A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Would appreciate some help from current CMTs to help me decide - Michelle

Posted: Apr 17, 2011

Does your employer offer a differential for being a CMT (Certified Medical Transcriptionist)? 

I am on the fence as to whether to take the CMT test now or just wait until it becomes mandatory.  Would really appreciate some help from current CMTs to maybe sway me one way or the other. 

Since I am currently looking for a new employer, this may be the perfect time for me to decide.  If I go the CMT route, then I would probably apply to companies that will pay me more for the CMT and also maybe reimburse for maintaining it. 

I was looking through a bunch of job posts and found only 2 MTSOs who actually advertise that they offer a CMT differential - MedScribe (Florida) and TTS (New Hampshire).  Two other MTSOs listed they “prefer” CMTs but did not state if they pay more for that. 

I would really like to know what other MTSOs also offer a CMT differential or bonus of some sort, and more importantly how much is the differential or bonus. 

Also, I am curious as to whether it is mostly Employee status MTSOs who offer this or are there some Independent Contractor companies who told you they are willing to pay more because of a CMT credential. 

So my questions are:

1.  Name of company that offers differential or bonus for CMT

2.  Amount of differential or bonus (i.e. extra 1 cpl for CMT or $500 per year bonus)

3.  Are you an Employee or Independent Contractor

4.  Are you technically in-house (working for a hospital/clinic in their office or at-home but still employed by the hospital/clinic) or remote (working at home for an MTSO employee or as an Independent Contractor). 

The MTSO name would be great, but I know some MTs are very protective of their employer’s names for fear of being overrun with job applicants, so if you do not want to name the company, just indicate that yes, the MTSO you work for offers it, how much it is, if you are an Employee or an Independent Contractor, and if you are in-house or remote.    

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.  It will help me a great deal in deciding my future plans. 

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Feel free to Email me the company name if you are more comfortable doing it that way.  Thank you. 



Here's the list from AHDI of which companies - reward credentials. sm

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Wow 13 companies reward credentials. And there are how many MT - companies in the US?

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It's actually a surprisingly incomplete list. - Webmedx and Transcend,

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2 of the largest MTSOs (the largest, Medquist also there), are not listed, though I know personally both support credentialing. Additional pay is, of course, the best way to "favor" people with it, but not the only one.

When I was with Transcend some while ago, the company irked me good by paying a whole cent per line more to CMTs; even if it doesn't pay anything at all more now (?), the credentialed applicant is going to be favored. Same for Webmedx, where I currently get a quarter cent per line more for the credential. WMX also encouraged obtaining it, organizing study groups, encouraging an employee chapter of AHDI, and paying a significant part of the costs (which is why I have it now).
I assume by looking at this list that they are including - SaltyMT
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hospitals and medical centers, as there were a couple listed. So in the United States, there are 13 companies (including hospitals and medical centers) that offer any kind of incentive for being a CMT? And that should make me want to run out and pay $300 for certification?

Oh excuse me, I forgot to add Webmedx and Transcend to the list. So now it's 15! Well bust my buttons, that's a horse of a different color!

Hey Dorothy, you and Toto need to stop chasing rainbows and come back to Kansas.
The MT coordinator at the local hospital didn't even know what AHDI or the CMT credential was! - Not wasting my money
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I recently interviewed at a local hospital. During the interview, I asked if they paid more for the CMT as I had been thinking about getting it. She asked me what that was, and when I mentioned AHDI, she said she had never heard of them. I thought it funny since she supposedly had over 20 years on the job.
Shame on her for not knowing her industry. sm - tiredmt
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Whether or not someone agrees with ADHI, there is no excuse for working in an industry and not knowing what associations are out there, even if it is just one or two. Shame on her.

Good list. Now I know at 13 companies I would - NEVER want to work for.

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JMO - - sm

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I know I'm gonna' get flamed here, but IMO if the only reason you are getting your CMT is to get paid more, then you don't understand the importance of the CMT at all. It's not about getting paid 50 cents more per line. Further, why should an employer have to pay for the exam or the CE credits to maintain it? Any other medical professional who is required to have a certification/license to be hired pays for their own education, their own certification, and their own continuing education to maintain that certification.

IMO, MT pay across the board should be increasing rather than decreasing -- BUT I also believe that certification should become mandatory. We jump up & down all day on this board about how we get no respect, nobody knows how hard our jobs are, nobody appreciates how vital we are to the medical records process, yadda yadda yadda - but only 2700 of us are willing to put our skills to the test??

Earning your CMT is about earning respect for our PROFESSION and proving to those outside the MT world that we aren't just "typists," but that we have specialized skills and a specific knowledge base required to do our jobs.

Respect is not a God-given right and cannot simply be demanded - it has to be earned.

JMO - and now I'll step back and let the rocks be hurled my directions.

correcting myself - - sm

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Well obviously, if it was worth 50 cents more per line we'd all be taking it!

Meant to say 1/2 cent.

Hurl at extra rock my direction (no s on the end...) for the typos :-)

I've been up for more than 30 minutes now and had my requisite pot of coffee...

You can't order up respect through a credential. - CMT here, but...

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You also can't order up line rates above market levels that way--unless the credential is required by federal or state law, and then only until the industry gets the law changed or finds ways to get around it (offshoring, not hiring in those states, and front-end SR immediately come to mind). A credential will also not change a skilled job into a profession. People wanting a profession need to go (back?) to college and prepare for one.

The biggest problem, though, with trying to impose a credential on everyone is that it's simply not needed at this time, although substantial change in the scope of work might change that. Right now, though, all employers are able to determine definitely within the first day or so, usually the first few hours, if a person is qualified. After all, this is a very, very narrow line of work involving no authority, minimal responsibility, and minimal analysis. Beyond what shows up on those initial uploaded reports, what's left to find out? Or, what deficit is it the CMT is supposed to protect them against?

JMO responding - sm

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I agree that the CMT doesn't get you automatic respect, and no it doesn't magically change a "job" into a "profession," but I think it helps. Personally, I don't think MT is a "job" - it is already a profession, it just isn't recognized as such by many because they see us as "typists" and don't understand fully what we do. That is why I think credentialing gives us leverage to promote our "profession" -- right now we have no degree to earn and I don't really think we need one. But, credentialing shows people that we DO have a specialized skill set and knowledge base that is required to do the job, not just a good typing speed.

Nothing gets you automatic respect -- as I said, it is earned. But, one way to earn it is to show your commitment to your job, to your ongoing education, and to staying "on top of" technology and information related to your job. One way of doing that is to become credentialed.

I disagree with your 2nd paragraph, if I understand it correctly. You are saying that an employer doesn't need a credential to determine if someone is qualified for a job. Certainly, that is not the only measure of someone's qualifications, but why should an employer have to hire someone to be able to observe them and decide if they are qualified, as you suggest? They should have confidence that an MT is qualified before they hire her/him. A credential is just another tool the employer can use when interviewing candidates to determine who is qualified before giving them the job. Certainly, it is not the only tool, but honestly, if I were an employer looking at 2 candidates with similar work experience but 1 was certified and 1 was not, the certification would weigh heavily in the favor of that MT. She (or he) has demonstrated their commitment to keeping up with the constantly changing medical field and their confidence in their skills. IMO, becoming credentialed shows as much about an MT's character and work ethic as it does about her skills.

That is not to say there aren't many, many MTs out their who are extremely skilled and knowledgable who do not have their CMT, but I think to remain competitive in the future those MTs will need to become certified & I don't think that is a bad thing. I think it gives credence to our field and I think if we are going to be successful in keeping our field afloat, as it where, we need to quit complaining about no respect and falling pay and prove that we have the skills and knowledge to be considered an integral part of the medical records process and to be paid fairly for our talents.

No, I don't think credentially is THE solution to all that plagues the MT field, but it is a step in the right direction.

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