A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I was sent a link to test for this company and was absolutely floored! I did the application form portion of the test and then was directed to the screening process, which was a series of multiple choice and fill in the blank questions (10 minutes it took to complete). After completing that I thought I would be directed to the transcription portion of the test, but no - I was directed to another series of multiple choice and fill in the blank questions totalling about 30 minutes of answering. I finally was directed to the transcription portion of the test, which I refuse to finish!!!! There is a series of 5 dictations - File 1 = 4 min. 21. sec, File 2 = 2 min. 13 sec., File 3 = 5 min. 16 sec., File 4 = 1 min. 45 sec., File 5 = 4 min. 2 sec. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! That is a total of almost 17 minutes of dictation, which in actual typing minutes would be approximately 30 minutes or more depending on dictator difficulty, audio quality, and the inability to use your foot pedal!!!
I find it absolutely insane to test this extensively. I do believe that you have to make sure the transcriptionist is qualified, but I do believe a single audio file can determine the transcriptionists' ability to transcribe, understand the dictator, and to properly use english grammar and language! Is it really necessary to test with 17 minutes of dictation? This to me is a waste of the transcriptionists time, especially when there is no guarantee!!! I find it very hard to trust this company's credibility. Are these really testing files? Or, are these actual contracted dictations? Who knows, but I will not waste my time on such nonsense! If this company was testing newbies, well then that would be a different story ,as they do not have the on-the-job training and experience necessary, but I have almost 9 years experience, at home and in office, and find it insulting.
Well, this is my rant and I do apologize for any spelling errors in my "anger" typing! LOL