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Patient First Anyone scheduled yet? - anyone scheduled to go to Virginia yet?
Posted: Feb 13, 2015
I know they were interviewing recently. Anyone scheduled yet?
Dictation? - WonderingMT
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Can someone who works or has worked for Patient First please tell me how difficult their dictation is and what level of expertise one would need to work for them? Thank you!
dictation - pf employee
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The dictation is as easy or difficult as the doctor you get, like most places. I happen to have several really, really easy doctors and 1 who is more difficult. I have been moved to a center to help out for a day or 2 that had what I felt were all difficult doctors. It really just depends.
If you take the test and feel it is not too bad, you will do just fine here. I have been here a while and don't remember the test being particularly bad, but I understand it has the worst of the worst dictators now, so you can try that and see what you think.
The type of work itself is not all that hard. It is clinic work, so I would say pretty much the opposite of technical or detailed. Suturing a cut is about as difficult as a procedure as we normally get here. Otherwise, lots of strep tests, UTIs, sinus infections, etc. Pretty easy overall.
Not me - Looking
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I tested on 1-26-15 and haven't heard yay or nay back yet.
Patient First - NCaMT
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I was told contact would be made later next week if chosen for a position.
Patient First - Cee
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Went to VA, got the job, came back home after a week of training down there. Had to work out my 2-week notice with my other job AND work for PF at least 4 hours a day for 2 weeks. The end of my notice is tomorrow, and PF got in touch today, telling me that they don't think I'm going to make it...tried to get my old job back, got a negative result there too. PF didn't want to leave me without a job, but I don't want to be kept on for pity either. I feel like a big failure...
wah??? - they put you through all that
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just to tell you they don't think you'll make it? So how much longer are they going to give you? I'm so sorry to hear this.
Patient First - Cee
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I was told all this this morning. After I got the email from my current boss rejecting my possible return, I told PF about it, and they don't want to leave me high and dry without a job, but I already know what they think about me. Then, they come out and say that "the decision isn't made yet" - huh??? I sure sounded like you had made up your minds this morning...
with the negative from the other job... - sm
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And if PF is willing to keep you a little longer, and you need it the income, maybe you should not concentrate on the "pity" part so much. Plus, this gives you a chance to concentrate solely on just PF.
PF - Cee
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I am not the fastest typist, but I figured I'd work it out, what with the system they have and all. It involves using a lot of abbreviations, editing for brevity while still having the needed information, etc. Their system is very different, I just did not realize how different. I don't think that being able to concentrate on PF solely is going to make a difference - I'm not going to turn into a 90 wpm typist overnight.
Wow... - Hopeful
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I'm really in shock about that Cee. So sorry. I would think they would give some consideration to the fact that you were working out the last two weeks of your regular job as well as the hours you were putting in learning what seems to be a very different system. I tested around the end of Jan. and haven't heard anything since the email. After all of the hoops you have jumped through, this is very disconcerting...
wow - Cee
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Yes, it was a lot to go through. There were a total of 3 interviews just to get the job, and the typing test...we were told that over 100 people apply each month and only a few get accepted for training. We were called "the best of the best" all week - it was awesome. They did take into account that I was working out my 2 weeks with my other job, and that still didn't help. I'm not here to bash, it's a great company for someone who can learn the system quickly. It just wasn't the best fit for me.
So sorry... - Hopeful
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Well...I'm still so sorry it didn't work out for you Cee. And I am still concerned. Not that they have even called me back for an interview since the email. And after telling my husband about it, he is concerned as well. Of course at this rate, It doesn't look like I will ever find a job anyway...
The best of the best, hate to see what the - others looked like
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That sounds like a come on, best and then you are let down with a big thud? You let one job go without really having another one in place. Not many people can afford to do that. I would not even think about applying to a place that drops others like a hot potato while seeming to be all that and a bag of chips. No thanks. Were you also talking about the benefits they provide and only working Monday thru Friday? A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush, just saying.
Cee- really hate hearing this - - anon
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I followed all PF posts earlier when all this was transpiring and the people headed to VA to retest and train. Was wondering what the outcome was and how the job was going. I am sorry for you. Hope things can work out for you. Good Luck
waiting - hopefulMT
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I had my interview a week ago yesterday and was told the same thing that I should hear back sometime this week. Really hoping to get the job, but not holding my breath.
Thanks - Cee
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Thanks for your support - it means a lot. I'll start my job hunt on Monday. I went after PF because I thought it was a great opportunity and, believe me, it is for the right person.
Difficult?? - WonderingMT
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I'm just curious how difficult the "shorthand method" of transcribing is that Patient First uses before I apply? And what does it consist of, i.e., something similar to using shortcut abbreviations that one has to memorize? Thanks!
difficult - Cee
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Six pages of abbreviations, and supposedly that wasn't the full list. They are very particular about how they want things typed - it's all learning what you can leave in and what you can get rid of. My problem was kind of over editing, and sometimes forgetting about my mistakes from the previous day and making the same mistakes again...if I hadn't been working out my 2 weeks, I might have been a little more on the ball, but they wanted us to learn fast, and I wasn't learning fast enough...
So Sorry! - WonderingMT
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That sounds like a lot of memorization in a very short time, but this seems to be what most companies are requiring these days! I just left a situation where there were SO many account specs (20 pages) and updates/changes daily, and if you made a mistake or God forbid the same mistake 2 days in a row, you failed! I, like you, don't want to work in that type of situation and PF sounds very similar to me, so I think I'll steer clear of them! Thanks so much for the info Cee and good luck to you in finding another job! It's amazing to me what these companies want us to know on accounts, but pay you peanuts to learn and retain all this stuff!!
This is horrible!!!!!! :O - Looking
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How rotten is that!?! Can they not take into consideration that the learning curve would take you longer with going back and forth each day between their way of doing things and your old job's way of doing things by working for both each day? My word! That's treating you like a jerk! It might would be different had you worked only for them full time and was coming up short...
PF update - Cee
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Well, I'm officially out of a job. Patient First "fired" me on 02/20, when I thought I was fired on 02/13. Got a call on Wednesday morning from the trans supervisor (the same person who "fired" me the previous week), wondering why I hadn't worked the previous 2 days! I was floored, and I jumped right on. About 2 hours later, I heard from an HR person not to do any more work, and that they would "make a decision" by Friday whether they were going to keep me or not. Had my fingers crossed, but got the call on Friday and it was a thumbs down for me. So, I had to feel the same pain twice for the same job. Now, no job and up a creek if I don't find one pretty soon.
Patient First - AmazedMT
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I had an experience where they said they'd hire me in the "second" wave...that was several "Waves" ago! I wasted a lot of time waiting for the training period to start, etc. and then was told they were "going in a different direction." They may pay well, they may have benefits, but if they continue to run this way, eventually the bottom will drop out!
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