A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

My first day being released from training at Transcend.. - blondie

Posted: Dec 30, 2011

I was not impressed with my line count today.  I worked 4 hours and ended up with 515 edited lines and 66 standard lines.  That sucks.  I hope that improves a lot. 

Rome wasn't built in a day. - sm

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Me thinks you set your expectations a bit high. Give it some time and good effort and tell us how you are doing in 3 or 6 months, not one day, as one day is not an indicator.

First day too, - MountainMT

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I think we were in the same training group, Blondie. My counts were much better the second day. I spent most of my down time trying to look up unfamiliar MD names. I would breeze through a few reports and then hit the wrong key and mess up. It will be a learning curve for me because I haven't done much editing. I will say that the training modules and support from the trainer and TL have been wonderful and it is refreshing to even have work available during a holiday week.

editing at Transcend - sm

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What is the editing like at Transcend. Can the voice recognition pick up sentences and words correctly or do you end up typing more than editing? I'm curious as i'm looking for an editing position and my hands cannot take too much typing. TIA.

editing-Transcend - LeeLee

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Some are okay and some are really, really bad and a lot of editing/typing is required. It is a little tough to gauge since there are some accounts with exceptional dictators and you can do okay-not great, just okay. I have a few accounts that are so bad, you almost never even hit minimum wage. Try to split my time as best I can to get a balance for a better pay. Waiting for my "ship to come in" and when it does, will take you all on a cruise! :)
a cruise is just what I need. - sm
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I'm up for some relaxing and pina coladas on the sun deck, being comforted financially with independent wealth. I will join you!
sm - patti
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SM I bet you weigh 400 pounds, ulglier than a mud fence and would break the sun deck if you sat on it. I watch your posts often and you are the most judgmental, hateful sounding cow on this site. You go relax in the sun drinking gallons of pina coladas with your old hooves up in the air and quit making comments to other people about what they feel and say.

happy new year and mooooh
patti - sm is not a person, means see msg or small msg, etc. - nm (this means no message)
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patti - sm
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You think sm is a PERSON? Wow, you are a newbie!
How would you like this person working for you, depending on her work ethics? - I was just thinking
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I was just thinking what it would be like to have that person working for me. I wonder how she would react if work came back to her with a note asking her to change the way she does something. I wonder if she has the work ethics to get there, do the work, and stay out of trouble on the job. I was just wondering.
unnecessary hostility - amazed
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You are oozing hostility. You need counseling.
Go to the Gab Board - everybody is happy! - nm
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No, they aren't. They are hating on our word game. - nm
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Yeah, I noticed. What's up with that? - nm
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holy cow - for crying out loud!
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Cruise - LeeLee
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The more the merrier and all welcome. Personally, I want a dry wine :) After the day this has been, it is a wonder I am not trolling for a case to knock off! Have a great new year!
editing -for "blondie" - LeeLee
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Blondie - Forgot to mention to you. Be careful when editing. If you use W7 and go to fast it will sometimes cause you to loose your voice job - not always. If you do loose it, it is a real pain in the bootay to get it back and fix it properly. When that happens (going to fast, getting kicked out for the reaason), the words reload jumbled. Real nightmare. Just wanted to alert you as I found out the hard way. Hope this helps you and good luck!

I was just worried about not reaching the gross pay requirement... - blondie

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I'm sure they give you time to reach the required gross pay. I hope so anyway.

Gross Pay - LeeLee

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You have to consistently meet the minimum $900.00 amount for 4 pays to get benefits. Any time you drop below that for any pay period, you lose the benefits. They outline this in the actual employment package you were to receive. Hope this helps.

It WILL come...It is worth it..GIVE IT TIME!!!... - tbur

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You will be amazed at where you are in 6 months...then a year...then 5 years and so on. I laugh at myself weekly and sometimes daily at how impatient and doubtful I was with myself in the beginning. It was the hardest thing I had ever done but now just so easy that I have to laugh. I happened to read a blog that detailed someone's trials and successes from beginning to finally succeeding. It gave me hope. WE ALL GO THROUGH IT! I am thankful for not giving up. What started as extra money for my family, has now saved my family...kept my son in college and given us all great relief in this economy. Just look at it as PAID TRAINING, and it will make you feel a little better. It will come IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP!!!

blondie - anon

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I am sure your speed will build up over time. I wish you all the best. I might suggest that you lose the vulgar language. It does not become you.

What vulgar language? - sm

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Or is this a troll post to start stuff?

Shows you have a "dirty mind." - Didnotseethat

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You reveal your inner self when you tell your perceptions.

That is just an expression. Most people no longer think about where it came from unless they have a dirty mind.

Not a dirty mind - Anon

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A realistic mind. And the F Word is used every day, too, but not by me. And not by people I hire. I want someone with class.
Still shows what attracts your attention - and the pattern of your thoughts
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Some people just love to find fault in others, no matter what, and that isn't classy at all. Pretend all you want, but you are no better than anyone else.
Her behavior is better than the rude behavior we just saw - Please see message
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Sometimes the right thing to do is to stand up for what is right. We're saying the rude behavior is an embarrassment and is beneath us. Certainly we don't want medical transcriptionists to be represented that way without speaking up against it.
Please see message - Mrs. B.
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Just an observation--back in the day when we all worked in hospitals, such language would be a firing offense. I do think that the MT world has suffered a lot in professionalism by the way SOME (not all) people who work at home behave. I am proud of the transcription (and it is transcription, not typing) profession (and it is a profession). It people want to swear, curse or behave in an otherwise unattractive and professional manner that is their very own business. However, because the majority of MTs now work at home, sometimes home behaviors (which evidently for some are mannerless) drip over onto the professional arena. I am with you. I am ashamed of some of these people and I most certainly would not mentor them, hire them, or otherwise help them. It is a shame that there is such a lack of civility and respect for others. I have always believed that people who talk as if they are standing in a garbage can have little respect for themselves.
The people at home??? - alan
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How about the sharks in the doctors' offices and hospital MT pools?
My gosh all this just for someone saying somethign - sm
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sucked? I think most of these people need to get a life!
My gosh! - Susan
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And I think some people need to get some civility and manners.
Well said. So many of us feel the same way but just never say anything. - Glad you spoke up.
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These days people just put up with so much trash talk, as if we don't have the right to speak up and say what we think about it. I probably would never tell someone why I didn't hire them, but even if I had no other applicants, I would not hire someone who can't speak intelligently with with a little refinement.
So picky--ridiculous. - youguysareoverreacting
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We aren't in the Dark Ages anymore where unreasonable social mores apply. No one cares and no one should care whether a person uses "sucks" or not. There is no Biblical scripture that says "Thou shalt not say sucks." I think we have some prudes on this board that can't bear life as it is. You need to go sit in the parlor and keep your mouth shut like women used to have to do. That seems to be what you prefer.
Agree totally! I am really beginning to think that it is - sm
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just one poster stirring the pot. There cannot be, in reality, someone who seriously thinks saying sucks is vulgar. I sure hope not anyway!
No one cares about good manners? - Some of us do
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I do care about good manners. I think others do as well.
I think the real issue is how some people come across - to others sm
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When someone comes across lording it over others that they should conform to their idea of what is proper, they are just arrogant fools to me.

Not all people have the same ideas about things, and jumping to such conclusions about that particular word, which is in use in everyday society, in movies, on the TV, etc., use of it just isn't that bad. It is not a reflection on the people that use that word.

I think the point of manners/courtesy here is all the people that jumped on it, accusing the OP of being vulgar, were very impolite, disrespecting of her, and just plain rude. They were playing the "we're better than you" card. Self-righteousness is not a family value.
'Everybody else does it' makes it right? - Not the way I learned it growing up
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Okay, so using that one word once in a blue moon probably isn't going to cost someone a job. I'll admit that. It is a bad habit to get into though. I know that from personal experience. I also know how miserable it is to work in an environment where everyone is foul-mouthed. Does it make all of them bad people? No. They are just in the habit of it and it seems comfortable to them. It's their normal. They've found a place where it's not only accepted, it's expected!

That's not the environment I want to live in. Every one of us gets to make that choice. You are right about that. I do think it's a good wake-up call to 'some' who haven't realized just how much of a habit it has become with them. I'm talking about people who are not really proud of it and would really prefer to be in an environment that was more wholesome. That was my own story. In no way do I ever think I will 'talk' someone into dropping all vulgar words from their vocabulary. That would be silly to think that anyone cares what I think. It may make a difference to some people though if they realized it could have an impact on their career. Maybe it won't, but it sure might. Again, it's each person's decision. As for me, I like me better when I don't use those words. When I did, I was an angrier person. I'm happier now. That's just me. Not putting that on you.
Everbody else does it - LeeLee
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What a great post. I agree with you 100%. I would much rather associate with those that bring me up mentally, socially and morally, then drop to a level that is not my best. Great way to improve all aspects of your life....associate with those you admire and respect. Best of the new year to all!
But no one is talking about rampant foul-mouth here. - justoneword
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We are only talking about one word that has come to mean something entirely different than from it's origin.

A word specialist at Webster's told me once that words evolve and get added to dictionary that way, by use of a good number of people. The meanings also change by how people use them. "Sucks" will someday reflect how people are using it in the dictionary. I was specifically questioning her about "arousable," which was not in the dictionary at that time, but she said if it was in use, it was a word and if a significant number were using it, then treat it as a word.

manners - LeeLee
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I am right there with you. I care about good manners and GOOD conversation, which does not have to be peppered with bad language. Poor speach just indicaes the lack of knowledge/communication skills. I am all for elevating clean speach publicly. Do not care what soemeone says in private or how low their conversations fall...that is their business. In public, another story!
Not pick - Susan
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We are not picky, just civil. You should try it sometime. The Bible has nothing to do with it. One of the kindest, most civil person I know is an atheist, and no, she would not use trash talk. So please do not bring the Bible into it.
not a dirty mind - pl
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I love this...you would not hire anyone who used the "F" word an you want "someone with class"...what a joke. First, people with class rarely do medical transcription and then gripe about it all day long. Most MT's are fat with social skills of a limp dishrage hence, working from home. As far as class and hiring. How many people do you have working under you. a BIG FAT 0 I bet. get a life.

I noticed it too and started to remind her that employers do visit these boards - sm

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It wasn't horrible, obviously, but employers do visit these boards.

Oh, for the love of Pete - Really? Vulgar?

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Y'all need to pull the stick out.
LOL...so agree! - jmt
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Not only pull the stick out, they need to pull out the whole tree! I must have missed the "vulgarity" in that post because I saw none.

So what if employers visit? How are they to - know who wrote what?

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And you've gotta wonder, if an employer even has time to peruse an MT chat board, and get all worked up about what is said here, how much attention they're paying to what really matters, like running their business.
I've seen plenty of identifying information and - they might say the same in reverse
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It wouldn't be the first time. Maybe part of their job is keeping track of what's going on.

Bah! Vulgar language?! - Good Grief!

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Happy New Year!

This is part of what's wrong with our industry - sm

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They wonder why they don't do well and others do. I'm with the other posters who say that they would not hire or keep people who are just not mature.
I am the poster you posted under and... - sm please
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I am one of the most professional and refined people you will ever meet in business. I work with many facets of government bodies in my city and an highly regarded in what I do and that is comprised mostly of meeting with very influential, powerful people. When I am not engaged in "business" and am on my own time, I use language that can be very colorful, and that doesn't make me any less of a person. I do watch where I use my colorful language out of respect, i.e. elderly, kids, places like that.

Honestly, I think it comes down to respect. This is a public forum and there are all walks and talks of life here. I respect that so I conduct myself appropriately, but what you don't know that I use some of my colorful language in the privacy of my own home reading some of these awful, mean and degrading posts ;) Again, that is in the privacy of my own home. I would much rather use my bean to come up with another word to replace the vulgar word and write that in public, but still get the message across if need be - it's more fun that way and gives me more vocabulary to arm myself with haha! But that's just me :)

Happy New Year everyone!
sm please - Old Pro
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You have nailed it exactly! You sound like my kind of person. It has to do with respect of everyone--and also with self-respect. Like you, I have been known to let slip with a less than desirable word--but not in public, not at work, and not where it might offend others. All manners are about is being considerate of others. You clearly understand the concept and I wish that some of the people who are so madly defending their right to curse (!) would get it, too. I do not care if they swear for hours on end in their own private lives. It is their very own business and has nothing to do with me at all. But it is not realistic for people to act in unprofessional ways and expect to be viewed in a professional light or even hired. If I had my choice between a vulgar person and a refined one, I would take the refined one. If, on the other hand, I go to a Metallica concert with my grandson, they I know that they use all kinds of language there and that is the heavy metal culture and I will just endure it for the evening. The difference is that going to heavy metal concerts does not happen in the professional arena. I know what's up at those concerts and I can choose to go--or not.

Hey Anon!! - Question for you..

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Do you still carry a phone book with you every where in case you have to go into a bomb shelter with the opposite sex? (*gasp!* I used the s-word!)


Question for you - Nick

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Please grow up.
NO! - qfy
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I Don't Wanna! =P

Dude, laugh a little, it won't hurt, I promise.
Would you hire this person to work for you? - I would not
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Words really do matter. They tell us whether a person is mature, kind, polite, well-mannered, courteous, or a person who causes friction among the others who work there.
That's not true at all. - prudescausemoretrouble
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Quite frankly, the prudish people among us, who are so egocentric about their way being the better way are more likely to cause problems since they have to undercut other people to give themselves a boost. Politeness in no way shows you what is under there. There are many whitewashed sepulchers out there. It is not a measure of anything.
Well, I just did an experiment for fun - What I Found
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I just made 2 lists of people I know. One of them is a list of people I've never known to utter a bad word. The other list is of people who do. Then I started comparing what I know about their success, intelligence, how much I enjoy being around them, and what I know about their character traits. How much could I depend on the person in different situations. Dependability. That kind of thing.

I found a couple of surprises in my list. I found that a couple of people that I truly enjoy occasionally 'pepper' their speech with colorful words. One of them is foul-mouthed. Actually I don't enjoy being around that person for that reason even though I like him. The other one is hilarious and smart, and doesn't abuse language very much, only occasionally, and it's effective when she does it. It isn't offensive at all. It's also not a habit with her as it is with him. All of my other close friends and relatives rarely use any of those words that are used for shock value.

Interesting experiment.
What you found - Susan
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What you feel is highly subjective and therefore irrelevant.
I hate having to walk on eggshells with the prim and proper. - notcomfortabletobearound
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You just never know when the judgments are going to flare. No, people with colorful language are just more fun and uninhibited. It doesn't have to be every other word, but if people here jumped on "sucks," then they all must disdain just about everyone. Even Mr. Rogers said "damn" on one of his programs' outtakes, and he was a preacher. Still a nice guy. And the battle of the prudes versus fun people rages on...
Honestly, if you asked some of these people - they may not would
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take a job if you offered it. Some things I have learned in life, it is short. No need to sit and dwell on little things like this. I can only assume that a lot of you posting have worked from home a long time as I'm afraid you would be hid in a closet if the word "sucked" bothers you. I have worked in different careers, and there have been very few times that I have had to work with people with this type mentality, like walking on eggshells. This is a public forum of peers, not a job interview.

Now, so you know, I can have a foul mouth when I want, but I know when not to use it. I have 2 jobs now and do pretty well. The last job I know I got out of many applicants because my references were so high, all of them. Not just people I listed, they called old bosses who gave me very high recommendations.

I have great friends from most jobs I have worked at who I think would say all of the things above (at least most did to my current boss), and most of them have heard me say dirties.

Oh for pitty sake, VACUUM CLEANERS SUCK!!! - nm

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Actually - see message

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One of my goals for this year is to get out of the habit if saying one particular word that really isn't very polite. I would like to be able to have people say about me that they think I am a gracious, poised, person with the ability to communicate my ideas well. The thread that we've been having made me realize that I do have some work to do on that.

And I'd suggest you lose the superior attitude. - Gives those who read them -

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a mental image of an uptight, anal-retentive biddy writing them.

training-Transcend - LeeLee

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Sorry to say, been with them a long time and that is pretty much it. Will improve to some degree, but almost everything they do is SR. What is not, they want to transition to SR. They cap your SR pay; so, until something comes along, kind of stuck where I am. NEVER get a raise and OT is minimal. I have been looking rabidly (LOL) for awhile. Will not move from plan A until I have a fimr plan B in place. Some income is better than no income. I have 1 account that is nothing both HORRIBLE ESLs and the SR takes a major dive on that account. Sorry it is not more encouraging. I wish someone had been as honest with me regarding Transcend accounts before I made my move. Good luck!

training-Transcend - LeeLee

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Sorry for typos; was in a hurry :)

Difficult to Make Line Count in 8 hours - -- w/Transcend

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I've been w/Transcend for a while now and it is getting harder to make even 1000 lines in 8 hours. They have ESL docs that should not even be dictating. If you happen to get over average line count in a day then you may or may not have steady work other days. I agree with you LeeLee that SR pay is capped. I'm not really happy at Transcend but for the most part pay is on time and there is some level of consistent work. Looking to get out of MT field completely. Sending applications out everywhere, even just typing or doing receptionist work. This job has become increasingly embarassing and depressing. The more skills acquired, the less these skills help you move ahead or earn higher pay. For those averaging 1200-1400 lines in 4 or 5 hours, bless you for finding a good job. I'm not sure though how you're able to do this at Transcend unless the work is just filling in a few typed lines using a long template. Good luck to you, LeeLee. I'm another MLS in the same boat and agree with everything you've stated.

Difficult to make line count - LeeLee

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I have one hospital that you can literally work on for days and never get anything but horrible ESL. Language is so bad, you cannot make out something as simple as a DOS, patient name, etc. Has to go to QA; then you get hammered by TL for sending "too much" to QA. I believe they want to do away with the QA dept or decrease it to bare bones. Line count plummets with this account; then I get email stating I am not producing fast enough. Cannot win. They refuse to speak with any problem MDs. Incidentally, there is definitely a cap on all SR work...just check with payroll. They also do not "match" 401K contributions as stated in ads, but rather a very small percentage of the first 50% that you contribute. I will take it, however small, to help offset all the pay cuts we got. Wonder how many TLs, managers, etc., took pay cuts? Will keep eyeballing all want ads :)
LeeLee... wonder if we have same account with bad ESL - lka
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I don't want to mention it on here but my primary is SO bad that I cannot understand half of what they say. They do NOT allow even one blank. I have 2 others that are mostly SR, but have to look up so much info in the AI that again, can get no momentum going. I have been there for 3 months now and have yet to make my minimum and I am part-time. My problem is that they keep hiring people and then I am always running out of work. We get these email updates about 3 times a day and they ask everyone to "hop on and get your lines" tonight (which is my shift); then there I sit.

I don't have a choice but to keep this job right now but am sorry I ever quit my other one that paid less, but at least I could understand these idiots. To top it off, I have 25 years of experience if that tells you anything about how bad these ESL docs are. I am just so sick of all of these MTSOs that lie to us promising tons of work and do not deliver!!
ESL accounts - To lka - Leelee
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Not sure, but sounds like it :) I have never seen the likes of some these guys. It is pretty bad when diction is so poor you cannot make out a date. Some of the accounts you waste a good 5-10 minutes just researching what you need to complete the job (unpaid). Any suggestions to improve our productivity has been completely disregard. They politely listen to you and then make it clear the only change they want is for you to work harder and faster, then do not want anything sent to QA. Needs cooperation from all sides for that to happen...I'm feeling your pain :(

first day at transcend - patti

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Nothing you said was vulgar. why dont you miserable old cows not comment if you have to comment like that. the lady was simply saying her line count at transcend was not good and she used the very commonly used word "sucks". what is vulgar about that. get a life. you been sitting round the old compter too long you miserable cow. by the way blondie. TRANSCEND sucks period!

I still do not know what vulgar language below poster - sm

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is talking about. Saying sucks is far from vulgar so she cannot possibly mean that.

What is vulgar is the word "sucks" - Nick

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Why be crude? Is this how professionals talk?

Are you serious? Saying sucks is about as vulgar as saying - sm

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poot. That is very, very G rated! Some people astound me!
are you serious - new MT
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Wow, wish you guys had been around in Nov. when I got reamed for using sucks in the new Mt board-kept me away from MT Stars for a long time!
New MT - Susan
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No need to stay away. Just take responsibility for knowing that many people are offended by such language. Our hospital certainly would not tolerate it.
This is a place to come and relax, let your - hair down. I am SM
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sure she would not say this sucks to her TL or RM. I say this and other things when speaking to family or friends discussing the state of our economy and the rampant greed that dominates government for example. If I was in a different environment, I would probably say something like "I am just appalled at the state of our economy" :) To my husband: My pay sucks. To someone at work in a professional setting, I would say "I am very disappointed that the pay rate for VR is so low". Try to relax a little and realize we are "friends letting our hair down" on this board.
It's a habit. People either do or don't use bad language - sm
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You can name of all of the friends and relatives you have and know for a fact which of them use bad language and which ones don't. It's a habit that people get into, either a habit of speaking well or using inappropriate language as a crutch instead of working on their language skills, or their attitude.
On letting your hair down - Old Pro
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The Buddhists have a great saying: HOW YOU DO ANYTHING IS HOW YOU DO EVERYTHING. You either have a good attitude or you do not. People who use such speech do not qualify as professionals (or desirable people) in my book, and I would never hire them.
They would not tolerate someone saying - sm
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something sucks? They would not have employees for long then. I am so amazed at the people (probably just one) who think it is vulgar to say sucks....
No, it's more than one. - nm
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And they are probably the ones that keep posting - sm
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dislike every time I post I cannot fathom someone thinking saying the word sucks is vulgar! LOL!! Pathetic!
Sometimes I read - this message board
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and can't help being reminded of The Church Lady. Now isn't that special!

Well, I would rather hire - abc

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Someone who is concerned about their performance and aims to improve herself, no matter what her language, rather than some sanctimonious prat.

Language is a Habit that can be changed/improved over time. A pompous attitude is an ingrained personality trait that really only soul-searching and probably therapy can fix.

You've got a point - sm

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I don't think it's necessarily pompous to have strict behavior requirements along with performance. You're right thought hat language is a habit that can be changed/improved. Whether an employer is willing to wait it out is something different entirely.

I recently watched a supervisor trying to get the receptionist to correct a horrible grammar error. She didn't correct her in public, but you could look at their faces when the receptionist "did it again" and then looked over at the supervisor in an 'oops' moment. Is that supervisor going to continue to put up with the receptionist representing their business with horrible grammar? How long is long enough, before they find someone who represents them the way they want to be represented?

ABC - LeeLee

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You have a GREAT point here. Every business wants a certain image. Jobs are so competitive any more that, if you do not represent what they want, there is no problem with replacing you with an acceptable expression of their business...and I do not blame. Language is a personal CHOICE, and some people's chocies push them right out of the running for certain jobs. If someone is unable to modify their language while working, that tells you far more about that person than an employer. I am sick of going to a business, needing assistance and getting someone that cannot communicate well or speaks in a very "familiar" way to customers. Does not entice you to visit that business again or purchase from them.

Blondie/Transcend - LeeLee

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Hey blondie...how are you doing? Are things getting any easier for you?

Actually, I improved a little - blondie

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The first day my edited lines were 500 something and the 2nd day they were 700 something, so I did improve.

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An Important (shocking) Report Just Released About Some Schools
Aug 02, 2012

A report from a two-year study was just released about 30 of the very large colleges that are approved for federal financial aid. Of the students who enrolled in these large for-profit colleges during the 2008-09 academic year, 54 percent withdrew by summer 2010 without earning a degree, according to the report. Nearly all of those students are being left with a huge amount of debt that they can't discharge, even through bankruptcy. Rather than putting most of the money into student resourc ...

Considering Training To Be A MT
Oct 10, 2009

I am considering an online school to learn Medical Transcription.  What does the future look like for upcoming MT's?  With all the medical changes coming, would this be a career to consider?  Thanks for any help! Debbie ...

Training To Be An MT
Nov 15, 2009

I am a mom of 3 boys with a lot of secretarial experience. I have taken several college courses recently including Anatomy&Physiology, Medical Terminology, Medical Transcription and Advanced but cannot find a job. Everyone looks for experience. I am in the process of applying to Everett Community College for their certificate. I would love opinions from current MTs regarding your opinion on beginning this career. Is it still a good option? I hear so many differing opinions on the future. Do ...

Does MQ Pay For Training?
Nov 17, 2009

How long does training takes?  How long do they give you to get up to speed, meaning getting your required lines in.  Do they pay a shift differential? ...

Training Pay?
Jan 25, 2010

Anyone know how long you are supposed to get training pay? Came back to company for some extra $$ and thought I was told this is a 90 day thing, but 2nd paycheck was on production pay though I am still 100% QA? Anyone have any suggestions on this?  I am so confused now. ...

Aug 04, 2010

hello... I'm looking for opinions and advice from MTs as to where I should get my MT training.  Where do most MT companies like their MTs to have their MT training?  Thank you   ...

Still In Training
Jan 29, 2011

I am still in training, but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the software and or equipment I could go ahead and purchase to help me get through my training more smoothly.  My dictation at this time is on a CD disk and wondered if a foot petal would help me at this point.  Thanks,   bettyboop ...

Training Someone To Be An MT
Mar 21, 2011

Has anyone tried to train someone else to be an MT on their own, without the courses?  I am a CMT and have 18 years experience - I have a couple family members that would like to learn to become an MT but cannot afford the course.  I am considering trying to train them myself - any suggestions? ...

TT Training
Jun 12, 2011

What is the latest on the training for no pay?  Is is still going to happen?  Did it happen or did TT decided to do the right thing and pay for MTs time?  ...

CNA Training
Aug 17, 2011

Has anyone here taken CNA training, leading to LVN, maybe an RN some day.  I am taking an accounting class, but after doing medical transcription for so many years iit is not very stimulating.    ...

Training For VR
Oct 22, 2011

Is there a training course you can take to ramp up your lines in VR?  Even a book would be nice.  Anyone know of anything?? ...

What Is The Training Like At - Sm
Mar 01, 2012

Precyse?  And how long did it take you to get up to speed once it was over? ...

TTD VR Training
May 29, 2012

Anybody working on this and happy with this company?  ...

VR Training
Jun 15, 2012

Good morning, everyone I am just beginning to learn VR editing and I was wondering if anyone has any tips they can share about how to learn all the keyboard shortcuts there are ? There are so many and I am feeling overwhelmed. Thanks everyone ! ...

Training For 7.1
Aug 07, 2012

About 6 weeks back I finished the training for 7.0.  We were then told that go live was August 20, and that we had to do new training.  I just did it.  Ladies and gents, I am sorry to say I am scared to death.  First of all, I have ADD, and it is hard for me to understand things right away.  I am not stupid, but only a person with ADD understands what I am saying.  I am going to go over all the training again and again, as that is how I learn things (even in college ...

RE: No Training Pay For
Aug 20, 2012

I asked my CCM and she said no training pay, other than watching the videos. I know some people on this board said they got addition cpl during the first week. Wish there was some consistency to this company! Who to complain to?? ...

TTS Training Pay?
Sep 25, 2012

I'm finding it difficult to obtain an answer to this. Does anyone know if they pay for so many hours of training? I'm fearing they do not pay training at all. TIA ...

Pay During Training
Oct 08, 2012

Hi all! I have applied to a few jobs since leaving my last one, and I'm finding that most companies do not even pay while the MT is training or trying to ramp up. Then, I was looking at Amphion, and they pay new MTs for 3 months while getting up to speed? That doesn't seem real! How can anyone afford to start a new job?! ...

Who Is Training ASR??? Definitely Not The MT!
Jul 04, 2013

Every day ASR gets increasingly of base.  There are so many times when I have to sit and search each line looking for anything that remotely resembles what is being clearly dictated. It started out with maybe 35% accuracy before editing.  Now it barely makes 20%. It inserts phrases that were never dictated, apparently just because that dictator dictated that phrase at one time in the past on a different patient.  It is having fun with "ALLERGIES" now.  It started off only usi ...

Help With Training
Jul 23, 2013

Okay, I was laid off in March and I know there was a post about an organization that offered training...and for the life of me I cannot find my notebook that had my notes about it..my husband got ill and I was taking care of him for the past 3 months (all is good now),...could someone please repost the information. I know there was a claim number or something that we would file under...ughhh.... thanks in advance.. ...

MT On-the-job Training
Oct 07, 2013

Are there any companies out there that offer on-the-job training for MT's? ...

New Training
Mar 25, 2014

To the coding trainees with MModal, when do your classes start and do you have the option of working and/or training in the morning or afternoon?  Thanks, just curious... ...

TTS Training
Aug 13, 2014

Can anyone tell me if TTS pays for training?  TIA! ...

Feb 02, 2015

Offer letter states $10 for installation and training but also states prior to release from QC 7 cents a line... Is $10 hour only for installation and enrich training? ...

Does TTS Pay For Training, Etc., Etc?
Mar 03, 2015

I can't believe the number of emails, forms to fill out, meetings, more tests to take & phone calls.  It's very time consuming and haven't even started yet.   ...

Training For Both CPC And CCS?
Mar 21, 2015

Please let me know if there are any schools that prepare grads to take the CCS exam (besides Andrews). I've been trying to research this, but having trouble finding another one that prepares students to take both CPC and CCS. There has to be more than just one that does this. Thanks for your help. ...