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Inscribe Audio Test for Applying--Is This for REAL?? - Mariiam

Posted: Jun 23, 2013

Is that audio file transciption FOR REAL? Is that truly what you transcribe, or is there something that we can actually understand, as if English is spoken--for example, the last audio file.


Sorry I could not put the file here. But to get to it, you just go to inscribe's website, apply, and download the application to your desktop. You have to have a zip extractor, so I used winzip and it opened fine. Anyways, I listened on express scribe, and I was shocked that the words--the dication is incomprehensible. I would think that the MD's wanted us to get the correct verbiage, for pay!!


Someone please listen to the audio and let me know if that is how the dictating doctors really speak???  Cry


I am totally in disbelief that the dications are allowed to be so very incomprehensible!

For all experienced MT stars, please let me know if that is the type of audio you truly transcribe, or is this some sample that is not really indicative of a day on the job, please? I appreciate your feedback,


Yes, that is very - realistic

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dictation. In fact, it's actually better and easier to understand than a lot of the stuff I usually get. The audio is very good as well.

The problem might be that your program did not prepare you properly for the real world of transcription.

Not sure what you - mean by

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They seemed quite normal to me and not at all difficult to understand.

Even when dictations are bad (and these are nowhere near bad), who is going to tell the doctors and other practitioners they're not "allowed" to dictate like that? Any transcriptionist or MTSO who tried to tell the doctors that they were not dictating right would not have that client for very long.

And therein lies the problem. We MTs are just lowly - justpassingthrough

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peons who are helping the MDs make megabucks by cleaning up their dictations and making them "look" intelligent. If MTSOs would hold their feet (the dictators) to the fire and refuse to accept crappy dictations, maybe dictators would soon realize they put their pants on just like everybody else does. I wonder how they would feel if one of us came into their office and talked like they do, or ate our lunch while they examined us, et cetera. Okay, I'm through ranting now.

Amen - ICNewbie

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I have been reading these boards for a good 6 months now and this is the first thread that I have felt the need to respond to.

I work for a company with a huge account where I get to see a wide range of specialties which I absolutely love. Being a relatively new MT, this of course is great toward building experience. However, there are MDs(as stated above) who literally do not give a crap about what they are doing or where they are when they are dictating. It is especially ridiculous when a physician is dictating in a room full of other co-workers who are on break and you hear about 14 different conversations going on as you are trying to transcribe while the doctor continues chewing on his marble sandwich.

Sorry, I could not help that little rant.

While I do not have 1/2 of the experience most of the MTs have on this board, I will say this. I took the Inscribe test months ago and it was utterly ridiculous as previously stated. I graduated with a 3.95 from an ADHI accredited SUM program. Throughout my schooling I had my share of horrifying dictations and I gained experience from them and it definitely helped in developing my ear.

However, physicians should not be allowed to continually dictate horrible inaudible reports repeatedly without having something said to them. Just because they pay MTSOs or whoever for their account does not give them the right to treat dictations as if they are a "nuisance" to their day and just "jam" them in as they are multitasking, etc.

Last time I checked, we have one common goal with these physicians...QUALITY PATIENT CARE. Granted, we are all prone to mistakes as we are human but there quite a difference between honest mistakes and sheer negligence.

This is in no way to be considered an attack on physicians as a whole because the majority of them do care about the quality of their dictations.

Did I say little rant, sorry! Just had to get a few things off my mind. :)

boy, did you choose the wrong ilne of work. You won't last. - like that in this. peonYourself.NM

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have another breakdown, huh?

Not always true - sm

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I have three contracts and each company will not accept poor dictation from their doctors, be it sound quality, slurring, hurrying, eating - anything that makes it incomprehensible like that. They will refuse to have us type it and send it back for re-dictation, and some of these voice files are over 100 minutes long. There is one doctor that because of her um dictation style was told by my client to the company that we will not type her anymore. My contract is the only company for them, too. So that doctor is no longer on the payroll.

By the way, in terms of the speed, - you might want to check out...

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this free player too, as another option besides Express Scribe.  I find that this one sounds better when sped up or slowed down, though maybe that's really related to my system/setup.  


Awww...I feel for you. I felt this way too, BUT... - Just Me

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as you continue, it gets easier and easier. Maybe you could try clinic/specialty dictation. A lot of times these doctors are not so hurried and a lower percentage of ESL. I hope you aren't too discouraged. I remember feeling just like you are right now. Hang in there. :)

just want to weigh in - sandy

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I thought that the inscribe test was horrible compared to what I actually type for work. I have my fair share of ESL, speed talking and combination of both and very very rarely do I experience something as horrible as the inscribe test. I have never left more blanks on any report in my life. The people above must work on some pretty horrible accounts, because the stuff I get can be challenging, but nothing like that test.

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