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Epic radiology instructions - grannymt

Posted: Jul 14, 2012

The hospital I work for is switching to Epic soon. We were given an instruction workbook but its very confusing. I've tried to make myself a cheat sheet, but can't figure it out. Does anyone have a cheat sheet or some simple instructions for epic radiology transcription? I know its different at each hospital, but maybe I can make some sense of it. Please help.

Epic radiology instructions - Kicking&Screaming

[ In Reply To ..]
Is your radiology through SpeechQ? We also have Epic now, but radiology is now sent to Epic, and we occasionally get some reports to be transferred into Epic. We only have to copy and paste into Epic, very little straight typing so I didn't know if that was your situation, otherwise I haven't much to offer you in that regard. Good luck though, Epic is a bugga at first!

Epic radiology instructions - grannymt

[ In Reply To ..]
All I know is the doc's don't have capability to do their own yet, so we still have all the transcription, at least for a while. No cut/paste for us. All the windows are too much...time to retire.

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