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Paid by the hour - JW

Posted: May 17, 2012

I've worked on a new MT job for a week and it is paid by the hour. Their software keeps track of the time. The platform works fast too. I really like this job and it takes some of the pressure off to make lines. It is straight typing now and will go to VR soon and the pay does not change. Didn't know MT jobs existed like this one but sure glad I found it.

Congrats, JW. Is this a newly developed hourly position. or..? Could - you give a general idea of the hourly pay, just

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so we have an idea of what's happening that direction? Thanks!

Yes please post who. - nm

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Paid by hour. - Praja

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Is this an onsite position or from home?

Yeah..Eight new "hourly" MTs got terminated after only 2 weeks-NO WORK - NoLongerAnon

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...beware the hourly promise. They tell you it won't change when they go to VR/SR. Work load cut by 2/3, account lost, and most recent hired were fired with no compensation, unemployed by no fault of our own.

But it will. Double the lines will be expected of you, and you will be paid ONLY for the time that your fingers are active on the keyboard. If 3 seconds of idle keyboard time is reached, your time clock on the platform STOPS. It will take 10-12 hours to get 8 hours in.

Don't get too comfortable, and anticipate a change in their expectations for you with VR/SR.

I'm not being sarcastic, and I wish I could believe that this is not just another of the "too good to be true" hourly offers MTSOs have implemented recently, while they scurry to evade paying minimum wage.

Good luck. I hope you've found "the one", but don't be caught off guard if you are suddenly, without warning, placed under a GREAT deal of pressure, because your fingers aren't actively typing/editing 8 full hours a day.

By the way, the company who dismissed 8 new QA Editors/Transcriptionists (first in, first out), is MED-SCR1BE in FL (name altered to prevent being moved to "company board"). The recruiter promised a "ton" of backup accounts. Apparently, he was a liar.

Someone I don't know emailed me about this. If you want answers, put it on the board. nm - NoLongerAnon

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