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Just finished the Inscribe test... - GettingStarted

Posted: Jul 06, 2011


I just completed the Inscribe test.  It took me a solid 6 hours today, plus an extra hour or two the other night. 

I feel like I started out doing very well, but towards the end I was leaving a lot of blanks. I just hope I did well enough, and they will give me a chance. 

Anyone else test recently?  Thoughts?

That is not a test. - That is an 8-hour shift.

[ In Reply To ..]
Do they charge the client for the "tests" you transcribed?

How many records? - mtmt

[ In Reply To ..]
It's not an 8-hour shift if you're a new MT and having to spend time looking things up and going back and forth listening and relistening.

To the OP, I'm curious as to how many records it was because that's a lot of time to dedicate to a test. I hope you get an offer!!

Just finished the Inscribe test... - GettingStarted

[ In Reply To ..]
FWIW, I am a new grad.

It was eight records total. Some were pretty complicated with difficult ESL dictators. I did have to go back and listen over and over and OVER again. Phew! Glad I finally finished.

Hopefully I will come back with some good news soon!

Inscribe Test - Rach

[ In Reply To ..]
Yes, I have been working on the test the past 2 days, and I have a lot of blanks too! Apparently they put the most inaudible audio for the test! I hope you aced it let me know how it went when you hear from them.

Just finished the Inscribe test... - GettingStarted

[ In Reply To ..]
Glad to hear there's someone else trying to get through it right now. Good luck! I will post back when I hear, I'm wondering how long it'll take. Let us know if/when you hear anything :)

Inscribe - leonor

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u are not alone. I felt the same way. They rejected me. I am trying for medquist again. let us have a pity party together.

Working on it now!! - JGirl

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm grunging through it myself!!

BEWARE OF THE SCAM - television

[ In Reply To ..]
Paid by the page. Internet, computer, foot pedal. Please email us your resume and visit remotecontractorjobplacementservices.comand click on the job network page. 405 633 3025
television - Old Pro
[ In Reply To ..]
PT Barnum is alive and well. There is a sucker born every minute. I hope no one on here will fall for this scam.

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