A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Nov 02, 2009

I would like to know how MTSO's get away with paying MTs and MT editors not hourly, not salary, but solely on how much they produce like they are working on an
"assembly line"!!! 

Being paid on how much one produces is "pathetic" and is not paying MTs/Editors based on their "knowledge, skill, or experience", and I think is an injustice to the medical transcription profession as a whole.

What happens also when an MT/editor works over 40 hours per week.  By federal law an employee has to be paid time and a half.  How does that figure into the equation if you are being paid on production?

I have been an MT for 25 years first learning in 1979, and am basically self-taught and have done acute care, pathology, radiology, etc.

I have worked for MTSOs part-time and you have to have good accounts, good dictators, and a good volume of work, etc., to make any money.  You basically have to work like a dog to make any money, and you are lucky if you gross $50k a year, and if you do and you are an "independent contractor" (not an employee of the MTSO), you pay double social security tax, have to provide your own computer, internet service, etc. 

I would NEVER work for an MTSO full-time!!!

The botton line here people is the only ones making the money are the MTSOs not the MT/editors. 

Majority if not all paid on production now. Gone - MT

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are the days of hourly (unless you're working in-house). OT is figured at line rate x 1.5.

MTSOs - MT2020

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Are MTSOs primarily smaller companies that hire Independent Contractors mostly?

MTSO = medical transcription service org. - Can be any size, large or small.

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It is a rip-off any way you look at it being paid on production. I guess the MTSO's don't trust their MTs/editors to PRODUCE a large volume of work if they paid them hourly or salary. Production pay is still an insult to us. I work for the State of Texas so they cannot pay me on production pay. They have to pay me hourly.

You want to know WHY MTSOs do that? - Former MTSO

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Because there were too many MTs who clocked in and did as little as possible, when paid by the hour. This is why hospitals end up outsourcing b/c most of them paid hourly and some MTs took advantage of that. People are more productive when they are accountable.

Before you jump on me, I am no longer an MTSO; just speaking from past experience.

Also, big deal - you have 30 years experience? I've seen some MTs with 3-4 years of experience who are excellent. Some "old timers" were never QA'd and do things incorrectly b/c "this is what I always have done". I'm not trying to lump everyone together but saying that your years of experience shouldn't make you feel entitled.

Has it ever occurred to you... - The Rolling Eyeball

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...that maybe some of us think being paid by the hour is a huge rip-off?

I used to work in-house, getting paid a flat rate per hour. I was making the same rate the other four MTs in the department were making. Trouble is, I was producing 5X as many lines.

You keep saying how great it is that Texas pays you by the hour. Hon, unless they're paying $40/hour, that'd be a major step DOWN for some folks.

Maybe you need to educate yourself a little more before you declare all production pay to be a "rip-off."

And, please, ease up on the all caps thing. Unless this is your first rodeo, I'm sure you know how that comes across.
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To those MTs who have criticized my opinion, in this country in which freedom of speech and a right to my own opinion should be allowed, I have, since November 2007 been battling "triple negative" breast cancer that has spread to my lungs and my retroperitoneum, while attempting to work 40 hours per week while taking cancer treatment, surgeries, take care of all my own personal/business affairs, my pets, have no caregiver and no family, thus no emotional, physical, financial support system, etc, other than myself obviously. I have been the sole supporter of myself for 35 years now. Thank God I make a guaranteed salary (hourly wage) or I might be out on the street homeless being paid on production pay!!!
OK - 7DayMT
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glad the hourly rate works for you. No one says you can't have your opinion. Production works better for a lot of us. Sometimes I make less, sometimes I make more, but there is always a good possibility I could make more.. and companies pay incentives to do more. Why are you shouting with the caps?
I Respectfully Suggest That You Get Counseling - The Rolling Eyeball
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Again with the caps?

First, our sympathies are with anyone fighting cancer. Understand that you are definitely NOT the only one here struggling with that. I don't know why you feel it important to keep shouting at us that you have triple-negative breast cancer. It's in quite a few of your posts.

Like you, we ALL have to deal with a lot of junk in our lives. Congrats on taking care of yourself. It's called being an adult and (almost) everyone else here does the same thing each and every day.

As you continually feel compelled to remind everyone that you have no emotional support, I suggest you find counseling. There are quite a few support groups that are ready, willing, and able to help you out. (I know from experience.)

None of this has anything to do with the fact that you seem:

1) Totally oblivious to the fact that nearly all MTs in this century are paid on production. Seriousyl, all it would have taken was five minutes of your time to scan through some of the posts here to find out how we get paid and what the going rate is.


2) Your opinion that production pay is a "rip-off" does NOT negate the opnions of people who think being paid hourly is a deal for chumps.

Please stop using all caps. At this point, it just comes across as childish.
Anger management - Just me
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Cindy, you are a very angry person and you have a right to be angry. You have a challenging and no doubt painful medical situation. I think that you are projecting the anger about this into other areas, i.e., this board. I would recommend, with respect and concern, that you get some counseling or anger management help. Just the fact that you insist on shouting here (by typing in CAPS)tells me that you are having other issues. Please get some help for yourself. It sounds to me like you are afraid, and I do not blame you. God bless you.
For Cindy in regards to your TNBC-sort of off topic but hope it helps. - CaliDeb
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This would be a wonderful place for you to find support!
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation - CaliDeb (oops that turned out weird, click on link
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click on link for a great support group.

Is this new to you? - SM

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You have been doing this since 1979 and you are just now shocked by production pay. Where have you been? Transcribing in a cave? Or are you just trying to beat the dead horse with a topic that has been...well...dead along with the horse? Sorry, but I'm just trying to figure what your point is here??

Kind of a rude answer to an honest question. - No need for that.

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I think it was rude too. - IAMT

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Particularly since over the most recent years things have changed in this industry - including the extremely low CPL by the MTSOs and add to the mix VR. I don't think there are many professions that don't take into account experience and overtime pay other than MTing. I can also buy private insurance cheaper than what most MTSO's propose is my percentage of the premium. I believe there may be a couple MTSO's out there that may still treat their MTs with respect, pay well and offer incentives to outway the negatives, just not the norm.

excuse me. she, in her very first post, tagged being paid (see message) - anon

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by production methods pathetic. I take offense to that as rude, indeed.

To me, she basically slammed everyone involved in production. Why?

'she' being the original poster. NM - anon
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Rude answer - RickyD

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What does it get you to give such a rude answer? She was only asking a question. A little kindness might go a long way.

RUDE!!!!!!!!! - anon

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No doubt, you are the same jerk that always tells people to search the archives whenever they ask a question about a company.

I hope the next time you look for info on here that you can't find and you ask a question, you get the same rude response so that you'll know how it feels.

A little humble pie would do you good!

A little humble pie for the rude one - Ginny

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should be accompanied by a cup of hemlock tea.

Time to get back to work, sugah - sm

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You gotta learn to lighten up, sugah dumplin'. The world ain't gonna stop with you bein' ugly to others. Don't say something now that you'll be sorry for later. Understand, honey lamb?

production pay - Tara

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I'm with the MTSO's on this one. If I had my own company, I certainly wouldn't want to pay someone an hourly rate if they can't fulfill the company's needs. It makes sense to pay on production because you are paying the same amount to someone who types 120 wpm or someone who types 50 wpm. The report costs them the same no matter who does it, but the typist has more of an incentive to type faster to get the job done and in turn make more money. The point of owning your own company is to make money, not to make sure you are supporting the livelihood of others with your own hard earned money. If a person can't type fast enough to make transcription worth their while, then this is not the profession to be in.

Agree..... - see inside

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I would not pay hourly unless it was in an office setting and not home-based MTs and they would still need to meet a certain requirement.

What makes you work only makes you stronger. No one owes us anything, especially MTSOs.

We are subs, and the accounts belong to the MTSOs who also need to make a cut to keep the business going.

If MTs think they are underpaid, then they are more than welcome to go out and find their own accounts and service them.

I service 2 of my own and I find that it about evens out with the amount of administrative work I have to do to keep them afloat.

Be thankful there is work online because the hospitals around here aren't hiring; they've all farmed their transcription to nationals, and I know I cannot compete with their bids.

production pay - IMO

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I prefer production pay. I make a lot more on production than I ever would hourly. My hospital starts transcriptionists at $9.50/hr and they use Meditech, which I hear is an awful platform. I've been working on straight production for 11 years, been an MT for 25 years, and make quite a good living on straight production. Like the other poster said, MT certainly isn't for everyone.

PRODUCTION PAY - eagles_fan

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I think this response to a perfectly reasonable message is rude and uncalled-for. I have been an MT since 2003, and I have always been paid hourly. I never heard of MTs getting paid per line until I started reading MT message boards. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.


You have been doing this since 1979 and you are just now shocked by production pay. Where have you been? Transcribing in a cave? Or are you just trying to beat the dead horse with a topic that has been...well...dead along with the horse? Sorry, but I'm just trying to figure what your point is here??


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To the Rude MT: I have known about production pay for years, and would only be paid that way if it were a 2nd part-time job, (cpl, per 1,000 words, per report, etc. are several ways of being paid on production). For one thing I have solely supported myself (never married) for 35 years with no 2nd full-time income coming into the household. I need to know the exact dollar amount I am going to make each month. I have been battling "triple negative" breast cancer for 2 years now that has spread to my lungs and possibly my retroperitoneum. I struggle to work 40 hours per week, take care of myself, my pets, do all my chores, personal/business affairs, and take chemotherapy, etc. and WORK!!! If I were working on production pay full-time now, it would be like living on "low" disability/minimum wage pay. Now that I think of it, I should not even have "dignified" your "ugly" response with an answer. Thank God I work for the State of Texas, because they can only pay me on an hourly/salary basis and not on production! I am going to write the United States Department of Labor (Wage & Hour Division) regarding the production pay subject.

To the Polite MT:
Thanks for coming to my defense regarding my post and God Bless You.

production pay - Tara

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I'm sorry to hear about your cancer and chemotherapy. I know all too well how hard it is as my sister went through it last year. However, I just have to point out that this is a good reason why MTSO's pay on production. You are getting paid 40 hours a week, but said you can barely work and you would be living on a "low" disability/minimum wage pay if you had to work production. This is really the perfect example as to why MTSO's pay production. You are getting paid, but you aren't producing like you should because you are ill and going through treatments. Any MTSO isn't going to want to pay someone to not work and to not produce. You're very fortunate to have a job where you can get paid your hourly rate and barely work.

Are you working in-house? Which department - sm

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have you found that hires MTs? I'm very interested in this as I would love to find a government job.

Umm, it *IS* an assembly line - mistymt

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I've worked in-house and as a service MT both. The in-house workers were often lazy in my view because they took breaks every hour, talked for part of that hour, wandered around the room, etc. If you get paid for what you produce-- YOU PRODUCE right??

production - pr

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If the job is done at home, it has to be paid on production, it cannot be paid per hour. How should the employer monitor this?
But the cpl should be higher, it is much too low and the minimum line demand should be lower for straight and VR, so that MTs could focus more on quality.


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Our MTs/Editors work from home and clock in and out on a system called Kronos for timekeeping and they are paid hourly as they work for the State and the State cannot pay them on production. Yeah!!! They make $20 per hour and up.

Very few MTSOs would pay me what I can make - ht

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an hour on production, if any.

I make very good money on production pay and would - never work on hourly! nm

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Ditto. - Happy MT Robin

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I have worked hourly and I work production currently. I make double on production what I did on an hourly basis. The drawback is that on production I'm an IC so no benefits, etc., but the good part is I can pay my mortgage. I can do without the health insurance if I have a roof over my head that's not in jeopardy.

It would have to be a really, really good offer for me to go back in-house some place again.


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How much is good money to you gross per year? If you are grossing $60k or more a year, and the company you work for is taking out taxes then maybe that's okay. Also are you the sole supporter of yourself, or do you have a second full-time income coming in. I have supported myself for 35 years solely. I now am attempting to work 40 hours per week battling breast cancer for the past 2 years (triple negative) and can barely work 40 hours per week, thank God I am paid hourly (a guaranteed income).

Reply - Happy MT Robin

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Good money is relative to where you live and what kind of "stuff" you want in your life. I don't make $60k a year, but I didn't even come close to that at the in-house position. I make double hourly on production than I did in-house. And yes, I support myself and always have. No second income here.

Good luck on your cancer treatments.

Yes, thank God you can slack if you want... - sm

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Sorry to hear about your situation but I guess you felt the need to bring that up. If you are paid hourly, then so be it.

Most of us who are paid production and have been at this a long time have doubled if not tripled our salaries.

I worked with an MT with constant medical problems. I thought it was totally unfair she got paid the same rate when I worked circles around her.

I am glad I left that job and glad I am paid production. It's the slackers that love hourly! LOL
Be careful! - gl
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What comes around goes around... Unfortunately, for nonsympathetic people such as yourself, you have to face dilemas for yourselves before you can truly feel compassion for others in the same state. It would not surprise me in the least if you find yourself facing the same dilemas one day. It is only by the mercies of the Lord that you have not already with your current haughty, proud attitude.

I pray you will see the error of your ways.

Production Pay - DMZ

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If you've been in this since 1979, then you should have seen lots of feast and famine. I myself would never work anything but production pay - basically, you get your line rate and it's up to you how much you do or don't make as an independent contractor - as for the taxes, well, there are a lot of write-offs on your annual income tax....I've been in the industry since 1982, working at home since 1995 for several different companies, and have always done extremely well, more than $50,000 that's for sure. :) Guess we all have different ways of looking at things - is the glass half full or half empty. :)

I'm kind of surprised at this thread. I would never work hourly, feel it limits me. sm - CaliDeb

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I have two accounts of my own and IC for a hospital and if my pay ever dipped below an average of $25/hour -I need to either figure out where I am slacking or look for something else. I include any non-MT duties in this time as well, including delivery/pick-up for one account.

I average much higher than $25 for the most part, so that makes up for THOSE days that we all have where every little thing goes wrong, dictation quality, interruptions, technical probs whatnot. I do think that I am in the minority as far as liking my work and making a good living at it though. Yes, I am sole support for my family before anybody says anything. Almost 11 years at this. I do make less than I made about 5 years ago, but I remember thinking at that time that this level of income won't last I worked for MQ at the time and the bonuses were incredible and I was truly a production BEAST! Those were the days! But like I said, still love my work and well over 50k this year in a very high cost of living area.

Good luck to you all... Sounds like there are all types of MTs on this board... I'm not just speaking experience level, more like different levels of aspirations and ability. You are only limited in your own mind.


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I am not trying to be ugly, but $50k is nothing after taxes and all the other deductions are taken out of your paycheck. What would you do if you were like me having to try and work 40 hours per week battling triple negative breast cancer and taking chemotherapy for 2 years now. I think then you would find it hard to make ends meet, and then would want a "guaranteed certain amount of income" while you were so sick and working as the sole supporter of you and your family. I thank God I make an hourly wage.

production pay - 7DayMT

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I have never worked by the hour.. don't think I would want to. With production there is always the chance of earning more.. and does make me feel very motivated.. I am also the sole supporter and have medical problems.

I am sorry for your troubles Cindy, and I will say a prayer for you, but (sm) - CaliDeb

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I've battled many many many of my own troubles, I do not have a husband to help, and I am primary caretaker for elderly mom and dad (p.s. MY DAD HAS BLADDER AND STOMACH CANCER AND JUST HOSPITALIZED THIS LAST WEEKEND WITH LIVER FAILURE). We all have our own troubles, you see. I usually do not find it necessary to mention that to strangers, but in this case...

50K AGI for my MT work is nothing? I guess my 2006 paid-off car and almost paid-off house are nothing as well. I pay quarterly taxes. This is my lowest year so far, as I need a little more time each than usual for my other responsibilities. So I am so very glad I am not on a timeclock so I can get it all done, you know?

I am glad your hourly job works for you. It would not work for me. I just said I was surprised that more of us are not profitable with production vs hourly.

Here are some links to some really great cancer support boards for you.



Cindy - Some of us do not think $50,000/yr is "nothing." - Fingers

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That works out to be more/less $26 per hour. I do not think that is bad at all. It can be done as an MT at home, although it is becoming very very difficult, and impossible to most.

I have worked by the hour and by the line. I feel that most work by the hour limits the MT significantly. My income doubled when I started working at home by the line. There are other advantages to consider also such as car, gas, clothes, and so on. I also find that I work less hours and make more money. If someone were doing your job at home and being paid BY THE LINE, it is likely at this moment that they would make 40% or more than you do. I do not believe the management of that transcription will allow that to continue to happen.

It's nice that you are making this much money and look down on the rest of us for accepting what we do by the line. I really hate to break it to you, but jobs like yours are the ones that are very easily replaced at a much cheaper rate. Do not think that you are immune to this trend, it is going to catch up to you sooner or later and then you will understand what the rest of us go through.

I would not take an in-house job being paid by the hour again unless I absolutely had to and it may come to that one day, but I guarantee you it will not be at $60,000 a year. In the end it all comes down to $$ in the pockets of the employers and yours will be no different.

I congratulate you on your success and hope it continues in the future.
Agree with Fingers. Cindy, this is probably why you got rude replies. - NM
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The Cindy drama - Me

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We seem to have several issues here.
1. Your health issues. It is tragic that you have cancer. We all wish you well. The sad fact is that it is not the duty of the MTSO to provide you or me or anyone with a guaranteed wage, no matter how compelling our personal situations. And yes, we all wish you well.
2. I, too, make a good bit more than 50K, and I am paid on production. That money is more than enough for me. And yes, I have an extremely serious, life-threatening medical condition. I have to budget carefully, but I do it.
3. Is something wrong with your caps lock on your computer? Or do you not know that typing in all caps is the equivalent of shouting? Or don't you care?

$50K/yr is a lot better than the $25K I'm struggling to make. - I would love $50K!

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Cindy - production pay - Fast fingers

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Well, Cindy, here is the deal. I have been an MT since the sixties and I am making $33-37 bucks an hour, based on the dictator. And yes, we have ESLs. Sounds to me like you are a newbie who is afraid.

Fast Fingers - CINDY

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I first learned MT in 1979, but have been doing nothing but MT for 25 years. I have worked on production pay only part-time. Are you an IC, if so don't you pay double social security to the federal government (if so that really chops your income). I am not afraid of anything other than I might DIE from the "triple negative" breast cancer I have been battling since November 2007 while attempting to work 40 hours per week, single supporter of myself for 35 years, so thank God I make a guaranteed hourly wage. Where I work we have ESLs (a total of about 200 radiologists voice we have to learn), and we just went to "backend" VR Escription.

To Cindy - Fast fingers

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No, I am NOT an IC but an employee of a mid-sized MTSO. Once again, you raise the issue of your triple-negative breast cancer, for the umpteenth time. This is your real issue that needs to be addressed, and this is not the forum in which to do it. Please get professional counseling and support to deal with your health issues. You are mixing them in with MT issues, and it is not helping you. Good luck to you. You will be in my prayers.

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MQ Production Questions
Oct 20, 2011

Okay, I need a refresher.  I have to get to the bottom of what is happening to all our pay, except for those few out there. I'm guess keystrokes are only letters and punctuation.  In other words, all the things we have to do to place a skip marker are free to MQ? Pulling in headers, whatever we have to do with our fingers to make that happen, do we get any credit for that in our line count? ADT, all the crazy time we have to spend making sure we have the right patient, visit, e ...

Production Bonuses
Jan 26, 2012

I just received my first *denial* of production bonus in over 20+ years with 98.75% QA score. Every time I look at the payroll data and see...... BONUS:  NO.   I do a slow burn.  I'd like to know who made that judgment call that is going to affect my income for the next 3 months. I'd like to see my mistakes, and if they are legit medical mistakes then I will accept my *penalty*.  I do not want to think my QA score hinges on whether or not someone is having a ...

How Can We Boost Production When ASR Is So Bad
Mar 19, 2012

How can we be productive when we spend more time reading profiles than actual time in a report.   Maybe stop the garbage, give is primary accounts, no more ASR, no more bouncing, no more counting mouse clicks, and give us a raise...   I will be more than productive, like I was in the old days. I used to produce 2000 lines a day. I cannot do that now in 2 days. ...

Production Statistics
Jun 21, 2012

Here's what I think is the reason for the production statistics and what I think is going to happen this summer.  I believe that MM will say they are reducing ASR pay to 4 cpl across the board and that we can all increase production by following the recommendations in their emails.  I hope I'm wrong but if this happens and I get 2/3 of what I am making now, they will get 2/3 of the editing I am doing now until they figure it out and fire me.  ...

Production Bonus
Apr 19, 2013

this is the first time I have not received a production bonus.  can someone tell me how many likes weekly it is to achieve this?  thank you in advance. ...

Qa Working For Production
Jul 05, 2013

Hi, I am thinking about switching from a company who pays QA by hour to another who pays by production but not really sure if that is a good move.  Does anyone do QA by production? Is it hard to meet? do you have to make an average rate like an MLS? thanks :) ...

PRN MT And Work Production
Sep 16, 2013

Very bummed out and disgusted.   Started first day, software installation went perfect, but could not get trained properly on their proprietary system because of conference calls, multiple IMs, all kinds of rucus going on there.  Now I am wondering, was I offered over 9cpl to start and SUPER flexible times/days to compensate for a clunky, antiquated system (have to populate the template headers, no pay for that)!!  Thank you for this question/RANT! ...

Production Pointers Please
Feb 01, 2014

I know some MTs say they make $17 to $20/hr. I'd love some pointers on how you make this happen.  Even with decent dictators, I average about $9/hr and I have been doing this job nearly 17 years.  Even my PC said some produce 500 lines an hour, I don't understand how they do it.  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! ...

With QC Going To Production Pay Has Anyone Heard
Oct 27, 2014

Will it be same as MLS requirement or different? ...

I See Posts Below That QC Will Be Going To Production
Nov 02, 2014

Our manager has not told us anything about this. ...

Feb 10, 2015

Will someone be kind enough to instruct me as to how MM calculates production for the week?  TIA. ...

TTS - Minimum Production
Mar 28, 2015

I'm curious if anyone is making minimum production with TTS, 125 LPH transcription and 250 LPH editing?   If so, can you give any tips regarding what you cut out?  Proofing, research, etc?  How do you handle the long pauses in dictation?  Anyone use the "Skip Silent" command?   I can see 125 LPH for transcription but 250 for editing when you have to lose production with poor dictators?    Thanks for any feedback! ...