A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Aug 27, 2011

I still browse the site although I have pretty much left the field due to companies such as the ones being mentioned on the company board over and over and over and over ... sorry got carried away.  These type of companies are what ruined this field of work.  It was a field of pride in your job, worked hard for our money always as we were always paid by production.  How is that more and more its required to have a typed document yet our pay has gone down significantly? ?? take note my fellow MTs EMR is where it is for us now get yourself in with a doctor or office that will need your background.  So many are on deadlines to get this up and running... sell yourself you can transcribe for them to get it up and running, input necessary files, scan into medical records you all know your stuff ... its easy medical records labs, path reports, imaging, hospital notes, consults... medication lists.  I nearly lost everything trying to hang in there and do this work well i took job as medical records lady and I am coming back ! work as MT part time you will make what you need then.  GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

what do you mean by... - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
get yourself in with a doctor or office? Doing what? I have no experience getting EMR up and running, or imputting necessary files (as you call it), or scanning medical records. I work from home editing and typing. How will I sell that?

I mean - XMT

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I was same MT/Editor.. applied for job in medical records, I file lab reports (you know what they are BUN, creatinine, CBC ... pathology, progress notes (we type these) and radiology exams look like. You have the terminology and knowledge more so than a person off street. Our field has given us much experience and you would be taught how to use their system. If you are computer literate which we must be to work from home do not think working from home as MT forever is going to be there. prepare yourselves many offices have to convert and will be in need of people to just help even do the initial typing into the patient's files..send out flyers to offices as they will have to employ a service or on-site staff to do this for their records to go to EMR. I hope this helped.

So you're a file clerk- - No thanks...

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company board - nina

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I sure hope you don't type my medical records. Your grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation (pretty much everything that our job entails) is awful.
EMR - sm
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You all are not seeing the big picture. Look at the message. I have had my pay cut in half in this field because of technology, outsourcing and offshoring. The poster is simply stating what else our skills could bring us and hopefully pay is more than min wage. Technology is the reason we are all taking pay cuts, why not let technology work in favor for some of us.
I agree. - mt
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Those of you who cannot make a living with MT should find something else. There are still thousands of MTs doing well with this profession. If you can make more being a file clerk, then go for it.
Heed warning - SM
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You are still one of the lucky ones; however, I once had a doctor say to me
"can't you see the writing on the wall"! I am still making pretty good money, but I live in the real world where this profession is going in the toilet, so I hope to get out before I get flushed down.

gee, I always wanted to be a "medical records lady:" - AnonMt

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but I'm no lady.

EMR - sm

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Thank you so much. I was just thinking of this the other day and how I could do that. With Obama administration pushing for EMR I think you are spot on about this. Thank you again for your posting.

Thank you, XMT - cardioMT

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I think what you said is totally on-target. As far as the subsequent posts, the attitudes displayed are horrible. Either we are willing to change and grow with our profession AND, more importantly, improve our attitudes...or we will be left behind as a bunch of grumbling little old lady "typists". We all need to decide which path we will take in this new and changing environment.

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