A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I know they have acquired many small to mid-size companies over the past couple of years. I know they have a lot of staff in India and second headquarters there. Aside from that I don't know much except my own personal experience with them over the past 9 months.
Their decisions don't seem to make any sense to me. I won't rehash all of those now because we all know what they are. On top of the bad decisions, what I can't figure out is what is their interest in buying TransTech? It is supposedly their "operations" hub now or something to that effect. I have heard this word mentioned several times and now our supervisors are called "operations managers" instead of account managers. I don't believe they wanted TT for their MTs. They have much cheaper labor they can use in India if they can convince all the TT accounts that is the way to go instead of having the work done by US MTs, thus saving them money (I also have a hard time believing ALL the TT accounts will go for this as having the work done in the US was a part of their original contracts). So the logical conclusion is they wanted TransTech for their accounts. Transtech has some very well established accounts with happy MTs and happy clients. I am a very long-timer at Transtech, and I have been on both my primary account and secondary account my entire time with them. These clients are happy because we do a good job in a timely fashion.
I have now come to the conclusion that Imedx wasn't even interested in TransTech to acquire their accounts as multiple accounts are now in really bad shape, out of TAT, higher backlog than they have EVER had because of the deicisions Imedx has made in forced PTO and probably losing a few employees and I would also guess low morale affecting production (I know my personal production is down because of this).
My question of the day: What is Imedx's interest in aquiring Transtech? I think there is something in this picture we are missing. I don't think they want us or the accounts. And what does "operations" exactly mean? Anyone know the answer?