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Relentless, frequent, nitpicky QA audits. sm - Anon

Posted: Mar 24, 2015

Anybody at TTS been getting frequent nitpicky QA audits.  I have never been scrutinized so often as lately.  It is getting old.

TTS Audits - Rastus

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YES, yes, and YES. They have a newer QA system and I am not in agreement with what they consider "critical errors." I have never worked for such a company in my 25 years of being a transcriptionist. I am SO SO discouraged about all of this responsibility for such little pay - today was an awful day with poor sound quality, cell phones, and worse than usual drafts. I truly feel like just walking over to Wal-Mart and applying and working in lawn and garden for this season to see happy people!! All we can do is our best, but that is never enough. When we made a decent salary I could handle the constant pressure for perfection. I no longer can handle it as well.

So Over This Place - Nunya

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I have been doing transcription for 10+ years from home and I have never had a problem until I started with this company. It has been a headache since day 1. I am so fed up. No wonder there have been job listings constantly for the past 5 months I have been working for them. I don't trust completely the amount of crap they have on my computer that seems to be monitoring me either. I am so stressed and this job isn't worth that.

TTS - anon

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I left after only 3 months because of the QA "critical" errors. I had a QA that said I was great, then all of a sudden I had another one giving me tons of critical errors and I got kicked off an account. I have been a transcription is it for 15 years and never felt so beat down.
Same experience - lisam
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Except everything was fine for 3 months, then it was not; suddenly started getting all these emails about critical errors. I stayed for 3 more months then quit. The last 2 months were horrible and stressful, felt like I had 1 foot out the door. My current job all 9 months in, all audits about 99%.

Wholeheartedly agree. The audits made me crazy..sm - Leave Me Alone

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The whole outfit made me crazy, from the day they asked what accents I liked the least (Hispanic) and I was put on an account in El Paso! The day I put in my notice, I felt like throwing a party. For somewhere around 3 cents a line VR, it was simply not worth the stress and hassle. I was forewarned about this company, but decided to take a chance. WRONG!

I can tell you the mechanized QA - Is Straight from Nuance

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Because TTS subcontracts from Nuance. The new QA system is entirely Nuance and I know, because I quit them in early 2013 after they took over WebmedX. And why, why, why so much QA anymore? The production bonuses have been taken away, the incentives for having high QA scores are gone. There is absolutely no incentive for any MT, MLS or whatever we're called these days to go above and beyond the call of duty. I don't care if the reports are backed up either, and I don't give a rats behind on weekends when they are calling and begging for help. Call your International Labor Partners. That's my suggestion for them. Don't bother me on my days off, I'm working my scheduled hours just to get a paycheck and that's the bottom line.

Straight from Nuance, I believe you are correct! - Smitty

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I was just interviewed by TTS and was told by a previous Nuance Recruiter (who now works for TTS) that they do some of Nuance's work. I really wonder if she has really left Nuance or is just a forerunner to what is to come for TTS.

Read lately about the new QAing but hope - they do not look my way

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Having worked there for over 7 years have not been bothered by much in the way of QA but, got email about the new way and been holding my breath about this. Someone posted above asked about what dialect you like best, never asked that. As far as run in the ground about QA, it can happen but has never happened here and hope it continues just as is. The work is just too demanding and hard, we do our bottom best and don't need breathing down our necks. I feel they should start at the root of the problem, how about how the dictators? No one says anything to them. They can mush mouth all they want and we are required to be almost 100% accurate in trying to figure things out. Talk about unfair and it really is.
Holding my breath too. sm - Anon
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I hadn't had a QA audit in over 5 months. Previous to that all my audits were 99+. Have had 2 audits in the last 3 weeks, both a shade under 90%, so put on mandatory 15 report audit both times. I'm wondering how I suddenly became so incompetent.
That does not sound good, so many audits - and low all of a sudden
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I worked at a place years ago and did more work than anyone there but always had horrible reviews, hated those, wish I could not ever have another. Changed hospitals and the next review and from then on just like the sun shining down on my face from above. Did you change accounts, anything new that might have changed from the 99+ audits? I dread seeing I have one. It should not be like that and I never feel like goody, I am going to have something new to apply to my job but rather gloomy day when I see the email.
TTS-MY STORY-watch your back!!! - BlackballedMT
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I have many, many expletives for this company and none of them are good. QA is ridiculous, they totally micro manage, they are very strict about you MUST work your hours, etc. I am not going to go into my story in great detail because the TTS cheerleaders will just spin it how they want to but......

in brief, I was a loyal employee of TTS for 5 years in an admin position.

So, I give 2-weeks notice to leave for another job and there is a mix up in what TTS thinks is my last day and what I think is my last day, so I work what I think is my last day without knowing there is any problem. Next day, I get constant harassing phone calls (on what they think is my last day) about where I am, all left on my answering machine because I was gone all day.

So, I move on. This has been awhile and recently I started applying for other jobs and would either never hear back from them or started getting negative feedback from those who wanted to hire me but "had questions." I couldn't figure out what was going on, I have over 25 years experience.

So, finally I had the chance to ask someone who called me (in-hospital job) to tell me I DIDN'T get the job.

TTS HAD BLACKBALLED ME!!!! I wasn't getting jobs because TTS was feeding them some BS (which was quite serious and I will not go into it here, like poor QA scores, which I didn't even get on admin team, and other lies).

I have had an impeccable job history for 25+ years and without me knowing it TTS destroyed that because the owner is bipolar and if you tick her off she will use her power however she can.


Never worry about them blackballing me - just not a thought
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Way past retirement age so this is probably the last job I will do. If I get fired,

then would draw unemployment which have never done in my life. If I quit, oh well then. I previously worked in a hospital where the manager told a new job that I was on a lie about me, that I stole (oh this goes back years) floppy disks from the hospital when in truth I had purchased those from the company so I could copy the disks used every day, putting in headings like preop and postop and then just toggling to get from 1 to another prior to my leaving the hospital. I went back to the hospital and confronted that person, asking why did she tell that lie when not true. Guess they were trying to make it harder for me.
I am truly sorry to hear your experience, but glad someone - in an admin position shared. SM
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I wish more admin type positions would come on here and share some dirt.

There has to be a few admin people here and there who are not happy with the way things go, the way they are told to treat MTs, and I really wish they'd come on here and share some things. Easy enough to be anon and keep their job, but help out some of us. Yes, I'm wishing in the wind.
I have been black-balled myself. I said for years there was - sm
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a blacklist of MTs for whatever reason and I was always scoffed at. I knew it was so as I was a good worker!
YEP-all I did was quit after 5 years of A+ service - blackballedMT
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Well, I have moved on and they are NO LONGER on my resume once I found out what was going on-they are dead to me now-never heard of them!

I hope Nuance decides to jerk all their accounts one day (which they are known to do without notice), then they can go into the unemployment lines and ask US for a reference! I wouldn't give ANY of the admin team the time of day, they are all puppets to the owner and her unscrupulous behavior.

OF course, the owner has made so much money off of the Indians with her 3.5 cents a line or so she will just retire or sell out somehow!

TO CHEERLEADERS: Am I bitter, you bet I am! (I am trying to refrain from name calling because I don't think it is allowed here).
Cannot say why some have horrible experiences - with TTS, others not so much
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You and I both have seen numerous postings here and it goes on and on, never stopping. I have worked there over 7 years now and just have not run into what others describe. I am not micromanaged, do not hear from the company on a routine basis, just work and left alone. Others talk about not being able to take a bathroom break. This is strange to me because never happened. I do not worry about someone has installed anything on my computer to watch me, sounds a little paranoid. It is not I don't believe what others say but it does not happen with everyone and I am not sure why.
I hope this stays on - anonie
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I hope your post stays on. Mine didn't and I didn't even mention the companies involved.

Needless to say, I have had it trying to please companies and then when you need them to give you extra work because they took the best away from you years ago to give to other MTs, I had to take early retirement. Now I have lost all ways to supplement my tiny pension and SS. I was not ready to quit yet. I wanted to stay and earn a little more before I finally retired.

It is going to be hard not to do transcription as I have done it steadily since 1987.

I wish you luck and hope that they do not take off your post. I did not mention any company names, yet they did not let it stay on.

I was merely telling my sad story so some of the new ones won't waste time trying to be a loyal IC or employee for a company that really does not care one way or another. I feel I have always been black balled by one particular person in administration.

The last straw for me was that I was passed over for more work and believe me you can't get along with one account with very little work, most of it given to other MTs a long time ago and the best work with the most lines.

We will see if this stays on this time. If not, I guess I will stop coming here and posting anything anywhere. You either get flamed or made to feel inferior or that you are doing something wrong in posting the truth.

No, not mechanized QA from Nuance. sm - Anon

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These audits are done personally by TTS QA team.

frequent audits - maintaining

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Hey y'all. I'm new with the company, but have been working on a particular account for the past 3 years with no problems. However, with my first audit, I am in "danger of a failed QA." Of course I was shocked; but then I decided to go back and check/listen to the documents myself and found at least 5 discrepancies, and 1 error reversal. Today, I had a note that had 0.5 points docked, asked for a review, and I was unjustly docked 0.25 points. Moral of the story, take the time to go back and check...see for yourself and speak up for yourself.

It's ridiculous and a total wast of time! - Amy

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I have been accused of possible serious HIPAA violations for having to take my dogs out to pee and told that anyone could have seen the report I left on my screen. I live alone. What is most irritating is the nitpicking and using corrections of things that were correct to begin with. Also the things they classify as "critical errors" are really stretching it.

These people think they can reduce our income to one third what it was 20 years ago, yet make unreal demands. This type of QA is the last straw!

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