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Finding out you're not a good fit for the company. - SM

Posted: Nov 11, 2014

Has anyone ever went to work for a company and struggled?  I have tons of experience and done this kind of work for years, but I started with a particular company and seems I am making a ton of stupid mistakes.  This has EVEN HAPPENED WITH PROOFREADING the report once finished!!  I double-check myself only to see something ridiculous and can't believe I did that and know I proofread the document.

The last time this happened to me was when I worked for a company that obviously was not a good fit for me and in that particular case (had I not known better) I would have sworn the person QA-ing my reports was purposefully inserting errors, not saying they were, but thats how crazy it was. 

Once I left that place everything was fine and I began getting good QA feedback again on audits.  Now it seems I'm in that position again.  I am in the process of applying for other jobs, as there are other signs that this company is not going to work for me besides the QA issues.  Has anyone else had this experience before?

Absolutely!! - anonymous

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Absolutely!! I worked for a company out of Louisville for a while and it was a nightmare from day one! Things I have never had trouble with before all of a sudden were huge problems, and the stress mounted until I found a new job and got out of there! Best day of my life when I left and realized I was much smarter than they had let me believe!

similar thing has happened to me, - anon

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I was at a company that paid better but never on time, had lots of ESLs, always begging weekend work, over regular weekend work. QA scores were always 99-100%. Decided to go to another company, less pay, no weekends, but my scores have fallen tremendously to the point I have 1 more chance to get 98% or I am out of a job. Done this work for 38 years, never had this problem before. Very discouraged.

I know, tell me about it. This work doesn't pay much as it is, - who can afford to be under QA scrutiny? sm

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It weighs heavily on your paycheck because you're walking on pins and needles, double-checking yourself, proofreading as you go and in some cases even going back replaying the whole audio file. This is only the second time I have ever had this happen to me in almost 15 years. All mostly ridiculous mistakes.

And the kicker is, when they pulled the reports for audit, they pulled the worst dictators with multiple blanks. There were 5 of them, a couple were pended and the others automatically went to QA because they had blanks (the way the system has it set-up). I have never had a company pull reports that were obviously in pending because you had trouble with them.
The bottom line is, it isn't US. It's THEM. These - companies are systematically-sm-Slowpoke
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forcing American MTs out of the MT business, by any way they possibly can. They don't want American MTs anymore, they want Indian MTs. The only reason they haven't just laid off the entire US population of MTs en masse is that they're using us to transition their Indian workforce into every aspect of MT. Not just transcription, but also QA, management, IT, sales, EVERYTHING. As more work goes to India, less work remains in the US. You've probably seen all the posts about OOW ("out of work") or NJA ("no jobs available") on these boards, especially the M*Modal, Nuance, and Company boards. That isn't a coincidence. They're PHASING US OUT, and it's picked up tremendous speed just in 2014 alone. They're paying us nothing because (a) they can get away with it and (b) they WANT us to quit. That way they don't have to pay for unemployment benefits.

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