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Synernet sample reports - earlybird

Posted: Apr 01, 2014

Just wondered, if any of the other MTs who pull past reports ever notice the amount of mistakes in them? It seems like this evening, each time I pull in a report for a certain dictator, I find so many careless mistakes in these reports! I thought they were pretty rigid in checking quality with these documents.  I realize we have to fly through to make our lines counts, but gosh, some of this stuff is just plain carelessness. 

Sample reports - Debra

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I do not work for Synernet, but have found the same thing with my company. Our dictator templates are a complete mess and have to spend more time proofing them before checking in job than would have taken to type them out. Have reported the same templates to management and Q/A multiple times and they are never corrected.

Sample Reports - MT

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I've been noticing that for a long time, but you notice there are not too many people who make the 100% out of all of us. ;-) I really watch what I copy and paste.

And yet if you don't search through 20 samples, you are dinged for sending - it to QA. nm

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cannot win

I keep it to the 3-minute rule - MT

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I was told when hired that if I couldn't fill in a blank in 3 minutes I was supposed to send it to QA. I have a little timer sitting above my computer and I use that to time my research. Has worked so far. If/when they start complaining to me about blanks while using this rule, that's when I will have to rethink how I want to make a living. There are other ways, you know. Complaining will never change a company. If you don't like how you are treated or don't like your job, it's time to find something else. Just my opinion.

I agree. But I don't think acknowledging the bad along sm - Just my opinion also

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with the good means someone has to leave. I know of no company that has nothing to complain about. Synernet has great earned time off and decent insurance and that is a nice find. The little snippy notes from QA I could do without, but I rarely send something to QA so I don't worry much. I'm not going to sift through 4 years of reports to try to find one word, and if it comes to that, I will let my feelings be known to the people who can do something about it. I am not just someone who spouts off on message boards. I have talked to "the powers that be" and have been told some things I'm not too happy about regarding the future of things, but amazingly enough, I also realize the world doesn't spin just according to my plan. I have settled for Synernet and am willing to ride it out and see where things go. If they end up totally VR as was told to me, then so be it. I cannot change company policy. There is another company in Maine that pays better and has cheaper insurance but the time off is not as generous, but it is nice to know there are options. It is nice everyone is so willing to give career advice here. There are many things on here that make me smile. Let's face it -- have to have a sense of humor.

With audits every pay period, my thought is that those people sm - JMO

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probably are no longer with the company. I have seen the kinds of things that you are talking about -- not just typos and such, but errors that show a general lack of knowledge, especially in op notes.

I just saw "vice grip" typed. - Ugh

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vice-grip - sm

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Claudia Tessier's The Surgical Word Book has vice-grip. Just FYI

Does not make any sense. Vise not vice. nm - ugh

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He held the patient in a vise grip.

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