A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

WEBMEDX line counting could affect ALL MTSOs,a must read - concerned MT

Posted: Aug 19, 2010


This article (above link)  has quotes from present COO of Wedmedx who is President of MTIA and used to be former Spheris boss. 

This article explains how the MTSOs want our lines counted.  It explains how they want to take away all keystrokes that cannot be seen by the naked eye.  Won't this effectively save the hospitals and MTSOs from paying MTs for up to 1/3 of the keystrokes we do on a daily basis? Currently all MTs have taken cuts to do VR, some up to 50%, with this additional loss of spaces (VBC) etc. won't this equate to an overwhelming pay cut for US MTs?

Also of interest, if you read the entire article is Wedmedx's COO's view point of off-shoring.  WOW.  How long until Wedmedx MT's will be sharing their work with Rajeev?

These were excerpts I found  interesting in the article.  But please read the entire article, it is very enlightening!

"The previously advanced standard unit of measure was the 65-character line, which included the space bar, shift key, bold, underscore and other keystrokes. Practitioners worried that personal computers and word processors would deprive medical language specialists the credit for character count."

"The white paper prepared by the task force say the VBC is, “a character that can be seen with the naked eye. Under this counting scheme, spaces, carriage returns, and hidden formatting instructions such as bolding, underline, text boxes, printer configurations, and spell checking are not counted in the total character count.”

"*** believes that every publication around the requirement on clinical documentation indicates that the amount of clinical documentation is going up. Despite the increasing levels of technology around electronic healthcare records, the overall amount of medical transcription is increasing on an annualized basis of anywhere from 10 to 15 percent. “Responding to the labor shortage around the areas of speech recognition and further leveraging of the medical transcriptionist, as part of an intelligent workforce, adds ***“is enabling technology to realize its full value proposition, and I believe you will continue to see the supplement of global medical transcription as part of the processing of documentation.”


VBC white paper - around since 2007

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This seed was planted a long time ago. I once sat in on contract negotiations where an MTSO asked how they could pay only for specific keystrokes, i.e. expanders wouldn't be compensated other than the actual 2-3 char shortcut. So the VBC is at least a step up. The theory behind VBC being it will be easier to quantify billing and that MTs will NOT see a decrease in pay because they will be paid more (yes, I just choked on my own vomit). The problem is with the economy tanking, we're going to be doubly (triply, quadruply) screwed in that we will NOT be paid MORE but in fact less.

I recently left a company who failed to mention at hire that they paid VBC. The first two pays everything was fine, I was doing 300-350 lph. Third pay, they say "oops" We weren't set up to do VBC but will be with this pay. My pay, for doing the exact same work, decreased 20%. Needless to say, I left rather quickly.

I get that MT is a COST to institutions but it still needs to be done by a professional- and continually cutting our pay so that we are now in COMPETITION with India for the low-paying jobs, is just insane.

The greed never ends, does it? - so what if we all just quit?

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Seriously, eventually we all will anyway. Then let them treat Indians like crap because even the rupees they get are too much for the corporate hogs to bear to part with. These companies are cutting their own throats and soon all MTs will simply quit the field and the MTSO will have NOBODY to profit from and get NOTHING.

Bills wont get paid, homes forclosed, no insurace/health care, - starving kids, wearing rags,,,, nm

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Yeah and that is what we get if we stay too - cannot work for free

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I'm hanging by a thread working FT at Webmedx now. If going to VBC is their next little reward to us for all our hard work, I can't afford to work there any longer. Walmart, here I come.
We should all quit, and then we should all SUE them. - Class action, Baby. (sm)
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Misrepresentation, bait-&-switch, independent contractor violations, doctoring line counts, bounced paychecks, or no pay at all, overtime violations (yes, we CAN prove we worked 14 hours/day instead of 8!), harassment, age discrimination, you name it. Billing the client for far more than the MT is actually getting paid for producing. Overhiring. Paying below minimum wage. Running a sweatshop. The list goes on and on, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Oh.. and their obvious preference for Indian, Pakistani, Chinese and Filipino workers over American workers would lead one to believe there is just a smidge of ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION involved here, as well.

This is not new - webberino

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WEBMEDX line counting could affect ALL MTSOs,a must read - concerned MT - Turtle

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Okay...all I had to read was this:
"has quotes from present COO of Wedmedx who is President of MTIA and used to be former Spheris boss." That explains everything.

Slimy creeps. And how bout when MTSOs dont pay for - templates, but charge the client for them? (nm)

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HOSPITALS Doing This Too - Me

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Hospitals are now doing this too, having the doc insert the template independent of our system so we don't get the line credit for them!!!

As long as we are paid BY THE LINE, they will ALWAYS be MANIPULATING the system (redefining "line," tiered pay structures, etc.). I wish we could go back to HOURLY WAGES, where at least when THE ENTIRE REST OF HOSPITAL STAFF GETS A PAY RAISE YOU AREN'T LEFT OUT. (The only raise we will see is for when we take paid time off.)

First of all... - MT

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...nowhere does he say that if Webmedx or any MTSO adopts VBC that cpl would remain the same. That is pure conjecture on your part. You are assuming that Webmedx MTs would be paid the same for a VBC line as they are paid now for a 65 character line including spaces.

Secondly, nowhere does he endorse offshoring. He is simplying stating the industry facts.

Webmedx remains one of the last US companies that does NOT offshore.

VBC - transgal

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Don't be ridiculous. I'm not saying don't use the space bar..sm - sm

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I'm saying that even if the industry adopts VBC as a uniform means of counting lines, that does not mean that we would be paid the same for a VBC line as a 65 character line.
Of course we will be paid less - did we ever get paid more?
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How much corporate koolade did you drink today? If you think they're looking for a way to pay us more you're completely wacked!
ifwedonotgetpaidforthespacebarwewillnotuseit - thumbisnotfreeeither
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Carpal tunnel is not cheap! Repetitive use of the space bar causes carpal tunnel. We should be compensated for it. After all, if we don't use the space bar, the MTSOs will be out of business. hmmmm.........
my thumb is going on strike. It works the hardest of any digit, - suffers more, and is furious at this idea.
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Try de Quervain's tenosynovitis. - Ouch
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I had it in my left wrist and am now developing it in my right. Doc said it was caused by what I do for a living, and since it relates to the tendon that controls thumb movement, the culprit is the space bar!

I have had surgeries before; tonsillectomy, cyst removal from both wrists, etc.

Surgery for de Quervain's was the worst, by far, with the longest recovery time (4 weeks of PT). I could not even bend my wrist in either direction 2 mm after surgery. It was awful!

It still bothers me to this day.
What is ridiculous is not paying MTs for using the space bar. - Just one step closer to driving us out of business
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Paid more for VBC - youmustbekidding
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Yeah, I'm sure they'll pay us more, just like how they excitedly told us we would be making so much more money with their brand new and improved M-Modal, which justified them cutting our pay. Can you say MASS EXODUS?
Search for and read the original white paper - no raise in pay
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It was submitted by ADHI and MTIA I believe. It says pay will be increased to make up for the lost characters we're paid for -- or that would be their hope.

Well, I can tell you that there are already companies adopting VBC and line rates are NOT higher.

8 cpl to straight type. Take off the 20% pay cut and it's what, just over 6 cpl to straight type? So in fact, what will happen is our line rates will likely be even LOWER with the widespread adoption of the VBC.

Of course the cpl would not remain the same - it would go down

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It just amazes me how Webmedx can scheme to cut our wages AGAIN and somebody like you comes on here pretending it might not mean a wage cut. Oh, sure, certainly those suits lay awake at night looking for ways to give us more money - look at their track record, they are so devoted to raising our wages! How much did you get paid to post this, seriously? Because obviously the Webmedx YOU work for and the one that most of us do are on two different planets!

Oh, you work for the other Webmedx - U and about 3 others

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You work for the one where everyone is happy, there is never NJA, SR program is perfect, wages are never cut, benefits are never lost, and any changes that are made are done reluctantly and only because corporate (sob) HAS to in order to stay in business. I've read about that one on the internal company board.

Unfortunately, most of us work for a different Webmedx than you do. I'll believe you exist if you believe we exist, OK?

Concerned MT, you are being a tad histrionic - Not biting

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Where does it say our pay would be cut?

If anything, it would allow MTs to know, upfront, how they would be paid before accepting a job.

Sounds reasonable to me.

And, the last I knew, Webmedx doesn't offsore.

India is in huge competition for our jobs. Just the facts m'am, just the facts.

It must be 8 a.m. the suits are finally here - Where have you been?

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We almost had a conversation without the management plant.

Nope, not a suit. Just stating the facts after reading the article. sm - Not biting

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Reread the article with an objective and rational eye.

Laughing So Hard - Disappointed

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Your statement made me spit my water out....Awesome remark! And True.....

I would venture to guess that Transcend will go to this when they release that new and - transcender

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improved version of BeyondBelief in January, especially since they are touting how great it is going to be.

I disagree... - Desperate

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I do believe that you can see a space. If I got my newspaper and there were no spaces, I definitely would notice that they were not there.

Furthermore, call me stupid, but I don't understand a word this person is saying... especially the last paragraph. Can someone help me out? Or are they just more made up statistics pulled out of the air but ultimately used to line pockets? Who are these people? Remember ... Follow the Money!!!

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