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My DD is in the bank this morning - thank God!

Posted: Jan 11, 2010


Mine is not.. - bmc

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Did I miss something? My check is normally deposited on time but no check as of this a.m. Thanks.

Same here, but that is the case lately - Just Sayin

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My check used to show up on Saturday if Monday was payday. now it does not show up until payday, and usually not first thing in the morning. It has been about 10 or 11 in the morning before it shows up. Don't know why the change all the sudden. I'll keep my fingers crossed along with you.

Mine showed up today snail mail, go figure! - ORMT

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U.S. mail is so incompetent. I just received my check via mail from Dec. 10th! MQ put a stop payment on it and sent me another one FedX after 4 days late, but not their fault the U.S. mail is so screwed up. Maybe the banks have something to do with the direct deposits being late? Guess I will find out as I have put in for Direct Deposit after the paycheck getting lost in the mail.

DD - MT2020

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I think it depends on the bank you use, because mine was there on Saturday as well. I can't imagine what I would have done had it been a paper check.

Mine is in the bank too. - For the ones who are not.

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DO NOT WORRY. Paycheck is sitting in pending mode and banks deposit paychecks first and then deduct your bills next.

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