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What are the line count requirements at TransTech? - sm

Posted: Jan 18, 2010

Am curious about the line count requirements at TransTech for both standard and VR before I send my resume. Don't want to waste my time or theirs if I feel the requirements are too high.

don't believe they're hiring anyone for anything other than VR.... - anon

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...because they're now forcing us all to do either 100% VR or "a mix" (which means 90% VR, 10% traditional at best). This means a requirement of 13,200 per pay period (80 hours). Fun, huh? The VR pay rate is 0.4 per line. Everyone I know of here has taken nearly a 50% pay cut lately.

Went back to compare what you have to have to what - i had with VR the last pay period

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I work 32 hours per week and did 27,000 VR my last pay period and did not count the straight that I did. So you have to do how much again for 80 hours??

acc to the calculations you are doing 420 lph, wow! but anon only 160 lph??..nm - vr: 420/160

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And remember that was the VR part of my work - not all that I had for that pay period
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I think what the job was expecting is not that much at all, for a full 80 hours?
not much asked, 160 lph doing VR, maybe she meant standard...n/m - vr
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And that 160 lines will make you exactly $6.40. - nm
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You are right, and if you only do VR and no straight - VR person
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You really have to step it up in order to make a decent salary. You can do it if you have a decent platform. I have averaged in the high 20s on VR on an hourly basis. I check my count every hour on the hour because I set myself to make so much for the day.
If you get garbage VR that's not cleaned up on a new account, - you can starve before you get past $6.40 an hour.
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Then maybe you are working for the wrong place - VR person
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No one should make below minimum wage on any work with MTing, never. Hunt for something else if the place does not pay enough. When my employer first started on voice, I think it was about 2 weeks before it really got to where the majority was close to 95% accurate or better. Not that long really when you take into consideration others are making such low wages at other places.

wow, only 4 cents per line for VR at TransTech? that sounds low. n/m - not at MQ

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hey, if y'all like it, I'm sure they're hiring for it... - anon

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I guess it's just me (well, check the archives--it AIN'T just me), but I think it's kinda dirty to force your transcriptionists overnight to go from all traditional to a "mix" (meaning 90/10 VR not counting headers or footers, a so-so platform, etc.)with line requirements of 11,000 to then go to 13,200, then to add insult to injury by telling us all we will "make" money in this transaction. You don't have to go far (read: bottom of the company page here) to see how "many" of us are making money on this transaction. If you think this is a fair deal, absolutely no one is stopping you from jumping on board. Most of us don't think this is a nice thing to do to employees--and yes, I do know most companies are doing it, but that would not make me want to join up fresh with a company, anyway.

Side note--clearly VR's a great thing and such a time-saving technological wonder that no wonder they should pay us only 4 cents a line, but--in the past 2 weeks I have seen the following buried in the middle of reports, which had I not removed them, would still be there and could make an interesting difference in how patients re treated: 1. "He has cancer," which VR had guessed the ESL doctor had dictated (when the patient had never had cancer and the report had nothing to do with cancer) and 2. (my favorite) "the patient has help to cook and clean the cocaine" for "cooking and cleaning."

I think that is the REASON they have editors, ah, you - are the one who cleans up the work, ah

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is that not right? You have a human, now pay attention here, that takes a document that is already dictated, listens to it and CLEANS up any dictation that is incorrect. Tell me if I am missing anything now. VR is a machine. We get that, ok? Any person working on VR ALSO understands YOU are there to clear up such blatant mistakes. Now onto something else.
Yes, but the work we are being asked to clean up is GARBAGE. - Debbie
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For a teensy, weensy amount of money. TT's VR is definitely not one of the cleaned up programs all the VR Lovers are raving about. I can't believe the crap I am seeing left in FINISHED documents.

If TT continues down this road, they are going out of business very soon.
Amen, sistah! I can barely squeeze out 125 LPH on - the awful reports on VR. Is TT serious about keep
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is it worth more than 4 cents per hour for your OWN medical record to be accurate? - anon
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...so, ah, I, ah, think maybe you're missing that. Personally, I'd rather the person who's looking after my medical record be making wages that are better than a sweatshop in a third world country. Such a person may, perhaps, be a little more likely to, ah, do, ah, a good job. Ah?
I have posted and will do again because the cost paid - the ones who clean up
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has absolutely nothing to do with if the medical record, mine included is right or wrong. My medical record as we speak is falsified. It was straight typed, long before VR and yet has errors in it. Paying me 4 cents a line or 20 cents a line does not make me a better transcriptionist. I type exactly what is said regardless of the pay I receive. Any less be they editors or regular MTs should be fired for less. What you put forth is a bunch of baloney.
I really have no idea what your reply has to do with the topic at hand - Debbie
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However, it certainly seems that you have some anger issues. Perhaps you should consider treatment for anger management. But, hopefully, your treatment won't be based on any CRAP in your VR'd medical record!
Let me ask you, do you have your degree - hung out so you can judge
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other people's character. I just love it the way people are on here. Anger, nah, not this person, have the best of everything going on in my corner of the world. People are just a foolish bunch who think being paid x amount of money has anything to do with how complete a medical record is. Bless their little hearts.
Yes, I do have a degree as a matter of fact. - Debbie
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AND, I have judged you and found you lacking an anchor in reality!
I do not think it is up to you to judge another person - think that belongs to someone else
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Talk about pompous. Sorry your job is lacking, otherwise you would not be so down on a person who is doing well.
Someone else? Who? Dr. Phil, maybe? - Debbie
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I suspect he too would think you are not exactly grounded in reality, either! LOL.

With the new emphasis on HIPAA and patients demanding their records - Debbie

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What do you think is going to happen when they see all the TOTAL GARBAGE that VR has put in said records and the poorly paid MTs have not corrected? Should be interesting...

No, I don't think VR is the wave of the future. Unless we have already slid so far into a 3rd World health care system that there is no turning back now, where it doesn't matter if the stuff in your medical records is correct or not because the health care you will receive under such a system is CRAP too, just like the medical records VR turns out.
Let me tell you about what can go into the record - This was before VR
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I was the patient myself, supposed to have 2 procedures done by a physician. He forgot (yes he did) one of those and 9 months after the fact he dictated (remember this was before VR and straight transcribed) that he did the procedure he forgot to do. That my dear, was made part of my medical record. I work for that particular hospital and went to say that was falsying records,was told to put a note in my chart saying it was not so. So you see, dearie I have had things put in my record that I KNEW were false and were they changed, nope.

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