A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
After more than 25 years in this business, I am getting the heck out! I don't mind working hard. I do very well on audits. I am reliable. I have made more than $40,000 a year until now, and did not even have to work 8 hours to do it. I have worked over-time when needed. I have loved doing this - until now.
What this profession has turned into is a crying shame, competitiveness, greed, and pettiness. Are MT schools actually still taking people's money to learn this? I like VR but many MTSOs are putting everything on there, reports that do not belong there. They have defeated its purpose in the first place due to their greed, and as a way to lower our pay, while we type what is supposed to be VR. I am sick to death of these ridiculous company policies. I am old school. You showed up for your shift, with some flexibility if reports were in TAT. You typed 1500 lines a day and you did them accurately. I could easily do 2000. If there was no work, it was not held against you. There was no clocking in and out, in and out. You did not have to make up time when there was no work. There was no having to learn numerous backup accounts in hopes of getting your line requirement in. There were common sense things in accouunt specifications, not dozens and dozens of pages of ridiculous specs. Personally, I think there should be one set of specs, sort of a universal thing. You tell the client, "This is how WE do it."
MTSOs want next to perfect on their audits. They do not allow for any flexibility in your schedule or line count for any reason. Having weekends and holidays off are a thing of the past. They think nothing of changing your shift or your pay at their leisure and their convenience. So, you have to be perfect, work nights, weekends, and holidays, and learn numerous accounts in the hope that you do not run out of work because they have over-hired. There is no job stability in the business anymore. All of these expectations and for very little pay. They simply take advantage of the fact that we work at home.
I am sick to death of doing work I do not get paid for. That's my job, to do work for free......really? This has gone too far for me. I am 55 years old. I need to get out now, while I still can, even for less money. I need to know that I am going to have a paycheck, and what it will be. I want off evenings, weekends and holidays. I want to know I am going to have benefits until I retire. I don't want to be afraid to spend money on ANYTHING because I do not have the job security I need.
Yep, I loved this business. I hung in there because I was good at it. I let it go this far. Well, no one is holding a gun to my head to put up with this. I will gladly take a pay cut to have job security, benefits, 9-5, no weekends or holidays, and know what I will be making each payday instead of a pay cut every single year!
It has taken me 6 months to land a good job. It's tough at my age, but I have done it. Ladies, even if you are up in years, there is a lot for you out there! It's not easy to find. You have to learn to disregard rejection time and time again. Don't let it get to you. And keep in mind, there actually is age discrimination out there. Don't give up. Keeping filling out those applications and submitting your resumes. Make it a hobby. Then one day you run into an employer who actually takes a close look at you, where you have been, what you have accomplished. They know you will be stable, reliable, and long-term. They will want your years of experience. I can't tell you how many times I have been rejected. It hurt at first, but I toughened up. I got used to it and it no longer bothered me. I just kept doing it. I was actually offered a job at a medical office that I had even forgotten that I applied to. When they called me, they had studied my resume carefully. They understood exactly why I was leaving MT, and felt what I had done was productive, it took knowledge, attention to detail, analyzing, adapting to new programs, teamwork, and reliability, and that I would be an asset to them. This was the first time I heard this! I even became more confident myself!
Goodbye MT. Good luck ladies. For those of you who are happy doing this at this point in time, my hat is off to you. For those you are not, get busy. Be confident in yourself. You absolutely are not a failure. You are an asset to those who may wish to see it, but you need to go find them!
I went to college and recevied a college certificate to be a medical transcriptionist. I loved my job and the people I worked with in the office. Company just switched from typewriters to computers. It was great and I was proud of being a medical transcriptionist. These last 5-6 years quite frankly SUCK working for any MTSO companies.
Just like you, I had enough and I WANTED OUT! I went back to school and I finished school while working as an MT these last few years. I have a new job and I get paid more than double of what I made as an MT. I get holidays off WITH PAY. I get paid for going to the bathroom and hanging up Christmas lights which was a new normal for me.