A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I love the new board trim and the snowflakes. sm - MT2

Posted: Dec 19, 2011

It makes me smile!

Me too - thanks for the Christmas Spirit, MT Stars! - wheres_my_job

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really fun. I think I need to turn my tree on now.

what trim - i dont have trim

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I had to log in and out a couple of times to see it too - anon

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Lots of people saw it before I did too - I finally saw it a couple of hours after everyone else did after logging in a few times. I think some servers take longer than others to do updates.

Call me Scrooge, but I can't stand them. They get in the - wannie

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way of trying to read posts. But, hey, I know most other people like them and I can deal with them for a while, lol.

love the snowflakes - ex-webbie

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Makes me smile too! Needed that today!

me too, they do it every year and I love the red panner. - for a change. NM

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meant banner not panner! - eggnoggin NM

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I just wanna see the red banner - cant see anything

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UGH... why cant I see it?
me too - show me the banner! - nm
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Hit Cntrl + F5 on keyboard while you are on Main Board. - NM
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