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For those of you that run out of work and sit and wait for reports to - TiredMT

Posted: Nov 09, 2013

come in, how do you keep yourself from being upset and angry every day you  go to work.  I know all these jobs seem to be the same so I expect I will stay with this one but mentally I have to come to grips with this is the way it is in this profession now and stop being constantly frustrated.  Just was curious as to how you handle this.  It needs to be put to rest as I do plan to do this but need to adjust my thinking to something for sure.  It would be hard to handle two jobs right now for me. 

use your down time - happy2bMT

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I had this problem early last year. It got so bad I had to have my husband pay most of my bills for a few months (so lucky to have him, I know many of you out there are on your own). So I decided to put my down time to good use and look for a new job. Every time I was out of work was an opportunity to look for jobs, test, send out resumes. It took 3 months, but I found the best MT job I've had. I couldn't be happier and I'm actually making more now than I was before.

You can use this time to look at opportunities other than MT as well. You just might come across something new and exciting that will actually pay the bills. And if you decide to take a class or course in another area, your down time becomes study time.

If you like doing crafts or something else creative, you can use the time to make things you can sell.

I still have down time occasionally now (one of my assigned doctors has a day off during the week), but now I welcome the break to take care of things on my to-do list... throw in a load of laundry, run to the store, take a nap... There's always something that needs to be done!

So instead of fuming at your computer when you see NJA, put it to work finding you something better. There are plenty of other sites with job postings, and even just surfing the web about things you're interested in just might show you a brand new chapter in your life.

I wish only the best, and bright futures, for all of my fellow MTs!

I did the same thing - sm

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I would get so angry when I would have no work and my MTSO would have no concern whatsoever that I couldn't pay my bills. But, yet when THEY were backed up, they expected me to jump right in like a good little employee. I did take my downtime to apply, apply, apply and finally found a job. I don't know if it's the fact that I have been miserable for so long or if it is just that I landed a great job, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my job! I actually miss being there when I'm off on weekends. There is light at the end of the tunnel, people just have to go out and find it.

Love this post! - LoveMT

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Thank you for your interesting suggestions! I too am very unhappy with MT as a whole, but particularly the inconsistency of the work load and find myself with too many NJA times that leave me more frustrated that I already am with other situations in my work situation.

Your suggestions are good ones. I'm planning on getting out, but will have to work for another 2 or 3 months until I can definitely get out without hurting even more financially. I have a plan. In the meantime, I may put some of your suggestions to use. :)

I use PTO if I can... - clb

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Whenever I log in, I wait 15 minutes. If I have NJA, I will email my team and ask to either take PTO (which would pay me more anyway) or offer to flex that day only.

I used to have hours of NJA and I ended up switching my schedule and adding another account so now I maybe have NJA 1 hour a week, which flexing is no big deal.

But I do not offer to flex or trade anymore. I've gotten to the point that when I'm working my shift/schedule and I get NJA that is not my fault that there is no work so I am not going to make it up on my day off. Any other job you work at, you show up, work, get paid (hourly), and go home. If there's no work you still get paid or go home early. You don't have to make it up.

I reached my breaking point the day my power went out. On my whole block. We were all without power for 3 hours. Not my fault! I could not take PTO, I had to flex. That day. Worked 3 hours past my shift that night because it was the last day in the pay period. After that, I did not go above and beyond for them anymore. I was soooo mad!!

If PTO or flexing or adding another account is not an option, just keep yourself busy. I've cleaned my entire house, dishes, laundry, even painted my nails one time because I had absolutely no work. And applied for other jobs too.

I studied - Soon to be an ex-MT

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I refused to sit there for hours on end just to get one job here and there, so I studied. I checked for work periodically throughout the day. I stopped getting angry about the NJA situation and put the downtime to good use. I recently graduated and started a job in my new field. I am still doing MT part time, but not for much longer. :)

I use my downtime to - sm

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study for my bachelor's degree. I went back to school a year ago online and have only a year left to get my bachelors. I had enough of this work and decided to use my downtime to better myself and to make sure that I can get out of this dead end job.

I expected my jobs to run out as we went - Alicia

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to VR. I looked into some free classes on Education Portal and log into those on my downtime. I also finished up some projects such as framing paintings, cleaning out a junk drawer, taking inventory of holiday decorations, cleaning out files (online and in drawers).

Education Portal - Meh

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Educationportal.com looks like a fabulous site to learn for free. Never heard of it until now. Another one I like is GCFlearnfree.org.

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