A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I took a test with Inscribe - anon

Posted: Nov 25, 2010

I took a test with Inscribe (from Kentucky) and it was for a radiology position. I passed that test and now they want me to take a medical test for medical transcription. I do not get this company. I thought I was testing for just radiology. The test for just medical transcription looks horrendous. Can anyone give me any feedback?

Medical transcription test - Suzy

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With so very few jobs out there and many experienced MTs with 20-30 years of exp losing their jobs to newbies, you need to have more than just one type of specialty anymore. It may be between you and another person, and depending on that crossover who would get the job?

Many places are outsourcing and doubling up companies anymore to where you don't even know where you are working anymore.

Sending out resumes (hundreds of them), only to wait 4-6 weeks to get a response can be very rough as well, especially when you are very experienced and you know once someone picks you up, they will be very happy.

Keep in mind, there are over 300-500 people waiting to get that job too!

Take the test, do your best. There are plenty of resources on line to help you get through it.

Inscribe - Anonymous

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They want to test your general medical transcription abilities in case they need to use you on other accounts. It is also to your benefit to know this, you are less likely to run out of work that way.

Also - sm - Anonymous

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Is this company okay? They have coding and transcription schools on the side (Inscribe University - $1800 for the MT course) and then hire students to work for them. I'm an experienced MT so it would not be my choice; you might want to investigate them carefully before accepting employment.

MT test - anon

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InScribe's MT test isn't that hard, except for one file. They expect you to leave a lot of blanks on that one, so just get as much as you can and don't do any guessing on the rest.

Just a heads up also that they're a very disorganized company and seem to continue to have major issues with communication.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do!

I agree - cj

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with this. I had previously stated this in another post. I took the radiology test for them and did excellent on it. They said, we have no openings now but you can take the medical test. I declined. They kept me on their list for work and actually contacted me less than two weeks later for radiology. They asked if I was still interested in a job with them and I told them I was. The woman then told me that someone else (I cant remember what she "called" them; she was a recruiter) would call me to get me started up. She also said if I didnt hear from anyone to email her. I did not hear anything for two days and I emailed her and told her so. She said that was not good and she'd find out the problem. I never heard from any of them again after that. This was just within the last two weeks. I emailed her back to follow-up and nothing. I then emailed her again and said I have not heard from anyone and I would continue looking for work. That was that. I found them completely disorganized and the communication was poor. I am not sure I would consider employment with them again. Who needs the run around.

Good luck though to the original poster...I hope they are more organized for you.

I completely agree! - Anonymous

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I worked there for 3 months almost 2 years ago....sounds like it is no better than it was then. We would get screaming emails from the owner, all caps in red, when work got behind. They expected you to work whenever they called you (automated phone call), even one time at 12:30 a.m.!!! I left without even having another job!

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