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America's Pride - vacation - anon
Posted: Apr 02, 2014
Wondering if anyone has been able to use vacation time yet? Been so long since I heard anything. Supposed to be a "benefit" from the Service Contract Act.
Vacation - apmt
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I haven't used mine yet, but the time you have available will show up on your check stub after your anniversary date and then you'll have until your next anniversary to use it.
thanks.. - anon
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Could have sworn they said that was just an estimate and would be "finalized" later on. A few things said in the overall process didn't exactly pan out and others still seemed up in the air.
vacation - apmt
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When my time first showed up on my stub, it was incorrect, only showed an hour or so of vacation time. I sent an e-mail about it and got it straightened out.
I was told we could use it at any time - before next anniversary date
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As long as we notify K of when we won't be working so she can make sure our accounts have sufficient coverage. Then just add it to your hours with "vacation" stipulation on the number of hours you want to be paid for that pay period.
Has anyone worked for America's Pride? They seem like they would be a great place to work. I was wondering whether it is difficult to make the minimum line count and how the doctors were to transcribe for as far as being difficult to understand, etc. ...
I'm surprised there is no thread about the America's Pride firings last Friday.
I've been with them for years, and for nearly two have been unable to get any decent work. Over a year ago I was put on a new account that they promptly lost. The other account I had transitioned to mostly VR with only a few jobs coming in. When I asked to be added to other accounts, I received no response. Recently I asked to be on the new DC account, then got a rather vague email saying that DC woul ...
I've worked at America's Pride since last spring so I never went through a holiday season with them before. Work started drying up around Thanksgiving, and over the last few weeks, has been almost nonexistent. I am currently making less than $10/day, sitting here for hours, watching as not a single job on my accounts come in. Lately, no jobs for ANY account come in.
Is this usual for this time of the year? Should I be worried about that recent email we got with ...
I have been working today for almost 3 hours and I have not understood a word I have typed. I used to take such pride in my work and truly loved what I did for a living. On my "new" account this morning I have typed report after report and guessed my way through the entire report or left a massive amount of blanks. Not to mention my line count is down from 340 to 120. I think it is time to go now. ...
Hi, recently sent the resume in and got an email back stating that I had been hired -- no testing -- yeah!! but just wondering how long it takes to get set up etc. "C" is apparently on vacation; however, this morning did get an e-mail from "P" asking the tech person to contact me. Not the greatest pay in the world; however, I can see or at least try to see "both sides of the coin," and if this is straight typing, not going to complain. ...
Been off for a week and I am having a heck of a time trying to convince myself to sit back in this chair and do it again. I keep trying the 'ol "at least it's a job speech," but I sure don't want to do this after being gone for a week. That is sad because I used to like what I do. Now it is worse than sitting in the dentist's chair having teeth pulled - at least that is temporary and you get to get up after an hour or two.
But I did miss you guys and am gla ...
How does everyone out there handle vacations? If you have your own accounts, not using independent contractors because the load of work is perfectly manageable ... until you want a week off?? Looking for a good way to take a vacation but still stay in business and keep accounts happy!! ...
I put in a request on Teamwork for my vacation about a month and a half ago. It still has not been approved. Are we supposed to email CCM with vacation request also? What is the point of all of these functions on Teamwork if you still have to email CCM for approval? Just an extra step thats a waste of time. Anyone know? ...
how do they handle you being sick, etc, when you are an IC? Do you get PTO? It has been so long since I was an IC I do not remember. I'm thinking you get nothing and are able to take off whenever you need to. ...
I've been in this business for 30 years, but am under employed at the moment and am starting to get bored to tears with having so little work to do. But, it seems that all of the ads that I see are looking for full time transcriptionists.
Surely there must be some companies or MTSOs somewhere who would need an MT to help with part time or per diem work, to help with vacation coverage or maybe for temporary work just to help clear up an occasional back log and such. But, d ...
I was wondering how it's done. I have two days a year when I'm not available to work because of a family reunion. Since most of the fun doesn't start until after 12 but we have to be there very early because of the committees we're on, I hate to waste that time doing nothing when I could be working.
My company does not allow satellite. Is this the only way it can be done? If not, what are the required items besides a laptop?
Thanks in advance ...
I know this is a dumb question but how do you know how many hours you still have available for vaca? Is it the number under "Balance" in Teamwork?
Thanks! ...
I am probably just jealous, but I find it hard to be happy for them taking these luxurious vacations when on my wages I am lucky to go to Price Chopper and WalMart. Tell us you were gone, had a nice time and don't rub it in. It is not making us feel more friendly and "family like", or at least to me it doesn't. ...
Let me get this right:
1. We are 8 business days from the beginning of crazy work.
2. We are out of TAT a lot now, client unhappy.
3. You want us to widdle down our saved time off to just 2 days; there are 30 biz days left to end of year.
4. You want roll-over time (only up to 16 hours) to be used by 03/31/2015.
5. Many of us are plannning vacations, thus coverage for pissed off acounts will be even less.
6. Many of us are very very concerned with any mergers/buy-out. NEVER, in my work his ...
Has anyone received an answer to their requests to take time off before 12/31? I have sent in numerous requests and have heard nothing at all. Just wondering if maybe my emails are not going through. ...
How do you handle this???
I have a few clients that don't tell me when they will not be in the office and then right before they go away everything becomes a STAT. How can I make them understand that without them being there I am losing time and money and that if I knew I could have made alternate plans.
Any advice would be great!
Cathy ...