A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Transcription Service - Dinky

Posted: May 22, 2015

Does anyone know of a fair paying transcription service hiring now?  I find myself going from one company to another working so many hours for so little pay.  Unfortunate we have moved so far away from treating transcriptionists with respect and giving them dignity when we slave over these reports and get less than minimum wage sometimes.

Transcription - service

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If there was a company like that, I would have found it by now! No such animal ...

I second that. I have been at this for 20 years and agree there is - sm

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no such animal

Transcription Service - Dinky

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I guess I will have to keep looking or switch careers.

Here's a List of Companies - justright

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A mix of GT, MT, and LT. Hopes this helps. Don't let the requirements stop you from applying.

Thanks justright - Dinky

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Thanks, I will look into these. I have been doing this for over 30 years and back in the day the money was almost four times what they are paying now.

This List - Is SO outdated

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I would guesstimate that at least 75% of them do not even exist anymore.

Yes, it is outdated, but still a starting - justright

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Point for anyone who wants to stay in transcription, not necessarily medical transcription. A year ago, I used that list to start my journey out of MT. I now work for myself 80% (GT) of the time and the other 10% is still in MT, which I will probably be leaving completely in 3 months if not sooner. I'm happier, my bills are getting paid, and I'm making what I feel I'm worth. That list shows a small portion of opportunity that is available outside of MT work. There are other ways to find transcription work, just start thinking outside the box, and you'll be surprised where that will lead you. Or you can continue to do what you're doing and getting the same results.

See how many of those are out of date, out of business, etc - nm

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Medquist is on that list, must be old. Medquist - is what MModal used to be. n.m

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Stop Chasing MTSOs - see msg

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It would be a lot easier to stick with one MTSO and also look for another job/career path, than to bounce around with MTSO companies with false hope.

I'm 60 years old, and left MT at 57 years old, so I chose another job path, not a whole new career. I did the MT thing, but was also looking for another job that was non-MT related.

If you do find a decent MTSO, trust me, it won't last long. I left "one of the biggies" back in 2009, went with a "nice" national company, only to be bought out by the biggie I had finally left. That was it for me.

I think it's way too much stress to test, interview, learn a new platform, specs, etc., than to just stay where you are and either deal with it, or work on getting out.

I guess what I'm saying is, you can run but you can't hide.

stop chasing mtso - Dinky

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I agree and at 59, that's where I am headed to another career path, it's just working at home has been better for me and I don't want to lose that but transcription is just not paying the bills.

From Stop Chasing... - see msg

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When you say "career," do you mean something heavy duty like training for something else or going back to school for a credential and/or degree? Or do you mean you just want a job?

I chose to just take a job in a small office answering phones and doing a few other clerical things. My challenge was finding a place where you don't have to have proficiency in MS Office, Excel, Quickbooks, etc., but I plugged away and found one, and I couldn't be happier.

Good luck to all who are trying to get out of this biz. It won't just HAPPEN, you have to MAKE IT happen. I probably was miserable my last 5 years out of the 15 I was in MT, and kept waiting for something to happen. I finally took charge, started answering ads in the newspaper and sending out resumes, going door-to-door filling out applications, and finally something hit. I would definitely prefer to be working from home, but I couldn't find anything, so I had to hit the pavement.

So, good luck to all. Go for it!

You're lucky you found an office job that doesn't - require Excel, QuickBooks, etc. (sm)
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So far I've been able to find very few jobs that didn't require those skills. The problem there was that most of them were either city or county jobs, or else school district jobs, and the competition for them is ferocious. They all require rigorous testing, and on test day you walk into the auditorium where the test is held, and there are 300 other people - most of they far younger - all applying for that one job. It's daunting, to say the least!

Even when I tried a step down from office work, and tried to find a receptionist job, most of them required the above knowledge, and often wanted the applicant to be proficient enough at PowerPoint to be able to produce slick, professional-looking ads and brochures. Others wanted applicants to have a college degree.

With all that in mind, I started going back to school a couple years ago to get up-to-date on Microsoft Office programs. I started out with Word 2010, as at home I'd been running Word 2003. I enjoyed the class, and it was going well. But it was a full semester long! This was only a prerequisite for what I wanted to learn later, and at that rate I was going to be well past retirement age when I finally got through all those classes, and by then most offices would probably be running the 2013 or beyond systems.

To top it off, at the end of the semester there was some kind of a glitch in the grading system, and suddenly they were telling me I hadn't passed, and wasn't going to get a certificate. I was like, "Whaaaat?!?!" After a lot of wrangling, I finally got it straightened out and got my certificate, but guess what? Since it took them so long to get me my credential for that class, it was too late for me to be able to enroll in Part 2 of MS Word 2010 that summer. I was going to have to wait until fall to enroll, and of course by then, I'd likely have forgotten everything I'd learned in Part I.

So obviously going to school wasn't going to be the answer, especially at my age, because even if I had all those courses under my belt, there was still the age-discrimination hurdle to get over.

So, I give up. I'm just biding my time and treading water until I can finally start collecting social security.
free lessons - anon
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You can get free lessons for office programs and a bunch of other stuff at GCF LearnFree. Link below.
From Stop Chasing... - To You and Dinky and All
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I had taken a course in Excel at our local community center. It was great to learn that, but trouble is---if you don't work with it right away after taking the class, you aren't proficient at it. It can be a Catch 22.

I was indeed lucky to find a job without needing those requirements, but it wasn't all luck. I really looked very hard and left no stone unturned.

As to office politics, it's just a 3-person office, and all 3 of us are nice people. Works out just fine. I had tried a couple of bigger offices with a bunch of OB's (office b*tches), and I quit those jobs. I have no energy for that crud at my ripe old age of 60.
You do not need to take a college class!!!!! - It is all free on the internet
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All that software is very easy to use, including Excel and PowerPoint. There are books explaining it and innumerable FREE online resources.

If you WANT to do it, you CAN do it.

Thirty years ago, computers were a big, scary deal. They aren't anymore. When "computer fear" is pointless, unnecessary, and keeping you from a better job, isn't it time to change your thinking?
No "computer fear" here. I can and do learn - anything that interests me. S-M
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But I'm past the point where I can look at some of the "rewards" (i.e., certificates, jobs, etc.) as being worth the money and/or effort expended to attain them. If something is not going to be worth my while to do, I don't waste my time and money. I forgot to mention above that I wasn't going to college for computer courses. If 3 solid years of going to classes to learn something isn't going to necessarily pay off in a job, especially if said job only pays $9-12/hour, and is an hour commute away, the cost to benefit ratio on it is too high for me.

That may not be applicable to everyone on this board, and most likely is just me. At 65 don't have unlimited funds nor energy, so I use each wisely. I've been unemployed for almost 2 years, and as each month passes I'm less interested in trying to jump back into the rat race, or in taking part in the disappointing and ego-crushing activity of job application-and-rejection.
stop chasing mtso - Dinky
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Don't want to go back to school and I don't want to sit in an office from 9 to 5...I have tied that and I hate the office politics.

I will definitely have to make a decision soon because this is just not working and like you said I have to make it happen. Thanks

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