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Feeling Guilty a For Getting Out Of MT - TransitioningOutOfMT

Posted: Sep 30, 2014

Now that my last week is upon me, I feel guilty for getting out of the field I went to school for.  It's long been apparent that nothing is going to change for the better in this industry plus, due to low work, my check has become practically nonexistent in the recent weeks.  I'm sure it will pass, but has anyone else who got out had this feeling?

Feeling guilty- absolutely know how you - are feeling-

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or is it grieving?? Today was my last day and I feel sad. I am surprised at how I feel but I almost feel like it is a death of what has been a part of my life for 35 years and I am walking away because I cannot do it any longer only to make a profit to a company that really does not care except for the $$ that is made to furnish them with a lavish lifestyle. I hope this unexpected feeling passes for both of us!!

I agree with above poster, I think it's grieving. - sm

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Your leaving something behind that your good at, something you enjoy doing and at one time made a livable wage at.

It's not necessarily your choice to leave, but at this point your feeling as though it's the logical thing to do since you can no longer make a living at. If you could still make a reasonable living, you wouldn't be leaving.

PS, I can relate because I went through the same thing. - nm

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Yes, I agree it is grieving - Sunny Girl

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You are going through a type of grieving process. It also happened to me. I loved the field of MT, but had no choice but to move on because of pay. It took me awhile to move on.

I wouldn't feel too - guilty...

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We all make mistakes... bad relationships, bad jobs, bad choices. It takes courage to say enough is enough and get the ____ out while you still have some dignity.

My biggest regret is being a little too dumb, a little too lazy and a little too stubborn to read the writing on the wall about 10 years ago or even longer. I only have 4 years to go until full retirement, but now feel like I'm stuck doing a low-paid boring job I hate for the rest of my working life, assuming MT will even be around another 4 years.

No guilt here - sm

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I've loved doing MT (for 25 years) until this year and made a great living at it. It got to the point, though, where I just couldn't stand turning on my computer because every danged report would be by an unfamiliar dictator/account, and my pay had dropped precipitously. Last week was my last in MT, and I have no regrets. Despite tinnitus and aching hands, I got a hospital job (I start next week -- NOT in MT), and decided to take early retirement while continuing to work. The people at the local Social Security office helped me crunch the numbers. It seems like the right thing to do, and I'm thrilled at starting a new adventure. I just couldn't wait for full retirement, even with the higher benefit. Burned out is burned out, pure and simple. I won't let MT take my soul. I can leave it all behind and not lose sleep over it.

So I had to get a decent haircut (for the first time in years), check out and supplement my pathetic wardrobe and even do some ironing, buy makeup, knee-highs, and new underwear, and even wash my car. I'm ready for ya, world. :)

That is awesome! Carpe Diem!!! - Kindred Spirit

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Its a journey, not a destination - really

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I think a lot of people go to school for something and then expect to do it for the rest of their lives. My husband and I have changed careers and completely moved our households 4 times in 25 years. Sometimes we have thought "we would be further ahead" if we had stayed put. Then we laugh and think of all the great experiences we would have missed if we had. We probably would have gotten divorced out of boredom.

Life is about change and growth. Right now at this point in my life, I am happy to do MT work. I know I am underpaid and taken advantage of, but there are many positives that makes it worth it to me for right now. Life also has its compromises and trade offs. Don't waste any time feeling guilty about changing, growing and experiencing new things.

Guilt? - Samantha

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I don't feel guilty, just sad, because of truly love medical transcription, but if I want to retire comfortably, be able to help my mother, finish school and fix up my house (that was given to me by a family member rent/mortgage free) then, I had to make the move, because these MTSO services simply do not care!

You can truly love other things - sm

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You know, I really loved MT, but when my income dropped to 12.5K after MM bought the company I worked for, I learned to code so I could get out. I felt just awful, too, because I thought I would miss MT sooo much.

Well, that lasted about a day. The paycheck was nice, but discovering that one could work all day and go home without ringing ears and shooting pains in one's hands was delightful. Being appreciated was even better, but the final clincher was the realization that I would never again have to listen to chewing, slobbering, belching, beeping, clanging, horking, snorking, drunks, sex acts, or toilet noises.

I was sorry I had not done it sooner. I expect you will be, as well.
Guilt? - Samantha
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So true, my new position is fascinating, so I am sure, I will soon forget all about transcription :) Plus my new job has an union, which is absolutely wonderful!

Guilt over this is a misplaced emotion - sm

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Why on earth should you afflict yourself with guilt over this??

In the first place, you CAN apply what you learned to another field. Much of what you know applies to health information management, and your many and varied skills will be useful in any number of areas.

Thinking you learned "one job" is just silly. We don't go to school to learn one thing only and there is no expectation that we will stay in one job our entire life. Almost no one does that! MTs tend to, but look how it crippled them!

As others pointed out, it makes no sense to beat yourself up over a bad choice, even if it was a bad choice. I don't think it was.

Grief is ok, but guilt is NOT. You might have a bowl of lemons, but they make pretty good lemonade.

If family are making you feel guilty, tell them to shove it and then get on with your life.

Guilty, not - CINDY

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I know how you feel. I quit this field for 2 years to be a CNA, and it was great, getting paid by the hour. Then when I started nursing school and my patients both went into nursing homes I had to find something, so I found MT again, and I've been doing that for a year now again. There is nothing better than knowing how much you will make and you are really worth the hourly rate of pay without having to kill yourself by typing your fingers to the bone and working awful extra hours. Its very liberating. You will get over it very quickly. I remember when I would be shopping for my patient's and thinking, I am getting paid to walk through this store, nobody is timing me, or anything. Its great!

No, not guilty - sm - anon

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I didn't feel guilty but, as another poster said, I felt sad initially as I was an MT for over 30 years. The sadness, however, was short lived. I've been out of MT for almost two years now, and I can honestly say, for the most part, I really don't miss it. Just being paid hourly rather than on production (and having to deal with running out of work every single day!) will probably help you get rid of that guilty feeling very quickly. :-)

Don't - TomQ

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Don't feel guilty. You owe yourself a chance to find a job where you can thrive. MT is not the place to be, that's been clear for some time.
I know a lot of people with degrees. Very, very few of them are working in the jobs they trained for. I don't think there's anything like a lifelong career anymore - you have to reinvent from time to time.

You shouldn't feel guilty, it's not your fault. - DISAPPOINTED, yes. Guilty, no.

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My Thoughts - see msg

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Not sure what you're feeling. I got out of the biz after 12 years. I do not feel guilty, because in the beginning, I made a good decision because I knew the field was in a good place and not expected to go to a bad place. I am/was extremely sad that I had to quit MT, though.

Is it possible you were warned going in that it was going down the tubes, and that you invested time and money in it anyway? If that's the case, it does you no good to beat yourself up. Look at it as if you knew there was a risk, but you thought you could make it work.

So, I wouldn't feel guilty about quitting for heaven's sake. You're getting out of a bad situation. I think maybe you feel guilty for having gone into MT to begin with.

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