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So the KS paychecks are in the bank now. - MovingOnMT
Posted: Sep 02, 2011
Can we move on now? Pretty please?
Ditto - Daphne
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I second that motion. I really think it is time for KS to get their own board on here!!!!
Waiting and watching - KSMT
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Mine is here, but I'm not 100% confident in KS - this is the 3rd late one in less than a year...we shall ses.
KSMT - Observer
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You are wise to watch carefully. I have owned MT services in three states, and I can tell you that once companies start to be late and show a pattern (three times in less than a year) there is a good chance that something may be up. I would wonder if they are having cash-flow problems and are underfunded. You are wise to watch. Don't assume that everything is now OK. Don't assume that it is NOT OK, either. Just WATCH and see what happens. The important thing is to not make assumptions either way, just stay on top of the situation.
KS Paychecks/Move on now - KSer
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Sure, we can move on. I, for one, am moving on 140 dollars poorer than I would have been had I been paid on time, due to overdraft fees from not being given any advance notice so I could change some auto pays. That's a big chunk of my paycheck that already doesnt stretch far enough. Those of you who think it is no big deal, that's food my kids wont get, or a bill that wont get paid, ... Since you obviously wouldn't miss it, feel free to send me the funds to replace it.
If you got paid yesterday, then obviously everyone could - have gotten paid...
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Obviously not being able to correct this pay date again was a ruse and one more lie. I bet the office (management) got paid yesterday.
This needs to stop. I won't feed into this anymore. - curious
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I was paid because I contacted them that it was a hardship; I talked to the owner and to a manager in the office, and they were able to help me. If you want to assume that it was a "ruse and one more lie", that's your prerogative, but I agree with the poster down below. This has spun out of control.
Then you didn't need to post anything, right? - nm
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If YOU would have read the first e-mail and contacted the appropriate people - MAYBEYOUR
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Maybe your hardship could have been avoided if you would have read the e-mail and contacted the office as they instructed. They said that they didn't want to cause any hardships and to contact them. Instead, people chose to come here and complain. They gave you the option. Did you take it?
Did contact them, NOT paid - KSpoorgal
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I did talk to someone and let them know I would be very much overdrawn and had no grocery money for my kids, and they did NOT pay me on the 1st, I got paid today, and lost part of my check to overdrafts.
KS - Worried KSMT
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I also contacted the owner who told me "Sorry it affected you negatively...It was out of her hands."
I might be unhappy with a lot of things at KS but that does not sound like her. sm - KSMT
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I contacted her the afternoon of the 1st and was told that it was too late, that nothing could be done that day, that I should've emailed her when the first email came out telling us to email if a hardship. She told me that if they put through an emergency one on the 1st, the same day, it would post the same as my regular deposit on the 2nd. Not quite the answer I was looking for, but at least she gave me a straight answer. I did get mine posted that night just after midnight. Thankfully, I did not have anything come through my account to bounce.
I hope this is the last one and that changing the dates makes late checks a thing of the past. The other thing they can fix is to get rid of the new coordinator. She is nasty, nasty, nasty, and quick to write everyone up, even for errors that aren't that big a deal.
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