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Offered position with MModal paying a whopping - 10 cpl for straight typing and

Posted: Oct 19, 2012

4 cpl editing; however, 99.5% will be Voice Recognition I was told. Then she went on to say you guys average anywhere from 287 to 300 LPH with Voice Wreck. When she got into the part about they pay for up to 2 consecutive spaces, and if you send more than 5% to QA, I sort of zoned out. Told her I will give her my decision once I think about it over the weekend. Not. Whew it was depressing just listening to all of their demands.

well most don't get 10 cents - you might keep that in mind

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most get 8 and 4.

I would tell them, you'll do it for 5.5 - and no less!

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That is CRAZY! I doubt that most average 287 when the stats they send out say 196! That is such bull!

Was about to say the same thing, my last report said - average for MModal was 186 LPH for ASR.

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They are definitely lying on that one.

That was about what I was averaging - bye bye birdie

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and felt like a loser for years. All the hype from the company was that I should be editing 300-600 lph. I wish I would have known I wasn't such an underachiever. Still wouldn't have made me stay though.

I was making 6 cpl and still not able to make - but about

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$900 every two weeks editing as hard and fast as I could. I quit.

Yeah, that is what they told me also... - Sell ya a bridge

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was shortly dropped to 8/4 like everyone else, at which point I quit.

Oh, and good luck avoiding the drop in pay for the 5% to QA rule when you get thrown into a global pool of accounts with no two the same from report to report. Try reaching that 287 lph with that, never mind 300.

The last 2 stats sent out said - gross average LPH

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Said 166 and 195. That is the gross average for the company, not my gross average.

Being generous, if you can do 200 at 4 cpl, that is $8 and hour!

Yep, 200 line times 4 cpl is 8.00 an hour, - but my minimum wage is 9.04 an hour.

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And going to 9.14 an hour next year.

They wont keep you long if they have to pay you - make up pay to get you to minimum.

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Just sayin.
Yep, I know that, but have to bust my butt - compared to others.
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JUST NOT FAIR and... been here for 22 years and why should I MAKE THE SAME PAY AS SOME NEWBIE WHO STARTED YESTERDAY!!!

Almost finished with school. The smartest thing I have ever done.
Good for you... I wish you well in your new - endevers.
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Wish I would have started a few years ago, but I dont start school until next year. :(
It will be the best thing you have ever done - in your life.
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I seriously need to email you.
feel free to... - endevers
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and thank you.

Straight typing - old and burned out

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The only straight typing you will get will be the dictators who are too awful to be on VR. These are the worst of the worst and there will even be very few of those.

My district manager 2 weeks ago said 250-280 - range

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was at around 25% of the employees of MModal. Actually was proud that around 25% was editing that range. I think it is pathetic myself as it should be around 75%, but then that is how terrible the editing situation is at this company.

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