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Any info on Documed? - TIA

Posted: Apr 15, 2013


I was going to test for them..... - BUT.....

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It was an MP3 file, couldn't work with foot pedal and it was very, very garbled. Not an ESL, just sound problem. If that is any indication of what sound files would be when working for them, I wouldn't want the headache. I just cancelled it out and didn't bother with application.

I have worked with - them in the past

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and if this is the ortho doc that I am thinking of, he is very difficult to understand. They allow use of cell phones for their dictation, and most of the files end up looking like swiss cheese when you send them to QA. Communication with them was pretty much nonexistent. If you had a problem with something, it took weeks to get a response! Also, the ad may say M-F, but most of the time, I never got anything between M-F, and would get over 300 minutes to be done over the weekend, which nobody could do in two day's time. Very aggravating. They have reduced their line rate too. It used to be 0.08 cpl....now it is 7.5,and he is a very difficult doc! JMO.

Foot pedal problems? - EYJ

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I have received files in various formats from them but I convert them to .wav so that the audio program I prefer will play them. Never had foot pedal problems playing audio.

I could have posted that exact same sentiment - Yep

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Identical experience to yours. I'm always on the look for an IC gig for tax purposes, etc., and I went to the Documed site to apply. Had the exact same issue...horrible audio (as you said, not ESL just AUDIO issues in general), and I decided if that was an example of the files I'd have to transcribe, I could never deal with it. I also just exited out and went elsewhere.

I don't see how a company can assess our skills by giving us something unintelligible with which to test us.

Great company - EYJ

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I've worked for them for several years. Great company. Pay on time, nice staff.

Late pay, micromanaging staff. - EXDoc

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Very horrible place to work. Beware!

I worked on the Ortho account they are hiring for - sm

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I made 8 cpl and couldn't make it, so I'm not sure how they lowered pay. Doctors very difficult to understand. Files are poor sound quality, come in all file types and you must convert them and type them in Word, then send them. Very time consuming. Many short reports. You will not have work for three or four days, then all of it given to you on one day and you MUST finish it within 24 hours, no exceptions.

I agree, the sound quality is horrible at Documed - sm

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I didn't work on an Ortho account there in 2007, but the sound quality was horrible. Same with the work I got as well - none for days then they dump it on you. Rude, rude, rude office staff too

I was offered the position - see message

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for this ortho account as well as another account last fall, but because I didn't answer an email within a few hours she felt like I was not the right fit for the job. I agreed.

I sent my resume and test. She responded back the next day with the offer and because I was still at my current job, I didn't check my email until that evening after work. I replied back, accepting the position and she sent me an email that because it took me to long to answer her, I wasn't a good fit.

How did you make it through the audio files? - Headache

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How did you ever manage through the audio files without a massive headache when you were done, or perhaps the test files were different ones a few months ago?

Hats off to you for getting through those!

They were tough but I have done ortho for many, many years. - see message

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I've worked on much better accounts but sadly have worked on worse.

Must've been initials FN. She's a total jerk - ex DM

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It sure was FN. - no message

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I thought so. She is that nastiest you-know-what - Ex Documed
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I have ever encountered in my 12-1/2 years as an MT. Their loss. No wonder their company is an absolute joke.
It certainly was their loss. - They finally found somebody
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who could do that account and was willing to do it but her need for control outweighed common sense. It was only maybe 6 hours between the emails too. I considered it a bullet dodged. If that's how they are, I didn't want to deal with them as my employer.

Even worse when you work there! - Small company?

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If a person works there, they do need to make sure they are checking email CONSTANTLY, because that is definitely an issue there.

They wouldn't have work like maybe Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, then 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday they have a question about something and emailed me and they got all bent out of shape because I didn't read the email until the next morning. Nobody told me to be tied to email 24/7 and since there was no work, I would assume they wouldn't need me. Somehow, a file I did got converted or something during sending and they had a question and when I didn't answer, I got a very nasty email and told they had someone else re-type the report and I wouldn't be getting paid for the lines, since I would not respond.

I told her that I would have been available by phone and even by text, if she preferred, she could send me a quick text telling me to check my email, but she was still irate! They are not the nicest people to work for, that is for sure.

They treated me like crap - sm

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Micromanaging, rude, unfair QA. Especially FN.

By far the rudest people I've ever worked for. Left after a week.

Best Company I've Ever Worked For - Madonah

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I've been with them for three years and have never worked for a better company. I see a few people have mentioned the testing files are hard; just gut them out. They mean them to be difficult as it gives them a true idea of what we're made of and are NOT an indication of the quality of the work dictations that we MTs end up with; my dictations are perfectly crisp and clear and always have been. They're fair, extremely kind, and I can't imagine working anywhere else (and no, they don't know I'm saying this about them...nothing in it for me. I'm just being honest). Gut through the test and honestly, you won't regret it. With all the horror stories you hear about with employers, DocuMed is the exact opposite. Well-run family company who understands that life happens and treats their employees like extended family (in the good ways!). I can't imagine working for anyone else and will be with them until we're all replaced by robots :)

FN or management, is that you? - Load of bull

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Wasn't my experience at all. - Small company?

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My voice files were just as difficult, if not worse, due to poor audio quality. Giving an MT a poor audio sample is NOT an indication of their skills and can in no way give a company an "idea of what we are". If you want to see if you have the best, give an ESL dictating an operative report while eating a bag of chips. THAT is reality, but poor audio should be corrected by the MTSO, not thrown upon the MT and expect us to just figure it out.

Oh, and for me, people were NOT nice by any means. Very micromanaging, plain out rude in emails, etc.

Test files so bad, "just gut them out"?. - anon

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Why would a company do that if they were "the best". That does not make sense.

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