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Is coding a waste of time and is it really be outsourced to India? - Inquiring Minds Wanna Know

Posted: May 20, 2010

this is quite worrisome!

I hope people will answer this. sm - stillsearching

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I am hoping current coders will answer this question. There seems to be a lot of us heading back to school for this. Are we all going to end up in the same boat with coding that we have with MT?

There was a link to an article on here yesterday - India bought 2-3 huge coding companies

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So I predict the bell is tolling, the only question is how long will it take India to take over coding much as it took over the Q.

Plenty of MTs are doing just fine - Older MT

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Some MTs are losing their jobs to other American MTs. It has nothing to do with outsourcing. It has to do with their skill level. The people who lose their jobs obviously talk about it and we hear them, but don't think there aren't plenty of MTs out here dong just fine.

There are Indian and other foreign companies, in fact, who own many of the businesses you and I go into every day: gas stations, grocery stores, you name it. Indian MT companies have also been hiring MTs from America for years.

Nothing is 100%. There may be some coding-related jobs that will go overseas. There are always those who would like to see us all hysterical, or at least miserable. I'm very old and I've seen that for many years. I used to fall for every single ALERT: We Are All Doomed message. Not any more. The TRUTH is usually something more reasonable and acceptable, and not worth the panic that always ensues.

I agree - SWMT

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I so agree with you!

Sorry to say, it is. The hospital I "worked" for just outsourced ... - Sam

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The hospital I "worked" for just outsourced their MT Dept and their Coding Dept to India. It is a shame that things are turning this way.

Will you give the name of the hospital please? - Interested

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Sometimes on boards like this we keep reading about the same hospital in different messages and one hospital turns out to look like 20 or 30. If you give the name of the hospital, we'll all know what we're talking about. Otherwise we will just have people jumping to the wrong conclusions. Are all of the hospitals being sold out? No, of course not. Which ones are, or which one is? That would be really helpful to know. Thanks!

I'm not that person, but I don't think giving names of SM - observer

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hospitals (clients) is permitted at all.

I know I live in a very large metropolitan area and the 6 hospitals here no longer have coders working directly for them.

The hospital I worked for said that having their own coders was inefficient and a service could take care of the backlog and keep up with the current work easily, plus the hospital didn't have to pay salaries and benefits for the 17 coders they had.

Outsourcing - Pat46

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Next the insurances and Medicare will outsource to India so everything can be done over there.

so sad - cj

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A little bit further down you will see I posted that where I work we were just sold to an Indian company. Look down at my post "I am blown away." I sure didn't see if coming, at least not this fast. I think we may be seeing the beginning of the end. Their presentation to us (the coders) was amazing. They tried to tell us how good this was going to be for us and how much new technology it would bring to us and new opportunities and actually told us how transcription has been performed in India for many years and how successful it has been!!! Obviously they didn't know that they have an MT among their coders!

Would you mind giving the name of the hospital - Otherwise we know nothing

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I read both of your messages and thought there were TWO hospitals that we were talking about. Would you mind giving the name of the hospital so we can put things into perspective?

Sorry. That has already been asked. - Please ignore

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names - cj

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I don't actually work for a hospital. I work for an outsourcing company, coding's equivalent of the MTSO. Our company has contracts with hospitals all over the country.
So to clarify, if you don't mind, your employer - see message as I am thinking
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The employer you are working for still is located here in the United States and you still do coding from here, but ONE of the hospitals just got bought.

I may have it confused. Just trying to undrstand. Thanks for the clarification. If I am asking more than you want to divulge, just let me know.
my fault.. - cj
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Guess I was pretty unclear. The company is still here in the States, and the entire company was bought by an Indian entity so this will affect all of the hospitals who have contracts with this company. It is just like an MTSO who has accts with 50 hospitals. When the MTSO is bought out by an Indian entity, all 50 of those hospitals have their work affected. I hope that makes more sense.
That does make sense. - Thank you
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CJ - jm
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Is the work going still going to be done here or are they going to add India workers too?
question - cj
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Everything we asked about was answered with "no changes AT THIS TIME." That included our employment, salaries, benefits, our seniority, schedules, locations, and so on. So for right now it will stay here. The future is up for grabs I guess. We asked how long "this time" was and got nowhere! I will simply say having been down this road with MT, I am skeptical of anything I hear that tells me not to worry, all is safe, nothing will change, or that this is a good thing for us. Yeah - whatever!
Are you planning a career change now, CJ? - myka
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Just curious with this news if you are thinking of doing anything different?
undecided - cj
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Right now I am going to just watch it unfold while I play Scarlett O'hara and think about it another day! I don't know what else I would want to do and honestly just feel too darned old and too drained to be heading off in a new direction so I won't be making any changes right now. "At this time" they have no changes planned for us, or so they say, so I will wait it out and see what happens. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that when changes are foisted on us there is always something in store for us that will be show itself when the time is right, and I just don't feel that now is the right time for me to be changing. If things go bad, then there will be something else for me, and I will know it when it shows itself.
I think that sounds wise to wait and see. sm - myka
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I also like your attitude that things happen for a reason and something will show itself when the time is right. I am sure hoping you are right about that one!!
Maybe now would be a good time to get a CCS? - Being prepared
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Are you regretting your decision not to go for a higher credential than the CCA?

Maybe you'd feel less unsure of the future if you got a CCS or CCS-P. You'd be more marketable. If it were me, that would be my move right now.
That's a really good idea. The CCA isn't marketable but CCS is - From What I Have Seen
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That really sounds wise. The CCA does't take anyone very far, but the CCS sure does.
not at all.. - cj
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I really don't regret not having the CCS. My CCA has done just fine for me so far. And as bad as this may sound to some of you, I am not doing this because I am so career motivated; I am doing it for a paycheck and health insurance. Period. I don't have career goals other than getting paid! I don't want to climb any career ladders or see how far I can go or anything else. I just want to earn some money so that I can enjoy my life. I am going to hope that some of you understand that statement. I am worried about this job, but I am not truly worried about my future. If (and it is a big if) this job is sent offshore or suffers some other change that I feel I don't want to deal with, there will be something else in store for me. I just believe in that totally so worry is just a waste of energy! I have other skills and am pretty resourceful. I survived the changes in MT and can survive changes in coding too should they occur. Sometimes those changes that are forced on us open doors to new and better things we might not have had the opportunity to discover if the status quo were maintained.
To CJ - Not at all - Anonymous
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I share your thoughts completely, thanks for posting this.

YEP! Anything that CAN be offshored... - WILL BE

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:-( I have seen where a couple of companies are starting to send work to India. It is just a matter of time before this field is sold out just like transcription.

Where have you seen that - nm

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