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Offered a position at Acusis, any info (recent)...sm - smeeps

Posted: Sep 12, 2013

I searched the archives but didn't really find any relevant info.  Can anyone help me out with some info on them??  

offered one too - frustrated

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I just went through their whole presentation too after passing their test. The pay is a joke. You might as well work for free. I can make more on unemployment. How do they think we can survive on 2.5 cpl? Whoever thought SR was easier and should be paid half of what straight transcription is paid is downright insane. I thought the company and account I was looking to work on was a great opportunity, but how can I make ends meet if I'm only making $6.25/hour. How do you feel about their pay?

Not sure, will have to review again - Smeeps

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I thought it was only 2.5 cents if you didn't mean the line requirement? Guess ill have to look at my roadmap again.

line rate - frustrated

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Look at the line rate page. It shows how much you make depending on which work type you type. You won't always make the same rate for each report you type. If you work on WT H&P that is a 4 hour turnaround, then you make, I think, 3.5 cpl. If you're working on anything that has a 24 hour turnaround time, you only make the 2.5 cpl. Maybe I read it wrong, but I went over it a couple times to make sure. Did it state somewhere else what the rate was for you? What was your rate?
I didn't get a line rate page........sm - Smeeps
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I got the page with wt/tat and then the roadmap thing. Let me go back and check.
Wow....I read it too quickly before....now I'm wondering.... - Smeeps
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If I should take it.

4.5 and 8.5 - BJ

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Starting line rates where I work are 4.5 and 8.5. Of course that is VR and straight typing. Great bonus plan easy to obtain. TransTech - excellent benefits, as posted below, plus more. Standard MTTest required. It's really worth a try compared to what you have been offered at Acusis.

Is this the MTSO where the clock stops if you take your fingers off keyboard? - AmConsideringTT

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Isn't their line requirement rather steep, too?

Acusis - jingle

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Yes and yes. I worked for them for 2 weeks and the way they do their timesheets is a crock. You have to sit with a calculator and figure out your time in order for it to make it look like you are achieving a certain line count . . . "Shiesters" is what they are, in my opinion.
They pulled that line count ripoff with me, too. - former "Excusis" employee
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They hold this way high hourly line count minimum over your head, then tell you to do a bunch of fuzzy math when filling out your time sheet, to make it look like you achieved the line count minimum in 8 hours per day or less. Even if, in reality, you had to work 15 hours a day to do it. I finally got fed up with all their illegal labor practices, and left. But they still owe me hella overtime pay.

No but it IS the one - SM

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No, but TT is the one where you will constantly run out of work and yet be shackled to your computer your entire shift checking for work "just in case," all without being paid for your time. And heavens forbid you turn in an accurate time sheet and fall below minimum wage. You'll receive a nastygram from one of the higher-ups telling you that you must have made a "mistake" on your timesheet, because producing lines resulting in less than minimum wage isn't acceptable...And all the while they know it's due to a no-work situation.

Yeah, good luck with TT. They're as bad as all the rest about overhiring and lack of work and falsifying timesheets. Ugh.

They never got back to me, guess that's a good thing. nm - smeeps

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Acusis - old and tired MT

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Jumped through all their hoops and decided to accept the position. Got an email today (Saturday) from their tech support stating they wanted to remote in to my computer to check specs, which they did. I then get an email stating that my computer did not meet their specs. Funny thing is, I had this program (Editscript Version 10) previously installed on my computer through another company and it worked fine. Just weird.

Have an Interview 9/17. They can't be any worse that NU or MM - smeeps

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TransTech/NOT asked to manipulate time sheets - RJS

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I am a TransTech MT/ME. In training, we were told right from the start to divide our lines each day by a certain formula to come up with minimum wage. Brand new then on VR (escription.) WE WERE NEVER TOLD ANYTHING but the above. It is difficult to see some of these outrageous posts, and I had to get to the truth. Smeeps, hope your interview went well. DO NOT LISTEN TO these negative people concerning TransTech. I have been through 3 mergers in the past and KNOW, first hand, what an excellent company this is. Of course VR is a struggle, yet TransTech HAS a bonus program that is fair and after learning your account, can be obtainable. They have excellent benefits. They a decent starting line rate for today's difficult times in this field. Any way - best wishes to you.
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Worked for them until recently and TWICE they told me I might want to adjust my hours. It's impossible to get a count the way they count lines. Also when they short you, as they did me, they tell you ultimately it's up to the HR person, no matter how much proof you have.

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