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Has anyone decided to leave MT for good because - Kiki1

Posted: Oct 09, 2010

of no work, unable to find a new MT job, or simply sick and tired of it?  What did you decide to do?  I feel like I'm a bit too old to return to school (not to mention I couldn't afford to do it anyway).........  I'm afraid eventually (prob sooner rather than later) there will be no need for MTs anymore, either because they off-shored it all or hospitals go with systems like EPIC.  Does anyone have any advice for an ex MT on what type of job they could quality for without going back to school and without any other experience other than 10 plus years of doing MT?  Am I going to have to resign myself to the same jobs as my teenagers?  How humiliating that would be.  Don't think I could deal with that blow. 

yes - sm

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I had to switch careers because of chronic tendinitis from typing for 16 years. But I do not think MT'ing will be around much longer, and the conditions are impossible to maintain an adequate living. I'm in school, and I get grants and loans to help survive along with costs to cover the books and classes. Whatever you decide, good luck to you. Oh as for returning to work doing what I did as a teenager, I cleaned houses! I do not think my body could take much of that, but thats the extent of my work experience beyond MT'ing. Oh and fast food...um no thank you!

other options - long time MA

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You should be more than qualified to work front desk in a medical office or a medical records position. I have a degree as a medical assistant and was trained in everything from front desk to assisting in minor surgery.

Also, you are never too old to go back to school. I always regret not getting my RN instead of MA but back in 83 when I started college, medical assisting was the big and upcoming profession. I really wanted to be a doctor, but was stupid and got married when I was 18 instead. My son has been going to the community college and I am seriously thinking about joining him.

If there was something that you always wanted to do, I say go for it! There are a lot of people going back to college. My son tells me that there are people anywhere from his age to grandpa's age in his classes. Good luck with whatever you do.

As long as there are insurance companies, your MT skills will be marketable - nm

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You really do have to have good skills, as with anything else, but that's one more place MTs can work, even as all of the changes in our country are being sorted out. I think that eventually the very best MTs are going to be in a better situation than they are now, but the dust has to settle on all of the things people are doing/not doing. They seem to go by the motto, "If you don't know what to do about any problem, don't worry, just do something." They tell each other to do something, even if it's wrong, you already know it won't work, and it will cost the country a huge amount of money. Just do stuff. People seem to like that.

Interesting that you think "the very best MTs are going to be - Fellow Traveller

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in a better situation than they are now..." That's my hope. That it'll end up once again a good, if relatively smaller field.

Sadly, there are no insurance companies in my neck of the woods. Are you referring specifically to medical insurance, BTW? What positions are you thinking of?

may not be insurance companies much longer - sm

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if Obamacare continues.
Insurance as a delivery system for healthcare is obsolete - and dangerously bad for our health anyway.
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No amount of regulation can alter the fact that the less healthcare we get, the more money they make. And the purpose of a business IS to make money. The rest of it's just details.
Stock price in insurance companies went up after Obamacare passed ... - sm
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Obviously Wall Street thinks that insurance companies will do well under Obama care.

Yes. I'm going into pharmacy. - Cannot wait.

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Congrats on taking charge, CW. Hope you love it. NM - Poppy

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Hope it isn't for a pharmacy tech! - sm

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Our Walgreens and Wal-Mart pharmacies have let go of almost all pharmacy techs because of 2 reasons:

1. They now have machines that auto-fill over 300 most popular meds.

2. Maintenance meds are now being handled via mail.

So, technology and insurance encroaches on the pharmacy tech (yes, even certified) field, too.

I'm sure Cannot Wait's researched salaries, etc., and - Happy School, Cannot Wait :)

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she obviously pleased with her choice. As the country ages and modern medicine allows more and more of us to play with our great-great-greats, there will be lots of need for pharmacy techs, including locally, even if the nature of the work changes over time, as it is everywhere anyway.

Her education in pharmacology, on top of what she already knows, will also be a lifelong asset she can apply toward many jobs in the medical field.

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