules governing medical record confidentiality have always been in place. If what you describe in regard to being able to access your own info is true, it wasn't handled ethically by your doctor or your boss. What I don't understand is why an MT would but something in the history that wasn't dictated, that just does not make sense.

When you finally, truly do decide to leave the biz, a certain calm comes over you. - It is so nice NM

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praying for the day - tired

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if I only could. live alone and can't find a job. would leave tomorrow. it's either pay the rent or live in my car, so here I am.

Nice post - anon

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In-house you absolutely have access to all patient data including SS#s. Not sure why anyone would dispute that, unless they have never worked in a hospital.

Even working from home I have worked on accounts where the docs would dictate the SS#. So you are absolutley right about access to sensitive info being out there.

From a personal standpoint, I used to make 40K+ a year and am now closer to 26K. I struggle to get minimum lines and struggle not to get the minimum wage makup pay. Through the years my skills have improved, I can do pretty much any ESL you throw my way and yet I make less and less money each year.

Anyway, I appreciate your rant and I get where you are coming from. It's the way all corporations work. A very few bask in the wealth that is earned on the backs of the many.
Anon, yet another MT on this board who can't read. - Analyst
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Anon, you wrote:

In-house you absolutely have access to all patient data including SS#s. Not sure why anyone would dispute that, unless they have never worked in a hospital.

Even working from home I have worked on accounts where the docs would dictate the SS#. So you are absolutley right about access to sensitive info being out there."

Did you even read the OP? The point that she made -- actually it was a hypothetical scenario -- about SSNs and addresses being on the med report was wtih an MT IN INDIA TRANSCRIBING THE REPORT. Here is a cut and post from the OP:

"In the United States, to be employed in any job associated with healthcare, we must all abide by the laws of HIPAA. Citizens of other countries are not bound by American laws. We made the laws for our PROTECTION, and if my personal information including all of the above is being sent to another country, I am not protected.

I consider this to be a gross breach of Homeland Security. I will give you a scenario. Imagine there is a person transcribing medical records in India. Imagine it is a Discharge Summary and the patient happened to have died. Imagine the person transcribing this report has contacts with terrorists. Imagine he makes a phone call and gives a terrorist organization the deceased person's name, address, date of birth, and social security number."

How you could have missed all of that is beyond mystifying.
Wow, calm down - anon
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I did read it. Did you read mine?

Perhaps you missed the part where I said docs will actually dictate SS#s.

Am I to assume that is somehow blocked out of their dictation if it goes to India by some sort of magic?

I am slightly mystified about why you are so angry though. How on earth does anything she posted affect you to the point of apoplexy, whether through the use of some flawed logic or not.
LOL - Analyst
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You don't know me, can't see me, and can't haar my voice. Yet you thihk you know what kind of mood I'm in based on a forum post? You're either incredibly arrogant or not the brightest bulb in the box.

Yes, I read your post. I notice that you paraphrased everything rather than provide direct quotes, as I did. Spinning much?

One more time, here is a direct quote from the OP:

"I will give you a scenario. Imagine there is a person transcribing medical records in India. Imagine it is a Discharge Summary and the patient happened to have died. Imagine the person transcribing this report has contacts with terrorists. Imagine he makes a phone call and gives a terrorist organization the deceased person's name, address, date of birth, and social security number."

You claim to have had dictators dictate SSNs; in 25 years I never have. The REASON is because there is no field in the patient demographics (on the REPORT SCREEN, which is what we are using) for SSN. Fields are for Name, DOB, MRN, and Date of Service. If your system has included that info, great. Again, I have never seen a hospital have that info on a medical report. And I have NEVER seen a patient's mailing address on a hospital's medical report either.

But all that is beside the point because that is regarding what YOU wrote, not what the OP wrote. Perhaps the OP didn't flesh out her thought thoroughly. That wouldn't surprise me one iota since she employed flawed logic, gross generalizations, and assumptions throughout her post. And you thought it was a GREAT post, which speaks volumes about your intellect.
Ahh...now I see where you're coming from - limited experience
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Since you've never seen it, it can't be true. LOL! I'm here to tell you the SSN is on every single report I type. The doctors dictate it. Yes, that's right. And even if they don't dictate the SSN, it's on the report before I get it. They enter it on their end. Sorry to shake up your precarious little world.
Whoaaaa, Nellie. - Libra
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Okay, Analyst, you have just a few more yrs in that I do, but I've worked in-house and for an MTSO and I've seen it both ways, simply depending on the hospital's rules. In-house (for 2 hospitals), it did not print out on the reports, but I definitely had access to address, SS#, address/phone, NOK, insurance payor...Everything. From home for 2 MTSOs, I've had it both ways. Sometimes I see nothing but what you list, but depending on the hospital, I may see SS# and/or addresses, etc. I agree with the comment suggesting "just because YOU haven't seen it..."

I mean this w/ all due respect and I understand you questioning OP on the lack of actual facts, but geez...She posted at the top that it was just a vent and that it was lengthy. I've had people tell me that if I don't like a radio station or a TV show, whatever, that I always have the ability to turn it off.

Good weekend and Happy Saint Pat's Day to you.
just a side-bar, I have had workman's comp with the SSN used - for the claim number, not all, but about half.
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Yeah, we're still going to Occupy MTSOs - wheres_my_job
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She made her point, we understand her point, we've been living her point.

Occupy Your MTSO is on.
Oh yes, it is SO on! Occupy ALL MTSOs!! - And take them DOWN.
[ In Reply To ..]
My top MT wage was $47K/yr, now it's $18K. - WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!?
[ In Reply To ..]
It's absolutely insane, and it should be a FELONY for companies to ruin the lives (and especially future) of so many people.
The Death of Transcription - Golden Oldie
[ In Reply To ..]
I agree. I worked in hospitals my whole career. One of the big companies came in and we either chose to work for them or go on unemployment. Should have opted for unemployment. I made $59,000 last year, had great benefits, lots of vacation and paid holidays, 8 of them. I will probably make around $20,000 this year and have to pay for mediocre insurance, so I am not even going to make $20,000.
I agree with you. - MT2
[ In Reply To ..]
I lost my MT job last fall. Took the 1st one offered to me. I will be lucky to make $20,000 this year after making at least $35,000 per year, down from $40,000 prior to that. I'm moving soon and once I'm settled, I'm looking for something else. If I have to make crappy money, I might as well enjoy what I do.
I don't even like this job anymore. At least I used to like what I did. - VR_Do_Not_Want
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Tell me about it! - Punkin
[ In Reply To ..]
I am in a situation where I found out last week my prn was letting our whole department go and now next week we have a mandatory meeting at the hospital I work FT for. We all of course have a strong feeling it is to tell us we are being let go too. So, I am getting ready to be unemployed I guess.

that's the macro version... - wheres_my_job

[ In Reply To ..]
...now we just need the micro version, you know, all you employees out there, who feel they are getting ripped off...keep a notebook, write down what you are being asked to do, and why you are underpaid, it's not fair, it's not legal. You have no case if you have no data.


[ In Reply To ..]
This should be sent to all major newspapers and the White House. I esp like the part about personal info being sent to India. I want to renew my driver's license and I have to have several documents proving who I am but my medical info can be sent all over the fricken place.

I appreciate all replies, even Analyst - tiredoftheBS

[ In Reply To ..]
This was written with intentions to be sent to all newspapers, congressmen, White House, and to Dr. Nancy Snyderman, chief medical advisor to the NBC Nightly News. It needs some tweaking, however, because in the end, it did kind of turn into a "rant." So I have to polish it up a bit, but rest assured, it's going somewhere. I am happy to see that so many of my MT colleagues can see where I am coming from. to the girl who said something about corporate America getting wealthy on the backs of many, I can appreciate that I am just one of the "little people," but seriously, for many years I made a fine income and the big-wigs were getting their cut too. Now I'm a scrounger. do you know of any other industry in America where the more knowledge, skill, and experience you have, the less money you make?????? I'm not asking for the moon, just to get paid at a rate that matches my skill level. bye bye for now. typing one of my favorite ESLs who always dictates a "psychiatrical" section. yeah, that's a word........

Analyst is condescending - saw report

[ In Reply To ..]
Hi Tiredofthe BS,

I have seen the exact article you referred to in your original post. For Analyst to say you are pulling numbers from nowhere would be saying that article did not have accurate information or even exist, which would mean only Analyst would know what the actual or REAL statistics are, etc. Do not know why some people are so defensive about things without knowing whether they are real or not. That is not even touching on the complaints of the offshoring issue. I think the poster just likes to stir things up. Who knows. BUT I DEFINITELY SAW THAT ARTICLE with those exact figures that you used in your original post and I do not think you are the person who wrote that article. I think ADHI did, if I am not mistaken!

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Dec 14, 2010

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ASR Productivity Statistics Rant
Oct 25, 2011

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