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TransTech raising quotas for next year - Old and Tired MT

Posted: Dec 08, 2010

Got an email this afternoon stating the quotas are going up for both FT and PT for the new year.  Sure wish the pay would do the same.  They keep putting more work on VR so even when I do the same amount of work, my paycheck continues to shrink.

Transtech quotas for 2011 - TT MT

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I was surprised by how much of an increase there is going to be in the line count for 2011. VR is advancing, but I have noticed that lately it has had a lot more errors, and I am spending more time correcting those and it has slowed down my time. Unless you make this line count you will not have health coverage. This line count is the highest of any company I have worked for. I hope this works out for everyone though, because I really like the company.

If one cannot do VR at the required 187.5 lph - One has a problem

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If someone doing VR can't get more than 187.5 lph (most MTs get more than this straight typing, BTW), then that person should really be practicing their shortcuts, etc., to pick up their production. I average 350-400 lph but I use all available shortcuts and am completely focused.

Seriously, if you can't make that REALLY low 187.5 lph, talk to your account manager for tips on increasing productivity.

I can type faster than I can do VR - Old and Tired MT

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The problem is, there is hardly any regular transcription left. I agree that the VR is making more and more mistakes and it takes a lot longer to correct now.
My point is 187.5 lph is not unreasonable nor out of reach - Again I would ask manager for tips
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Again, I would pursue learning every shortcut possible because 187.5 lph is most definitely not unreasonable (in fact, it's quite low, some places require 250 lph) for your own benefit to learn any possible shortcuts for corrections, etc. The more proficient you become, the more $$$ in your pocket.

Clarification - The 187.5 per hour is for mixed VR and traditional. - sm

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And the traditional work is usually done by the dictators who are very difficult to understand. Getting those reports is like slamming into a wall.

The frustration and aggravation that comes with the increased requirements is because, when you boil it down, we're being told to work faster and increase our production. For our trouble, there will be no increase in pay other than the increased lines. And I'll STILL be making way less than I did when everything was traditional.

Bah humbug. Just another slamming reminder that we never get raises in this industry.

Oh, and, "Thank you for all your hard work. You guys are the best little robots in the world!"

Most companies require 230 LPH on VR. - nm

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Thank you, and some companies are even a bit higher - 187.5 NOT unreasonable nor unattainable
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It's not like TT jumped the shark by all of a sudden requiring 250 lph. It's a minimal increase that's still, in most cases, quite a bit below industry standards for VR requirements.
My company requires 350/LPH editing, so hard to sympathize - NM
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TransTech raising line quota, but NOT line pay - TT MT
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If there any old-timers left with TT, you know that we were told that there is ONLY 35% ESL's, too. What a joke!

Maybe other MTSO's don't have the high percentage of ESL's that TT has acquired with their accounts! Ever think about that?

One should be careful judging others .... - just sayin ...

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sometimes it does not matter what shortcuts you use, especially with VR.

The account, the specs, the audio quality, the dictator quality, all affect production greatly. How many .."can you move this ..." .. "pull in the standard ..." really affect production.

I have some dictators on my accounts on VR that I barely can do 125 lph; a few I do over 300 but they are few and far between.

I can do 350-400 straight MT, so I am not slow and use expansions, keyboard commands, etc.

It is just a pet peeve of mine to people judging people as in "one has a problem." I really hope your job and accounts stay the same so you can continue what you are doing. Many have been there doing what you do, and now just can't anymore based on things beyond their control.

Have a great day!
I agree with what you said - TT MT
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Maybe I should have revised what I said in my note, considering that there are some people that feel they know that you should be doing better, more lines with VR, learning more shortcuts, et cetera. I have over 35 years experience in this field, and I have been doing VR for quite a few years. It is not always the shortcuts and all the other things we should do to make a better line count. With VR, as was mentioned by a few MTs here, if you have lousy doctors, an account that is more difficult, or are spending time trying to correct mistakes by doctors, no names given or wrong MR numbers, then your line counts are not always going to be great. I think it takes more time, more effort and working longer hours to achieve what we used to. I also agree with one MT who said they could type a report faster than editing it, and I agree. So, please don't be harsh in judging others. Thanks!
Exactly! - TTMT
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I hate the way TT's emails lump us in all ONE, also. Why don't their emails target the MT who they are pointing out the mistake to? Irritating!

Also, TT wants the MT to be perfect, but don't want to put any energy into training the docs as to how to enter their ID, patient MR #, patient name, date, correct type of report (always invalid type of report). We make LESS and LESS due to the MTSO not wanting to approach the docs who are not entering demo info as they should so that the MT can just go down to the body of the report and BEGIN making money. Money LOST in filling out demos, where that is the dictator's part. These are the things that keep the MT from making more money on VR! Don't tell me that I'm not a fast/accurate VR editor and transcriptionist! TRAIN the dictators! So the MT can make the INCREASED QUOTA!
train them to enunciate (nm) - a TT commodity
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It's the CLIENT'S responsibility to let the docs know - sm
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when they are doing something wrong, i.e. putting in wrong ID numbers, etc. Please tell me how the MTSO is supposed to "train" the doc? Some of you are pretty dense if you don't know how the system works. You expect the MTSO to train the docs, make the docs dictate when there is no work available, give you a cush job with plenty of money and benefits, let you alter your schedule to YOUR liking and not the need of the MTSO and then have the nerve to complain when you make a mistake and QA brings it to your attention. I've said it before and I'll say it again...if you don't like this "profession" any longer get out. Do the best you can do every day and don't be a slacker or whiner. If the grass is greener on the other side please hop the fence so a real "professional" can take your place.
it's the MTSOs' job to tell the client - a TT commodity
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so the client can tell the docs. Is that happening? Doubt it. I think most MTs really want to do a good job and not have blanks that are not their fault but stem from bad dictation. We are not sitting around eating bon-bons.
I'm getting into trouble for the doc's mistakes - TT MT
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I am now getting dinged for mistakes that I feel are not mine because the docs are making mistakes entering the ID#, name, date, correct type of report. I have tried to correct so many of these lately it is horrible. I have been told I put the wrong year in the report and that the client is complaining about it. I always check to see in the body of the report that I do that correctly, but if the doctor tells me it is 12/08/2008, I type that. How do I know that it is 2010!!!! Also explaining this to QA is a nightmare, and I got a curt note today that I was in error about sending a question to 1 person instead of routing it to the proper dept. I apologized for that too. A QA person even counted out the blanks and told me that she did fine with them, why couldn't I, and this was a foreign doctor who no one can understand. I can't research every piece of work I do all the time because it takes 10 or 15 minutes to correct their mistakes. I hope I am not the only one that is getting flack about this, because I ended up in tears this evening over this entire problem.
nice, too, if they'd raise the pay. Bonuses? Or how about... - pl
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...not pulling the insurance crap at the same time? Did anyone read the fine print about the insurance change? It now costs $250 to go to the emergency room. Chances are, if "one" goes to the emergency room when "one" has insurance, it's not because "one" has a cold, but because one has, say, an emergency. So add insult to injury by paying $250?! How about now paying $80 per prescription for non-preferred meds? As anyone with any chronic health problem knows, some non-preferred meds simply work 100% better than the preferred ones. To sum it up: We now will be working more hours for the same pay, paying higher expenses. That's why THIS "one" is a little peeved.

TT and raised quota - TT and speech/VR

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I feel there are a couple of reasons that the speech machine reports are getting worse is:
1. Due to TT's continuous hiring of new MT's every day/week and sticking them on whatever accounts with NO experience whatsoever.
2. The new MT's obviously do not read accounts specifics; thereby, messing up the VR reports that we had just about perfected, thus worse reports.
3. Each week new VR dictators -- AFTER we have trained the speech machine -- then more dictators are ADDED to VR. Ever changing dictators and teaching the speech machine! UGH !!!!

EQUALS slowing down the MT/editor and making LESS money! Humbug!

yeah, happy new year everyone - nm - a TT commodity

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We are just automatons who are not supposed to ask for raises but are supposed to work harder. This is BS of the highest order.

TT commodity - anon

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While I agree with what you say, I also feel that you/I/we do not have to stay stuck. I am getting out as soon as I can. My motto in life is IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, CHANGE IT, and I am.

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