A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Synnernet EXTREMELY ABUSIVE to Employees - why would YOU work there?

Posted: Apr 08, 2013

Synnernet is HORRIDLY abusive to its employees/"staff".   ...  Continuously changing hours, pay, requirements, cherry picking the best jobs by some staff, rude from the top... 

Someone needs to grow some hair on their chest and SUE SUE SUE


Well why don't you do it? - nm

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synerrnet - confused

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Is this the same company as synernet or is it Synnernet? I was thinking about applying to them. If it is not Synernet then you need to learn to spell the name.

it is Synernet.. was thinking SINNER-net when originally typing - nm

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This can't be Synernet in Maine.... - Synernet MT

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I have worked for Synernet in Maine for almost 3 years and there is absolutely no way this could be the same company you are referring to, because none of this is true about the company I work for, not even remotely. Is there another company that spells their name with 2 Ns?

Synernet in Maine - yup

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I have no reason to lie about it. There ARE employees OTHER than straight transciptionists.

Huh???? - Very confused

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I work for the Synernet that is part of MaineHealth and this post makes no sense whatsoever. They never change schedules and pay has always been the same. It is also impossible to cherry pick on their platform, and I have never had anyone in management/QA be anything but extremely nice to me. The term "abusive" is completely laughable. It looks like someone has nothing better to do with their time and is trying to stir the pot for no apparent reason.

Synernet - mc

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I too worked for Synernet out of Maine and never encountered any of this. Everyone from the top down to the QA staff were nothing but exceptional to work for. I was dealing with some extremely severe personal issues while working for Synernet and they were nothing but understanding and accomodating to my needs. They were more than flexible with me and more than willing to do what ever it took to keep me as an employee. The work was always there, the pay was great as well. There was no such thing as cherry picking due to the way the platform was set up. Granted they did have mandatory overtime at times, but I personally would rather have the overtime, than sit with another company wishing for work that isn't there. I would give my right arm to be an employee with Synernet again. Unfortunately my personal family issues won't allow me to pick up another job at the moment or I would apply again in a heartbeat.

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