A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
So, I got chewed out by QA because a doctor dictated a lab value INCORRECTLY! It was a genetic lab value, not your normal CMP, CBC or anything like that. He DICTATED the value and I TYPED the value. The dictator stated that this was a normal value. He was quite clear in his dictation and I typed what I heard.
QA got all over me and said that lab value was incorrect, and not normal, so regardless if he dictated it, I should have flagged it. I told her it wasn't a lab value I had heard of and his speaking was very clear, so I had no reason to think it was wrong. She told me that if I wasn't familiar with a lab value, it is MY JOB to look this up! I mean, for real? It is MY job to check behind the doctor to make sure that HE knows what he is doing, while all the while not getting paid a dime for my research time?
This industry has gotten crazy, to say the least!