A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Article about low wages in transcription - Rainwoman
Posted: Mar 22, 2015
Interesting article in the latest For the Record, the AHIMA magazine, about the low pay most companies offer. http://www.fortherecordmag.com/archives/0315p18.shtml
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Read the whole thing. Really liked the part about the CEOs of some companies saying things like it may be because the transcriptionist doesn't have enough experience. I guess 30 years is not enough. Well anyhoo, they all realize there is a problem, but nobody is going to pay their employees what they are worth.
I wish they would have gotten more of transcriptionist's point of view instead of the CEOs of the company. To really let them know what is going on.
Keystrokes CEO claims some MTs make $45 an hour??? - Casey
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Also has the nerve to state that we should search to find a company that will pay a living wage. Unbelievable!
I agree with Cindy. They should have interviewed as many transcriptions as they did CEOs to get the truth.
Find the best transcription company - CINDY
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Really good of keystrokes CEO to say its up to us to find the best company. How do we know who the best company is until we work there. First of all, I am sure that that best company doesn't have enough openings for all of us transcriptionists to get hired there. So that is just ridiculous. We are not in control of which company decides to hire us. The best company we could all work for would be the hospitals that we used to work for before MTSOs took over. In our own local cities with those great hourly pay and benefits. But that's not an option for us anymore.
The most important part of the article to me is - what has been said here over and over again.
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Nevertheless, according to Vance, MTs hold the biggest wildcard—whether they will continue to work for what they deem unfair wages. "Refusing to work for substandard compensation is the best advice I can give," he says. "Many MTs struggle with taking a stand in this regard, either due to a fear of losing their jobs if they refuse to accept unreasonable compensation, a lack of confidence in their own abilities, or other factors which may come into play."
Vance admits the thought of becoming unemployed is frightening, but stresses that MT service owners are unlikely to change current pay standards as long as MTs are willing to accept substandard compensation.
Looks like for the most part we are our worst enemy. Hospitals could care less if the work is done overseas, they are aware and are okay with it. Article is pretty accurate about our profession as far as I am concerned.
Vance comments - disgusted
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If that's the way Vance feels, then why the heck doesn't his company pay more?
Contractors - MTinTexas
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The article touts better benefits, but the author failed to realize that there are actually fewer companies that pay benefits now because they hire contractors instead of employees. Then they pay the same amount as they did before, leaving the MT to pay for computer, internet, books, health insurance, SS tax and all those things that were covered when we were employees in a hospital.
They want to blame MTs for not having enough experience and blame Health Care Reform for dropping costs, but they missed the most significant factor - overseas outsourcing has significantly affected line rates. Why was I paid 8 cents a line as an employee with full benefits 20 years ago, but as a contractor I'm expected to work for 6-7 cents a line. I guess they think the cost of living hasn't risen for MTs in the past 20 years.
Doesnt that rag have a letters to the editor section? - MTs should write in and give their side SM
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of the story For The Record, if the article is to be honest and accurate. But, I guess honesty and telling the MTs side of it is too much to ask for if this rag is in bed with AHDI, AHIMI, whatever their acronym is now.
IMHO, the only viable solution to the transcription wage - MNM
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issue is to pay MTs a base hourly rate with a daily minimum production requirement and an incentive package for working above and beyond. The base hourly rate should reflect the individual MT's experience, education, and skill level. Skill level should be based on how well the MT tests during the interview and screening process.
The base rate should begin at least $3 above minumum wage and build from there with years of experience and skill level.
This is a pipe dream, I realize. The CEOs of the MTSOs will NEVER pay an hourly rate. They are too busy lining their pockets with our blood, sweat, and tears. And can I just say how completely disrespectful this article is to the MT!?!?!? To cite Jay Vance or any other MT company CEO as sources worthy of comment on the plight of the MT is just obscene. I don't know the other people they quoted, but I've met Jay Vance and he's an effing weasel!
I have tried for years to figure out a formula for paying us differently - 30-year MT
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...pay MTs a base hourly rate with a daily minimum production requirement and an incentive package for working above and beyond.
In my experience, this is how it used to be. Then the incentive was taken away, with a "Thank you for all your hard work."
I never had another transcription job which offered incentive pay, though I was able to get on later shifts and add to my base rate with shift differential and call pay. Work was abundant then, so call was guaranteed.
When that job vanished I found a home-based full-time hourly job, and I knew I had found where I wanted to stay as long as possible. Stayed there till the ship went down.
Ugh How does Jay Vance continue to slither his way into sm - acuteMLS
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so many jobs? He is the transcription industry's "used car salesman".
acuteMLS - Nick
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"Used car salesman!" You have a (true) way with words. Brilliant! Kudos.
Don't know why the OP didn't post the a clickable link. Just adding to - make it easier
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The OP did post the actual link. Just highlight it and right-click on it.
Just an observation - Old Pro
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After reading the article, I think perhaps the CEO should be paid $15 an hour. I wonder how he (and you can be sure the CEOs are HE's) would like that?
Old Pro, love your idea...SM - Old Anon
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I'm now contemplating how to approach my MTSO about making my editing rate such that it equals minimum wage in my state at their lph miniumum. It now falls $0.85 short of that. Of course, they are probably going to say just produce more lines (which I do). When I started with them, it was $0.55 more than minimum wage. Something to think about is working toward making sure that line rates at least equal minimum wage in states that are higher than the Federal minimum. After all, we are paid on production; and our time is calculated when we are keyboarding or pedaling. Time to upload/download, stop to research, quick proof, etc. is not counted. Essentially, we are present and working more than 8 hours a day in order to accumulate those 8 hours a day. In a way, it is similar to how waitstaff are paid with a lower base rate plus tips. These people must work more quickly and efficiently to serve more happy customers in order to make minimum or more with their tips. I think the same principle is at play here in the MT industry. The only difference is there are laws regarding waitstaff but not MTs. I think there is a legislative solution, and I am going to start looking into it.
Old pro - Disappointed
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I've had the same issue with making min wage in my state once the state min wage went higher at the beginning of 2015. My supervisor told me what you said they would say.....I've got to produce more lines. I suggested they give me a raise to avoid that problem and was met with resounding silence !
When minimum wage rises, it is supposed to be a raise! - Tired
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It is NOT supposed to be a license for them to tell you to "produce more lines." $15.00 an hour at 0.4 cents a line would mean having to produce 375 lines an hour, or 3000 lines a day. I would think they wouldn't be able to get away with that. THEY are supposed to pay more, not say YOU work more.
Are you kidding me? I would think $15 an hour would be great! - sm
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I know I would give anything for that GUARANTEED hourly rate.
How do you post a clickable link? - anyone know? (nm)
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In the Post A Reply window, put the link in the bottom box where it says URL/Link. I'm glad you asked because unclickable links are one of my biggest pet peeves. I never look at them.
this is a symptom of - our instant-gratification society
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if it annoys you to have to bother to highlight and then click, rather than just click.
Or it could be - xx
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an issue of courtesy on the part of the person asking others to read and comment on something. It would show more consideration to the intended audience to make it as easy as possible for that audience to do what one is asking them to do.
I agree...SM - Old Anon
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make the link clickable, especially since the Post A Replay window is set up to do that. Sometimes unclickable links are posted with pretty much no explanation of what they're about. I'm not into instant gratification either, jeesh.
highlight and click - vs click
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This is the least of our problems, nothing to get worked up about. Either way is fine with me.
They should have said that it is... - Depressed
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8 cents a line for straight transcription AND 3 to 4 cents a line for editing, and that editing is about 90% to 95% of our work.
The article will attract newbies. - Casey
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With the CEO of Keystrokes stating she has MTs making $45.00 per hour. Amazing that the reporter included this in the article without any investigation to find the truth!
Another way MTs get the shaft - SM
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The MTSOs don't seem to think that experience matters at all. Excuse me? I have 32 years experience and you want to pay me the same as a newbie with no experience at all? Think about it! It's like I have been going to school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 32 years! I have learned anatomy, pharmacology, oncology, internal medicine, ophthalmology, every surgical specialty there is, radiology, laboratory, GI, GU, infectious diseases, and on and on and on. I can zip through those reports like nobody's business because the knowledge is right there in my head. Don't they get it?
Uhh ... if you know all that, and I do not doubt - that you do ...
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You can seriously put that knowledge to work in coding. And eventually in CDI. See the link below.
Here's a link to another article regarding tyrannical QA editors, how it takes a highly skilled professional to input medical data, etc.
http://www.fortherecordmag.com/archives/062209p14.shtml ...
Of course this could happen to any one of us, but it's interesting that the article points out the terrible quality of the reports being done in India. This particular MT transcribed the incorrect insulin dosage that ultimately led to the death of the patient. Proofread, proofread, proofread. We already know that, but it doesn't hurt to spread the word. We're all so production oriented these days given our excessively low pay, but we still need to be so inc ...
We'll see how this shakes out but what it looks like, according to this article, is that security will be forefront. To me this means that the vampire squids (the suits) who live and die for widespread databases will need to figure out how they can make their systems more secure. I think they can't if they continue the road their on. See below for recent article link.
http://www.fortherecordmag.com/archives/122109p10.shtml ...
Below is the link to the article called HIPAA Targets and it talks about how dictation and transcription are going to be under increased scrutiny. The one paragraph that caught my eye was this:
"Casto also points to the number of outsourced companies that work directly off the Internet, opening themselves up for breaches. “A lot of people would be shocked as to how many of those companies have an FTP site that works off the Internet,” he notes."
This info needs to be widely spread ...
A friend has written to inform me that the latest AARP magazine has an article recommending transcription to seniors as a viable source of side income.
At first I laughed. Now I'm mad.
I have looked on AARP.org to find said article, but I can't locate it. I have googled it, to no avail. My friend is not tech savvy enough to scan it and e-mail it to me. Anybody out there receive this magazine? I would like to actually read this thing.
Isn't it amazing how the cpl never seems to rise for transcriptionists? Have these companies ever heard of cost of living? This is pretty pathetic. It has been 7 to 8 cpl of twenty years! ...
I want to congratulate everyone who posts on this site telling it like it is about the way these MT companies are destroying what once was a profession where you could make a decent living and actually enjoyed your job. I've been doing this for 30 years and I am still hanging on because I do not know what else to do at my age. I can barely pay my bills with what they are paying me and I am working full time. I am 68 years old and I really am not too excited about going back to school or sta ...
I've taken the tests and have been offered a job with Nuance but want to know if the wage offered was the standard wage for Nuance. I was offered 8 cpl for straight trasncription and 4 cpl for editing. This would be for clinics only. I've heard acute care paid more, but I've only ever had clinic experience.
Do they ever offer raises? They mentioned a bonus program, and I've seen notes on here about people saying they have had problems getting th ...
How many are aware of the wage disparity between different accounts (they don't find it necessary to tell us such a silly detail as the hourly wage, you have to look it up online). With the new accounts, some pay quite low (as low as MB that no one wants to work on) and it may be a shock for those working on those accounts when they get their paychecks! Is it right of them to ask/require us to help out? My feeling is it is costing me to work on those accounts, as it lowers ...
From an article written 2 days ago regarding MQ's settlement of a lawsuit filed by Kaiser against Medquist (which MQ settled for 2 million, by the way):
The company reported net revenues for the three months ended June 30, 2010 as increasing $20.1 million or 25.9 percent to $97.5 million compared to $77.5 million for the three months ended June 30, 2009. ...
I think a fair wage should be in relation to the economy, that which allows you to meet your baseline financial needs without having to work a second job or long hours. I worked for a service back in the early 80s for 6.5 cents per line. Today, nearly 30 years later, they're offering 7.5 cents per line, yet costs are sky-high. It's pathetic. It's sweatshop third world. It's true, we're stuck with the way things are, but ...
I have been an MT for over 10 years for a hosital. I am considering working for Medquist. I currently make 19 per hour but my job is going away. I know I can produce about 1700 lines per day mostly ISR work. Questions:
How much does MQ pay per line for ISR (voice recognition) reports. Also what is the minimum work they require (lines per day).
Do they pay PTO for part time? Do you get any incentives for weekend work?
How often do you run out of work?
How m ...
I've got the form to file a complaint re: Not getting paid for research, verifying patient name, cruddy dictators who shouldn't be in VR/ASR, etc.
The person filing the complaint has to figure out how much the employer owes - any suggestions, or examples? Say, for over a year's time?
My example would be: It takes 8 minutes to go through all my emails (a requirement of my job) weekly (yes, I timed myself) - so that's 8 x 4 = 32 minutes a month JUST for emai ...
Does anyone else feel this way, work hard, trying to do a good job, need to pay the bills, need the insurance and end up with $80 for a full day's work and that is sometimes on a good day but $10.00 per hour seems to be on average what I get, after looking up docs, looking up meds, relistening to blanks, relistening to diagnosis, trying to understand lab values and yada, yada, yada. Everyday becomes a marathon just to make $10 bucks an hour - haven't earned so little for man ...
I came into this field long after the precedent was set on pay. I knew coming into this that the average wage ran from 6 cpl to 10 cpl, with most jobs hovering around 7 to 8 cpl. What I didn't account for was that in more than 10 or 15 years, we'd still be at that rate.
Not only has our wage not gone up in over a decade, even with cost of living increases, but that when they came out with speech recognition, someone thought, "Well, it's doing half the work, so y ...
I just recently found out that my wages are being garnished. I knew it was coming and I decided maybe it wasn't a bad idea in order to pay back this debt. The problem is they are taking 20% of my disposable income which is a considerable amount! I am a single mom with two kids and 20% is simply too much and doesn't leave us much to live on. I did my research and found that in the state of Missouri if you are head of household and the only income, a creditor can ...
I worked for DIT from 01/10 through 03/10. I quit when I didn't receive my first paycheck on time. At this point DIT still owes me $278. From the other posts I've seen, it looks like DIT Transcription has been doing this to their MTs for a couple of years now. They just brought on a bunch of new clinics, yet my final paycheck from them bounced. To add insult to injury, my bank charged ME an NSF fee.
Both the South Carolina Labor Board and State of ...
This is just a warning message to hopefully prevent other MTs from going through my experience. ATSI still owes me three paychecks, which were repeatedly promised to be paid day after day, week after week, then we were informed they legally had to pay by August the 8th. Most of us have still not been paid. I just learned that David Shepherd and his wife, Terry, also control M T World. I am now employed elsewhere, but it will take months to undo the damage this company did ...
As a seasoned medical transcriptionist with over 30 years of experience, I can no longer contain my irritation with the low wages being offered by so many MTSOs. Therefore, rather than apply for the low-wage positions, I am e-mailing these companies and letting them know how insulting their wages are and what an asset I would be to their company, but refuse to accept these low wages.
Some of you may not agree, but this is my form of protesting what has become of the medical transcription p ...
On the Company board, someone commented that Global Information Systems is deducting $5.00 per error. THIS IS WRONG and it DOES make your company irreputable. Another person commented their company was reputable and does the same thing. In what world is it sensible to say a company is reputable and then cite how they behave illegally?
This link fills you in. Your company can't deduct your wages unless you signed an agreement saying they could. And if you did t ...
What would you think if you went to make a dental appt and were told you had no coverage due to non-payment by your employer and the insurance company cancelled you, but..... the premiums are still being taken out. Or if you did not get your paycheck last payday or were $$$ short? ...
Can we pinpoint the reasons we are working for slave wages and unfair treatment? I'm hearing EMR and TAT, but don't we have the ability to provide the same service directly to physicians with software we can download for free? Didn't most of us provide 24-hour turnaround? Has EMG made it to technical to keep up with? Why would a physician choose to pay an MTSO more than they were paying us as ICs when their primary concerns seems to be saving money?
Has anyone surveyed wha ...
The recruiter is not the only serious problem they have.Â
Any former MTs at SS who are interested in being paid their lost wages should get in touch with me. You should only contact me if you have documentation you are willing to share. ...
Guess I have sunk to a new low. With ASR and NJA, I have joined the working poor.
Can't wait until I finish school and get out of here. My wage is less than when I started MT 25 years ago. Just trying to hold on until I finish school. ...