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Posting pet peeve - Fido

Posted: Nov 05, 2010

I have a POSTER pet peeve. 

When a comment or question is posted about a specific company, why is the original poster likely to never elaborate?  Why are they wasting everyone’s time?

What is up with these hit-and-run posts?   Someone makes an outrageous comment or asks a question implying something negative.  Then when you answer and either ask for more information or ask the original poster a question, the original poster is long gone – never to be heard from again. 

If you do not want an answer to a question, why waste everyone’s time by asking it?  It is getting to the point where I think twice about replying to a question on the Company Board (that one seems to get the most hit and run Posters).  I already wasted time reading the question, why should I waste more time answering their question if the original poster will not reciprocate by answering a question I may have. 

Okay.  Rant over.  Just had to let out my pet peeve of the day.

Arf! Arf!






My particular posting pet peeve - Is not bothering to put NM or no message

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I open the thread thinking I'll be reading something enlightening or interesting but nope, no message at all in there and the poster couldn't be bothered to type NM or NO MSG or anything to indicate NOT to waste my time opening their post.

Just bugs me, lol!

That's mine, too. Postersused nm all the time - Backwards Typist

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but I noticed it fading away some months to a year ago. Don't know why. Could it be because there are a lot of new people here?

I always use it when I don't have a message inside my posts but noted some people still open my post.

I open even "nm" posts so the color will change. - sm

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Easier to scan a thread then and see which posts are new and haven't been opened yet. Anyway, that's why I click on all posts.

People who post on the Job Seekers Board. ber-derp - mimi

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Ha! Me, too, with that one, usually accompanied by mention of their attention - to detail.... nm nm nm nm

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reverse nm peeve - dls

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when posters us nm, but you just know there is a message. of course, it is possible that i am hopelessly antiquated and that there is a new meaning for nm...

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