A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I just saw an ad on the Main Page for coding by - - M*Modal. :( Worse, they - sm

Posted: Sep 22, 2012

have something called "CAC",  (Computer-Assisted Coding".) 

Automation aside, just the fact that M*Modal is getting it's dirtly little hands into coding doesn't bode well for the field. 

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! - Again with the fear-mongering!

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We asked you to stop the craziness a few days ago, but here you are again! Just like clockwork.

We are not obsessed with MM like you are. We explained why days ago.

CAC doesn't bother us. We explained every time you folks showed up squawking about it.

If your view of our occupation is so uninformed that you cannot see the reality of what we do, and if you are so focused on creating turmoil that you won't even look, too bad for you.

I am tired of this.

We come here to help the rest of you who might want to find a home in health information. I am thinking that we may have helped all the ones who can be helped, because it seems that only whiners, malcontents, and pot-stirrers are left. It might be best to stop our efforts now, before the lot of them invade and ruin coding and HIM the way they did MT.

you all remind me of us 10 years ago - MT

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We thought we were invincible too. We thought we were real hot stuff. We were literally the stars of medical records. I don't wish you ill, though. May you have continued success.

You do not understand what "coding" is. - Coder who knows more than you.

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Your problem is that you do not understand that "coding" is not JUST ONE job.

You see it as some kind of clerical work sitting at a desk in a doctor's office or hospital copying codes onto bills. So, when you see MM or CAC, you think you see a computer taking over.

You do not know what coding is or how it fits into and grows from health information administration, so you do not realize that you have tunnel vision. You are looking at just one tiny part of a career field and thinking you see the whole.

You think this is reality because you assume that YOUR job's reality is exactly like everyone elses'. MT consists of ONE task . . . sitting at a desk and typing what you hear. There is no advancement, no career progression, and no lateral possibilities. You start out typing and type for 30 years. Your job also has NO impact on either patient safety or revenue, but cost hospitals a fortune. It is a money drain. Hospitals outsourced you because you were too expensive to keep AND they tolerate poor product because it does not matter much. The REST of the medical record matters . . .your work actually arrives too late to matter. It is an expensive formality. Hence, VR is fine.

Coding is completely different. It is a SKILL or KNOWLEDGE SET, not a task like MT. It is not just one job. It is not blindly matching medical words with diagnoses, like matching sounds with words, and typing them. It is quite a lot more.

I do not care about CAC except to look forward to getting some rote work done. I do not care if it replaces entry-level coders because I am already in a more advanced position. I am a coder, but I do not do what you think coding is. I just do something that requires knowledge of it.

I feel sorry for you because you stayed so long in a dead job. I feel doubly sorry for you that you are so affected by your circumstances that you cannot see any realities other than your own and are apparently unwilling to try.

Eveything I said here has been said here before but you didn't bother reading it. Your goal in coming here was not to learn but to agitate. You want to spread your unhappiness and the only reason I can think of for that is that you are resentful or jealous of the people who have been successful in getting out of MT.

I work a 9 to 5 job in HIA and make 75K. My job is not going to be replaced by CAC or MM because it is not anything either of them could do. I can assure you that I am not blind, nor do I think I am hot stuff. I just took care to find a career field that was diverse.

If you want to see what is so diverse about it, do some research. I am tired of saying it over and over again to people who do not listen.
No, I do realize how unimportant my job is - MT
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I'm just saying that 10 years ago, we thought it was important, people acted like it was important, and they paid us like it was important, so we were proud of our jobs and thought they'd last forever and that we'd continue to be compensated the way we were. Maybe you weren't in the health care field at the time so you wouldn't know. Now its the coding people who are on top, who are proud and well compensated and think it will last forever. Well, you know what, I hope for your sake it does, I truly do.

As for getting out, well I'm really trying, but I should add that you all have made it sound so mysterious and difficult that I'm afraid to try it, and I'm a reasonably intelligent human being. So where I get out to will most likely be something different. There's really no need for you to kick me while I'm down, because I am honestly trying every day to find something else.
meant to say "made coding sound mysterious and difficult" - MT
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not getting out mysterious and difficult. Getting out is difficult but not mysterious. And another thought I had was that 10 years ago, we MTs also tried to make our job look mysterious and difficult. have a nice day!
Do not blame US if you are "afraid to try it." - Former MT
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Nobody here is kicking you. You came here taunting us and now blame us for your fear of trying something new?

I WAS AN MT AND I GOT OUT. Most everyone here did.

You think we made coding and HIA sound difficult and mysterious? We have been telling you that MTs have an EDGE in it!

We have also pointed out that there are FREE learning resources. You can investigate to see just how difficult it is. If the AAPC can teach outpatient coding in about 100 hours, does that communicate that it is impossible? If Andrews students can pass both the CPC and CCS after about a year, does that communicte impossibility?

Are you aware just how many coders are entirely self-taught? Does that communicate that you should fear it? I would think the opposite.

Because you think we made you fearful, then, you are saying that is making you lash out at us?

Everything sounds difficult and mysterious until you can do it.
how was I taunting you? - MT
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all I said was I used to be on top, you are, and I wish you well.
-- - --
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message deleted
I only want to talk about coding - moved on from MT
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I don't think that you "lashed out". I'm just not really sure if your comments belong in the coding forum. Didn't you say something to the effect of why bother with coding because we are just going to FAIL. I don't come here to listen to Eeyore. The coding board is not the right audience for whatever your point was.

It sort of comes off like you are bursting into a polite conversation about a different industry to tell us to feel sorry for you, like others have barged in here before to insist upon. I am sorry that you are having a hard time, but that doesn't give you the right to come in here and belittle what I am trying to do. Many of the responses you received seemed encouraging to me, especially since your post reads as very confrontational.

I wish you wonderful things ahead. If you need to know that you are not alone, the main board might be a better place to vent.
no I didn't say that - MT
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YOu have confused me with someone else.
Doesnt matter, really. If M*Modal is already wrapping - its tentacles around coding, it isnt "safe".
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You must be a representative of M*Modal - That explains your irrationality
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The only thing that would explain your hysteria and refusal to understand facts is that you're a representative of M*Modal.
That doesn't make any sense. Why would an M*Modal - representative refer to it derrogatorily?
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PS: The M*Modal ad I saw was posted on MTStars, - on THIS forum. I didnt make it up.
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Whoa, whoa, whoa, back the self-deprecating truck up! - Des
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Are you really agreeing with that coder that MT is unimportant? Can't you see that that coder was only trying to start a fight? There's always been a rivalry between MT and coding, kinda like the Hatfields and McCoys. If you give in to the begrudgery, you're only hurting yourself.
We are not interested in fighting about the value of MT - MT to Coder
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The only rivalry here is on the part of the MTs and they appear to be the ones trying to start the fight.

Why else come here every 2 weeks with the same taunts?

At first we thought she just didn't understand, so we explained. Then we asked her to stop.

Now YOU are jumping in with further accusations. That troll attracted you to the prospect of some turmoil and bickering.

No coders are fighting. The fight-picking is on your side. Go do it on your own board. We want to talk about constructive topics here.
You seem to be mistaking warnings for "taunts". - As an MT, I had seriously considered - sm
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getting into coding. It seemed like a natural next career step. But, having been burned more than once, not only by MT, but other jobs as well, I held back, waited and watched. I know how healthcare institutions operate, and how hellbent they are to cut as many "non-essential" employees (i.e., doctors and management) as possible. With the advent of point & click EMRs, and scribes, among other things, I wondered if MTSOs weren't starting to look beyond MT, which they had a hand in helping to kill, even though it was their income producer. Before I ever even saw ads for coding services by these companies, or schools for coding in India, I started putting 2 & 2 together, and figured it was only a matter of time. So for that reason, I decided not to take out a loan to go to coding school. At this stage of my life, the risks outweighed the possible benefits.

Now I'm starting to see those hunches I had 2 years ago start to become realities. Even though I'm not a coder, I still think the coding profession is important to MTs, and not just the ones who are thinking of getting into it. If coding is maintained at its current value level (which a union would help immensely), it would help to shed a light on the value of MT, as well. Coders work from medical records, correct? If those records are an incorrect mess, wouldn't that directly impact the coder's job, and their ability to get accurate compensation for services performed?

If coding continues to be imperative for healthcare profitability, perhaps somewhere down the line a long, hard second look will be taken at MT, and a realization that cheap-and-offshored medical records are a liability, not an asset.
(Correction: "non-essential" employees OTHER - than doctors & management).
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Not sure what to say about that - MT to Coder
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You thought about coding, but thought you saw MT all over again, so you sat in a dead job for 2 years to see what would happen. Now you think you see your expert predictions coming true, so you feel it is your mission to hang around here and justify your wasted 2 years by issuing dire warnings to chase others away from the jobs you rejected.

And then, in a superb example of circular reasoning, you figure that coding depends on accurate medical records, so it is only a matter of time before your MT job becomes important once again. Showing that the coding profession is important to MTs.

Oh, and coders need to unionize.

That sounds remarkably like the perseverative drum-beating on the main board.

I just want to point out that we are not experiencing any difficulties coding because of transcription issues in the medical record.
I just want to point out that coders aren't the only ones using the medical record. - nm
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That has nothing to do with this discussion - Staying on topic
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This topic is not an argument about the value of MT. We agree that MT is valuable. We agree that correct medical records are important. We agree that coders are not the only ones using medical records.

The discussion was about coding being affected by records that are an "incorrect mess." Again, the kind of transcription problems that result in what you see as "incorrect mess" have little to no effect on coding. We code CONTENT.

If we can pick up the content from handwritten physician scribbles, unedited physician Dragon documents, and physician-generated EHR boilerplates and templates -- which would shock you into apoplexy -- we are not going to have any difficulty with MT-transcribed documents no matter how much of a mess you think they are.

You don't see the rest of the record, but we do. I think a lot of MTs do not understand that transcribed documents make up only a small part of the record. That is why hospitals are not overly concerned with what MTs perceive as
mess . . . it is far better than the rest of the record.
but it has everything to do with the post to which I replied - paying attention
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Wow. How condescending - "MT consists of ONE task, sitting at a desk and typing what you hear . - MT also
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and "Hospitals outsourced you because you were too expensive to keep AND they tolerate poor product because it does not matter much" because MTs are "blindly matching medical words with diagnoses, like matching sounds with words, and typing them.."

Seriously? That is what you think MTs do? Now I understand all the comments about how arrogant (and ignorant) the Coding Board bullies are. I still have a lucrative MT position, but am looking into coding as a transition. However, comments like this along with incessantly parroting "fear-mongering"? As a representative of those who code? Just bizarre.
Like it or not, that IS what admin thinks - MT to Coder
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But this board is about coding, not about arguing about what MTs really do. I was an MT. I know what MTs do.

The point being made was that there is only one job in MT. There is nowhere to go from it. No upward motion, no lateral motion. You can't even move down . . . only out.

The "coding" that most people think of is a job within a field of related jobs within a wider field of health information jobs.

In other words, it is a stepping stone rather than a cul de sac that nobody can get out of.

Seeing ominous portents in CAC and EHRs is the result of not understanding what they are and how they fit in that broad field of health information. Thinking that MM controls the world like a madman in a James Bond novel is just a restricted world view.

Here is what you might not know . . . every few weeks an MT shows up here sing-songing "Nyah nyah! Coding is going away! You think you are so smart, but I just heard about (EHRs, CAC, MM, outsourcing, Indians, Atlantis, men in black, space aliens)! Nyah nyah!"

We could ignore it, but then more MTs appear asking "Is it true? I wanted to learn coding but now I am afraid because of (EHRs, CA, MM, outsourcing, Indians, Atlantis, men in black, space aliens)!"

That is why we call it fear-mongering. It appears to be a deliberate attempt on the part of one or two people to ruin the lives of others. We have requested that it stop, but it keeps on. And then someone else shows up to exclaim that we are dissing them and they'll show us by not going into coding! (Nyah nyah! So take that you mean coders!)

I am sorry if you find it condescending that there is ONE job in MT, but that is what it is. The reason you got wiped out is because there is no other related job to move into.

The reason you fear coding being wiped out is because you are so used to there being just ONE job that you cannot understand that there is not just one job in coding.

If you want to move to coding, we can help with advice. If you don't want to code for whatever reason, we won't be offended in the least. Nobody here has anything to lose if you go do something else.
Again, bizarre... - MT also
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I just went back through three months of old posts. I saw people linking or mentioning something they read about regarding new automated software, CAC, or MM getting into coding but did NOT see:

"Nyah nyah! Coding is going away! You think you are so smart, but I just heard about (EHRs, CAC, MM, outsourcing, Indians, Atlantis, men in black, space aliens)! Nyah nyah!"

Wow. If that's how you see it...
it's not exactly that - MT
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but you have to admit that when Ms. Coder Who Is Smarter Than You comes on with her thesis about how I don't have a clue about coding and can never have a clue about coding because all I am is a transcriptionist and oh by the way she makes so much money and is so highly placed that she doesn't care if technology comes along and replaces those lower level peon coders, that somebody might find that just a little bit intimidating.
I do not think she intended it as a personal slur. - This is what I see
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She gave good info about job expectations in coding. EHR and CAC are not going to wipe out the industry. Jobs will change and there are a lot of jobs to move into.

We already said it was like the effect computers had on accounting. Accountants no longer total numbers by hand. They moved into more interesting areas of accounting.

Our parents stayed in the same job for their entire lives. Today, you have to be on the move.

You can read anything you want into what somebody says about anything OR you can keep a lid on your emotions and try to see the truth in what they said. If you are so controlled by your emotions that you abandon an entire career field over anger at a perceived slight . . . you are only hurting yourself.

She was right in what she said. If you are hurt by that, I do not know why.
Well, for your sake, I hope you're right. But I'm - afraid I wouldnt bet the farm on it. nm
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The truth hurts. Yes, MT is ONE job. nm - anon
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Coders' heads are buried in the sand. They want to - believe U.S. coders are indispensible.
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I say, let em believe it while they can. We had our years of thinking we'd chosen well when we picked MT as a profession. They might as well enjoy their time in the sun while it's still shining. If it's any consolation, court-reporting, long thought to be invincible, is also facing the threat of automation. Soon there will only be 2 varieties of jobs in the U.S: CEO's and top management (a.k.a. the CEO's flying monkeys who do his or her bidding, no matter how vile), or physical labor.

I hear sign-twirlers in my area are making about $15 an hour.....
HUGE Difference between MT and Coding - CREDENTIALS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Medical Transcriptionists were never secure or very high up the medical ladder because CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE ARE NOT RESPECTED IN MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! If MTSOs had respected the CMT, many MTs would have lost their jobs because they were LOUSY MTs. They fought credentialing for that reason. We all lost.

It is NOT THE SAME with CODING. Coding credentials ARE respected.

Your posts are either taunting us because so many American jobs have gone overseas and you love it!


You are one of the downtrodden masses who enjoys being down and out.

Either way, you'll find on this board people who know the facts. We also know that there will ALWAYS be a need for people with the knowledge and skills we have. You said, 'let em believe it" and "They might as well enjoy their time in the sun"...etc., etc., etc. Okay, so go away and let us enjoy our happiness.

We'll also do just fine when it gets tough and we have to go out and work very hard to find a job.

CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE ARE NOT RESPECTED IN MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! You are not credentialed and not respected. Go away. Just kidding about that. You can stay, of course, but you'll have to step up to the plate and go get yourself some coding credentials and stop trying to drag us down to your level.
One difference between MT and coding... - Inquiring minds
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Arrogance. I am an MT who holds a CMT. I was certified by examination and I took pride in my profession. My employer rewarded me in kind. I was respected, then along came Epic and cheap labor and my MT job was gone but it was not my fault. I am not one of the downtrodden masses. I knew my job would be ending and I got a coding education, became certified and got a different (notice I said different, not better) job in coding. Coders high up on the medical ladder? If you say so. If people in foreign lands can learn transcription, they can learn coding too. I hope it doesn't happen, but it is a possibility that needs to be considered. They're will be other jobs for coders, but the new technology might eliminate some jobs, particularly for new people entering the work force. I haven't started my new employment yet, but I'll have to say that if my co-workers are as arrogant and know-it-all as the ones I've encountered here, I don't think it is going to be a very enjoyable experience.
Agree... - Totally
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This is the most arrogant and condescending board I have ever visited. If I were a newbie wanting/trying to get into coding, I would be petrified to think that this is the kind of atmosphere I would have to deal with. Good day and good riddance!
Yeah, the "Nyah-nyah" factor among coders seems - to be pretty strong here. Whatever! LOL
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You did not have to be so mean to the poor woman - CTMT
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I just read your post and it was really mean spirited, you did not need to go as far as you did.
Wow. Great example of blatant hypocrisy. - MT who knows more than you.
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Wow.... - SK1
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Do you need a hug?
First of all... - Another MT who knows more than you
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this applies to you, not coders in general, not MTs, but YOU: "...you have tunnel vision. You are looking at just one tiny part of a career field and thinking you see the whole."

MT isn't just one job. Sure we type, but we also interpret, format, customize, and offer backup support for the multiple errors dictators make, and if VR could do all that, it would have already. You'd know that if you have any understanding of MT.

As far as MT just being a task and not a "skill or knowledge set," explain to me how you're not also describing coding. I've done more than MT, ya know, and I've worked in hospital medical records for almost 2 decades. I KNOW WHAT CODERS DO. You look at a word and assign it a number. Big flippin' deal!

If the transcribed medical record wasn't important, then why do hospitals and clinics and insurance companies constantly demand copies of those records, with the most pertinent requested documents being H&P, DS, consults, and op notes - all transcribed reports.

If those reports aren't transcribed accurately, it affects reimbursement just as much as an incorrectly coded dx. I also know FOR A FACT that coders do look at op reports and H&Ps and discharge summaries and consults to assist with coding, despite your profession that they don't.

"...matching sounds with words..." We're interpreting those sounds into a reliable text. All you're doing is matching words with numbers.
Nope - anon
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You're still only seeing a fraction of coding.

And however you cut it, MT is just one job with no real opportunity for movement within a career field.
yep - MT
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Coding = matching words with numbers. One job.

You're not seeing the big picture.
Still nope--and I see just fine. - anon
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We were you 10 years ago - ExMT

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We got out. That is how we know you can, too.

You have had time to learn coding, get a job, get a bachelor's degree for an RHIA, and start on an MBA, if not finish it.

You are right . . . I feel pretty darned invincible right now and for a very good reason.

Oh, and I was intimidated by coders once, too, but I did it anyway. Nobody can make you believe something without your cooperation.
yes I had time - MT
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Maybe I'm slow. I didn't see the final curtain falling on MT until just the last year or so. I congratulate you on catching it earlier. At this point I am too old to start coding but I'm going to take a billing class that someone below is talking about.
You are not too old to start coding - On-Site MT/Inquiring minds
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I'm 58, finished my program about a year ago, worked in MT while I searched for a job. It was very difficult and I've written about it several times, but I finally found a coding job, I will be starting in 2 weeks. Don't let your age hold you back if you want to learn.
Too old for coding but not for billing makes no sense. - sm
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I can't imagine what reasoning would lead an experienced MT to choose billing over coding. It is not going to be any easier to get a job. It is not going to take less time. It will lead to lower income.

It is also becoming mostly automated by EHRs, so your fear of computers taking over has already happened with there being far fewer available jobs.

Considering that, you would probably even out in the long run by going to work at MacDonald's.
because i know how long it would take to become proficient - MT
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Just as it took a newbie MT to be really proficient, I know it would take at least as long to be an excellent coder. The AA degree alone takes 2 years. I'm not the person who is posting about being afraid of technology. I just jumped into the middle of the thread.
But new MT starting from the bottom. If talking MT going to coding - she has all her MT experience behind her. nm
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Not To Old! - Kat
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I just wanted to make a comment. You are not too old to learn Coding and start a new career. I am 53 and I am taking Coding. I have no experienc in the medical field; however I wanted to go in a different direction in my career. I find Coding to both challenging and interesting. I beieve the future for Coding is looking good. There will always be a need for Coders. A machine(Computer) will NEVER replace people when it comes to decision making.

None so blind as those who refuse to see - blind bat

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Did kinda sound like chicken little with the whole "sky is falling" garbage though.

I think it may be one timid, fearful person spreading anxiety - see message

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I think it maybe one or possibly two very scared people who want everyone else to share their misery. That may sound harsh, but it gets tiresome when, as you said, just like clockwork the person comes back to spread some "I was an MT and failed so you coders will fail too" gloom and doom. In my personal life I surround myself with courageous people who work hard and don't constantly panic about this or that. It's harder to do that online, but it's easy to pick out the posts of those who have a more thoughtful approach and those who are definitely not calm, cool, and collected.

Just remember that an obsession to panic is contagious. That's one reason why I won't stop coming here to make sure there is a more healthy balance of posts. If we let them, the hysterical would take over the world!

There will always be - heather

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companies trying to do things automated. But, there will always be people that will need to run these programs. I doubt everything, MT or coding, will ever be fully automated. Don't worry, computers won't take everything over.

Definitely agree! How sad for them! - NM

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They were into coding when they were Medquist - CMT

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Not sure it's anything new.

M-Modal coding - Inquiring minds

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I see that as an opportunity rather than a liability. I suggest going to school and learning to code, then get a job with them in the coding department. If you are able to wear 2 hats, you have a better chance of retaining your job. Actually CAC is a good thing; it aids coders, can eliminate errors and helps them get more work done, it does not replace coding.

M*Modal/CBay - SadButTrue

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M*Modal acquires CBay - M*Modal Global Services

Excerpt: "Just as exciting, this aggressive growth plan now enables us to train our Indian employees with new skill sets in medical coding, in the complexities of medical billing and in the emerging field of healthcare analytics. We are committed to empowering the careers of our employees to enhance what India can offer to the world."

So, as someone that was contemplating entering the world of coding, I won't be doing that. The Coding industry will become just as the MT industry is now. It is only a matter of time. Sadly.


How do you know that? - Inquiring minds

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As someone else pointed out, MM does not control the coding world. There are so many options available to you as a coder, from entry level physician office jobs, on up the ladder to jobs in consulting and auditing. Indians will be restricted from many of these jobs because they require credentials, and AHIMA (definitely) and AAPC (I am uncertain) don't offer their exams in India. It sounds as if you wanted to code but changed your mind based on something you read and then you jumped to the conclusion that it was all going to disappear. I would suggest doing some more research, talk to people who actively work as coders and do some networking. It's always better to know the whole story before assuming the worst.

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Oh Wow That Whole Big Thread On The Main Board
Jan 30, 2013

Now if we could just get rid of the one below! ...

Came Back To Check On This And Main
Sep 04, 2013

And found I still need my hip boots on for all the cr** that's on here. Never seen a more depressing, hateful, self pitying bunch of people in my life.  ...

There Is A Message On The Main Board Here Sm
May 21, 2015

with a link to the Dept of Labor.  I encourage all of you to go check it out and write to them if you feel moved to do so.  Maybe if they get enough inquiries about this company, someone will take a look at them.  All I want to know, bottom line, is if they can legally do this, meaning cutting our line rate in half and our produced lines in half and then further reduction for what they deem as quality issues (which is very subjective in the best case scenario).  It would be n ...

On Main Board There Is A Thread Scaring Me
Dec 12, 2011

On the main board there is a message titled "Gotta Vent" and the following replies regarding coding have made me sick to my stomach, especially because a couple people stated seeing their coding departments wiped out by the EMR systems. Could someone shed some light on this?  I am in a coding class now and I am not feeling so hot....but be honest. Thank you!  ...

Do You Leave In Unused Main And Subheadings?
Aug 21, 2012

We recently had a new account start and the doctors often do not dictate all the main headings of the template that loads.   The hospital keeps changing their mind as to keep it unused main heading in versus take it out if not dictated.   Typically, I have always removed it if it was not dictated.  But what do most of you do?  Thanks for sharing your experience. ...

Escription - My Main Account Has Become Worse
Aug 22, 2012

I am wondering why in the past 2 months or so the VR on my main account has become worse than when the drs were first VR.  I am finding myself typing more than 50% of the supposed VR instead of just editing it and dropping my paycheck even further.  This is very frustrating when you are stuck on a VR for triple the time or more of the actual audio time.  I proposed this question to upper management and their response was that they have no idea why this is happening, but they are seeing this a ...

Virtually No Work, Main Account
Dec 31, 2012

and while we were Transcend, it was so busy we worked OT to keep up.  Now am lucky if I have consistent work.  I am so sick of this.  ...

Please Go To Main Board. Read Post RE EMR. NM.
Aug 11, 2014

XX ...

All Main Board Posts Deleted??
May 13, 2015

Why have all the messages on the Main Board been "deleted by author"?? ...

Transcend Apology On Main Board From Management
May 21, 2010

I recognize the name used - it is by someone in upper management. At least she is using her real name - maybe she had second thoughts of using Hawkeye - LOL. ...

Just Heard EPIC Is Now Being Trained At My Main Account
Aug 16, 2010

Does not surprise me.. the Canned reports featured in EPIC I am sure will take over to completely do away transcriptionists.  Clearly healthcare is okay with homogenous reports that really are not particular to the patient, just trying to stay within the slimmest margin of the law.  It's like legal liability insurance...the bare minimum required. ...

Most Of The Dictating Doctors This Week In My Main Account Have
Jan 14, 2011

Always makes me wonder about a hospital when one doctor gets sick with a cold, and then the rest of them get sick. That doesn't happen in every hospital. Their hoarse voices are screwing up ASR extra and their hoarse voices hurt my ears! ...

See Post On Main Board About EPIC Clientele.
Mar 02, 2014

This is quite the eye opener and may explain why a lot of us are running out of work. Part of the problem is the complete mismanagement by TSMs and COMs, but the overall issue may be that EPIC is growing by leaps and bounds. It does not bode well for us MLSs. ...

Silent Type Big Main Account Is Being Transitioned To VR
Mar 25, 2014

Does anyone know if the big main account is being transitioned to VR, and if so, has anyone on this account been invited to move to VR?  ...

Wage Theft, Post On Main Board.
Sep 02, 2014

I read with interest the article contained in the post on the main board because it occurred to me that this is the only industry I know where as an employee, for most companies today, Nuance not excepted, you accept a job and then you, the employee, provide your own equipment, you pay the expense to have your computer repaired and when it is down you are not paid for the downtime, you pay your ISP internet charges (which can be costly if you are running extra turbo charged service to meet minim ...

Check Out Posts On Main Board And MModal
Nov 14, 2014

entitled "A little help from a friend" singing the praises of Nuance and how "you will love it here" and "don't believe what you read, we're all trolls."  Trying hard to get that referral bonus! ...

Notified Of Meeting This Week To Go Over All Major Errors For Our Main Account
Aug 04, 2013

Got email stating conference call this week for all of our "errors" we are making - what fun!! ...

Cardiac Cath - The Left Main Is A Short Vessel And Has Mild S/l Red Disease Seen./nm
Aug 31, 2011


Check Out Post On Main Board, "Latest Hospital To Sell Out
Nov 07, 2014

...conspiracy theorists on this one! Ha!   ...