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Does your employer offer a differential for being a CMT (Certified Medical Transcriptionist)?
I am on the fence as to whether to take the CMT test now or just wait until it becomes mandatory. Would really appreciate some help from current CMTs to maybe sway me one way or the other.
Since I am currently looking for a new employer, this may be the perfect time for me to decide. If I go the CMT route, then I would probably apply to companies that will pay me more for the CMT and also maybe reimburse for maintaining it.
I was looking through a bunch of job posts and found only 2 MTSOs who actually advertise that they offer a CMT differential - MedScribe (Florida) and TTS (New Hampshire). Two other MTSOs listed they “prefer” CMTs but did not state if they pay more for that.
I would really like to know what other MTSOs also offer a CMT differential or bonus of some sort, and more importantly how much is the differential or bonus.
Also, I am curious as to whether it is mostly Employee status MTSOs who offer this or are there some Independent Contractor companies who told you they are willing to pay more because of a CMT credential.
So my questions are:
1. Name of company that offers differential or bonus for CMT
2. Amount of differential or bonus (i.e. extra 1 cpl for CMT or $500 per year bonus)
3. Are you an Employee or Independent Contractor
4. Are you technically in-house (working for a hospital/clinic in their office or at-home but still employed by the hospital/clinic) or remote (working at home for an MTSO employee or as an Independent Contractor).
The MTSO name would be great, but I know some MTs are very protective of their employer’s names for fear of being overrun with job applicants, so if you do not want to name the company, just indicate that yes, the MTSO you work for offers it, how much it is, if you are an Employee or an Independent Contractor, and if you are in-house or remote.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. It will help me a great deal in deciding my future plans.
Hope everyone is having a good day.
Feel free to Email me the company name if you are more comfortable doing it that way. Thank you.