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Does your company allow you to have fellow team...sm - Anonymously yours....

Posted: May 03, 2010

Fellow team members yahoo IDs?  Or is it frowned upon?  My company frowns on interacting with fellow employees.  It makes you feel so isolated though.  Is this a common practice with companies cause I've never really encountered it before?  This is my first time working for a big national though, so maybe that's why I haven't encountered this before.   

When I went to work for TRS, now Transcend... - CrankyBeach

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... we were all immediately put on MSN instant messenger, and given the IDs of our supervisors, leads, and the QA team, and strongly encouraged to use them.

Somewhere along the way we acquired IDs for some of our fellow team members, and hardly a day goes by somebody doesn't IM me and ask if I have a sample for Dr. so-and-so.

Can't say whether this is a common practice, because I've only worked for the one national, but common sense says it's hardly a "team" if you aren't supposed to talk to your fellow members.... And the last time I looked it was still a free country, and you can talk to anybody online that you feel like talking to, assuming you can find them, that is....!

And I don't think it was just a TRS thing that we carried over to Transcend when we were bought out, because when we've been in training calls complete with Gotomeeting, where we can see the trainer's screen, those people always have IM going too, and they weren't part of TRS.

For whatever that's worth.

Aren't you a Team Lead for Transcend, Cranky? - I thought I read that about you.

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No, ma'am, not a ROM, not a lead, just a minion. :) - CrankyBeach

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And furthermore, most emphatically NOT a suit! Just another down-in-the-trenches slogger... albeit with a reputation for having a ginormous sample file for my primary account.......

(If you've heard that about me, I have been falsely accused.......) :D
I sincerely apologize! - Humble Pie
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no message

sounds like Keystrokes - nm

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I think that is changing with Keystrokes. sm - KS MT

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I had a conversation with someone in the office last week, and she mentioned that they are looking to pull employees closer with better communication and looking at team emails, IM, etc as different ways to do this.

I am new at Keystrokes and have already corresponded with others....nm - Anonymous

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I wouldn't allow them to send my ID out. nm - hate to be bothered.

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