A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Wow...Remembering Why I Don't Use This "Resource" - Madonah

Posted: Oct 30, 2012

Came on looking for just a little quick answer and remembered why I quit doing so last year.  I've never seen a bigger group of unhappy people altogether in one place, well, ever!  You should all be ashamed of yourselves, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet saying things in ways you wouldn't dare in person face-to-face, or at least I'm sure were taught was hugely inappropriate when addressing another human being with respect!  

We're supposed to be the older and wiser, a resource for any newbie coming in to our profession.  Instead, we sound like a bunch of bitter, angry old women with nothing better to do in our day but to tear each other down!  Shame on us!  Collectively!

I've not set this up to alert me via email to replies, so feel free to go on the attack here too...but if this post causes just one person  to 'bite their tongue' before making a snap response in a snide, judgemental, holier-than-thou, and bitter tone, then it was totally worth it.

Laughing ~Melissa

Stop your finger waggling. - RC

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It doesn't help anything, and it's annoying. Especially a drive-by finger waggling.

Agree. Madonah, you're the problem you're complaining about. - How about going out and coming back in again?sm

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This forum really needs more people who have something worthwhile to say.

misery loves company - OHMT

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I'm afraid I have to agree with the OP. So many people come on here complaining about their jobs, their bosses, lack of work, etc. I just love the ones who complain about QA giving them a hard time, and you see three or four typos on their post... and they wonder why they get dinged for errors?

I understand that sometimes people need to vent. We all have a bad day sometimes and since we all work at home we can feel isolated, like no one understands what we're going through.

But we need to support each other. It just kills me when someone actually posts something positive and everyone goes off on them. Why not be glad that someone is doing okay and use that as incentive for yourself? If someone else did it, then so can I!

I believe in being proactive rather than reactive. I had a crappy job with a crappy boss making crappy money. I didn't come on here and complain (that's what my husband is for!). Instead, every single day when I started to see No Jobs Available, I used that time to job hunt. It took me three months, but I did it. I found the perfect job for me and I'm loving it.

Your life is what YOU make it. You can wallow in misery, or you can do something about it. Just keep looking, keep trying until you find your perfect place. As my oh so wise mother used to say, or get off the pot!"

May all of you reading this find your perfect job!

"May all of you reading this find your perfect job!" - nickname

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That is so great :) Really a positive thing to write that made me smile and feel hopeful and positive. I am moving to a new area and actively seeking a new position, and this made me feel good. Thank you :)

Agreed! Thank you! - Madonah

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Thank you for posting a positive note! And congrats on the new job! And may I take this opportunity to say how much I love my MT position and the company for whom I work? DocuMed in New Jersey has been a fantastic place for me for almost 3 years now. **** and all the rest of the group couldn't be nicer, of more help, and a more fair work environment. LOVE my job. :)

Have a great day! :)

YAY TO THIS THREAD...sorry I missed it. Many thumbs up - to the OP - Agree whole heartedly!

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Suggestion - Madonah

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I was thinking about this today. A) I'm not one to complain without trying to pose a solution. B) I don't come to this site very often; came back yesterday in search of something specific and posted for the first time in months. C) which leads me to believe that maybe those of us who aren't unhappy, angry, or dissatisfied are doing the same thing and not using this for the positive resource that it really *could* be!

So here's my suggestion (and I'm willing to lead the charge): If those of us who are willing to post only positive things will do so, even one small, encouraging, positive post a day, maybe we CAN make a difference. But this would mean not reacting to the hatefulness that is going to be spewed our way 'just because', as then we would be sucked in to the problem we're trying to avoid. If the post is cheerful and positive, there really isn't any reason to have to rebut anyone's angry or negative responses; simply click the 'dislike' button as your response and forget about it.

Anybody wanna try with me? Just click 'Like' and then follow through.


I have to agree with you. The one that gets - me is when someone gets

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attacked on the comedy board. It seems like at least that should be a place where people lighten up a little.

And it's exactly why the world is the way it is today - PSmoney

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I realize we ALL have hard times. This IS supposed to be a place where we can all come and vent and someone should be able to understand their turmoil. I have read posts on here I could have written myself. I think there is truth to people working from home becoming out of touch with other people and their feelings. I also think working from home can cause depression from being isolated, add that to a mix of being unhappy with current job situations, the economy, stress of taking care of the family and you have a big pot of misery. I, too, have sometimes felt grumpy, but I enjoy what everyone has to say and their experiences. I really do agree this is why the world is the way it is today, no wonder there's so much anger and hate. If this board reflects such feelings, then my goodness what is going to happen.

Simone :)

Coming on and sharing something - positive and upbeat

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is one thing. Too often the positive and upbeat is followed by something insulting and condescending, as in the post that started this thread. I am doing OK for now in ME, but please, spare me the lectures about how I should be feeling, doing for myself, not complaining etc., after you (the general you who are doing so well) after all your "positivity." If you don't like to hear complaining skip this board or at least the posts you don't think you would enjoy.
Lol - Madonah
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This one actually made me laugh :) (I even imagined the tongue stuck out of sour face)

To the positive original poster, keep up the good work! You have silent backers (who hopefully won't remain silent and will eventually turn this place around) :)

Very True - Madonah

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And something I think people forget is that their posts can be seen by everyone, including potential employers! All the negativity can actually come back to them...literally! :P Sorta nice when you get to see Karma in action. Unless of course they hide behind anonymity which so many cowards are doing now. I've no problem posting my name and email...am currently being attacked for a positive :)

Pretty sad if you cant post on the comedy board without - being attacked.

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Lighten up people...rainy days dont last forever, the sun has to come out sooner or later.

yeah, I saw that, too. Have to admit, though, it made me - laugh so hard...

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I think I dribbled! That was a lemon who made lemonade without even trying.

loved it!

Yep!! This is a very pathetic place to come for - sm

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ANY kind of help. I asked for prayers and got a bunch of well you know whats whining!! Pathetic bunch of whiners!

Ready for Change! - Madonah

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I agree...but I think that we can totally change that ;)

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